२ बर्षको अन्तरमा एकैजनासँग ५० देशमा ५२ पल्ट बिबाह ![with photofeature] :: We've tied the knot 52 times! Globe-trotting couple has traditional marriage ceremony in each place they visit !!!

A British couple has been taking part in an extraordinary romantic adventure over the last two years, travelling the world and experiencing a traditional wedding in every country they visit.  
Alex Pelling and Lisa Gant, from Manchester, left their life in the UK in 2011 to start afresh in Australia, identifying the very best places in the world to get married along the way.
In the two years they have been on the road so far they have participated in more than three dozen wedding ceremonies in over 50 countries.

Their blog has had more than a million views, and their Facebook page has more than 37,000 followers, as they experience the wonderful variety of cultures and traditions around the world.  
The couple had been friends for eight years when they began dating in 2008.
मानिसहरु बिबाहलाई जीवनमा एकपटक हुने अबिस्मरणीय घटना मान्छन् । हाम्रोजस्तो पूर्वीय दर्शनमा त एक बिबाहले एउटामात्र जुनी हैन, सातै जुनीसम्म श्रीमान–श्रीमतीको बन्धन बाँधिदिन्छ भन्ने मान्यता पनि छ ।
तर, आजकल बिबाह एकपटक हैन, दर्जनौंपटक हुन थालेको छ, त्यो पनि भबितब्य वा दुर्घटनाबस हैन, रहरैरहरमा ।

बेलायतको एक जोडीले विश्वका ५० भन्दा बढी देशमा पुगेर त्यहाँको परम्परा अनुसार विवाह गरेका छन् । उनीहरु जहाँजहाँ पुग्छन, त्यहीँको स्थानीय भेषभुषा र परम्पराअनुसार आफ्नो बिबाह गर्छन् ।
यो अनौठो शौखका लागि म्यानचेष्टरका एलेक्स पेल्लिङ र लिसाले २०११ मा आफ्नो दैनिक जीवन एकातिर छाडेर बेलायतबाट यात्रा सुरु गरेका थिए । २ वर्षको अन्तरालमा उनीहरुले ५० देशको यात्रा पुरा गरिसकेका छन् ।
उनीहरु जहाँ जहाँ पुगे, स्थानीय परम्पराअनुसार बिहे गर्न भ्याए । ८ वर्षदेखि साथी रहेका उनीहरु २००८ मा प्रेममा परेका थिए । ४ वर्ष लिभिङ टुगेदरमा रहेका उनीहरुले २०११ मा विवाह गरे । एलेक्सले आफ्नो मोटर रिपेयर सेन्टर बेचेर बिबाह–यात्रा सुरु गरेका हुन् ।

दुई आत्मालाई मिलन गराउने बिश्वमा कस्ता कस्ता प्रचलन रहेछन भन्ने जान्न मन लागेपछि यो यात्रा सुरु गरेको उनीहरु बताउँछन् । अहिले उनीहरुले बिबाह गरेका भिडियो र तस्वीरहरु आफ्नो ब्लग र सोसल मिडियामा राखिरहेका छन जहाँ लाखौंले उनीहरुको बिबाह हेरेका छन् ।
पनामामा बिबाह गर्दा उनीहरु त्यहाँको स्थानीय परम्पराअनुसार शरिरको माथिल्लो भागमा कुनै पनि लुगा नलगाई बिबाह गरे । जसका लागि स्थानीय कलाकारहरुले ट्याटु बनाएर नग्नता छोप्ने कोसिस गरेका थिए ।
उनीहरुको यो शौख पुरा गर्न बिभिन्न देशका स्थानीय बिबाहका बिज्ञहरुले सहयोग गरिरहेका छन् ।

A British couple has been taking part in an extraordinary romantic adventure over the last two years, travelling the world and experiencing a traditional wedding in every country they visit.
Alex Pelling and Lisa Gant, from Manchester, left their life in the UK in 2011 to start afresh in Australia, identifying the very best places in the world to get married along the way.
In the two years they have been on the road so far they have participated in more than three dozen wedding ceremonies in over 50 countries.

Their blog has had more than a million views, and their Facebook page has more than 37,000 followers, as they experience the wonderful variety of cultures and traditions around the world.
The couple had been friends for eight years when they began dating in 2008.

In 2011, after four years living together, Alex and Lisa made the brave decision to uproot their lives and follow their dream to relocate in Australia.
The couple rented out their house and sold Alex’s motor repair business as well as their possessions to get funding for their trip.

While dismantling their lives in the UK, the couple decided to travel the world on their way to Australia and look for a place to get married.
The idea slowly transformed into finding the best place in the world to wed, by trying each one out, embracing the local marriage cultures and traditions as much as possible in every location.
Their aim was to find the most exceptional and unique wedding locations possible, blogging about their experiences so others could better chose where to tie the knot themselves.
Introducing themselves on their blog the couple say: 'We are Lisa and Alex, a couple in love, who, on failing to find the answer to the all important question; ‘Where can we get married’, decided to have a wedding ceremony in every country we visit in search of the perfect place to tie the knot!
‘On an adventure of a lifetime, we are going to drive (and ship) around the globe in our 27-year-old camper van Peggy exchanging vows in the most unusual and unique wedding locations we can find.

‘Not wanting to drag a ‘White wedding’ around the World, we decided to try our hardest to embrace the culture and local traditions of each place we visit.
‘We want to experience the difference in every ceremony and find out what it is that makes the bringing of two people together, such a worldwide tradition, and of course let YOU know!’
Now on wedding 54, the couple have documented their nuptials, which have ranged from an ancient Pagan ritual in Lithuania to a ceremony aboard a multi-million dollar yacht and a drive-through wedding in Vegas.
The pair even had a topless Embera tribe wedding in Embera, Panama where they were painted with traditional tribal tattoo designs and beads.
Their experiences have been supported by local experts including shamans, Zulu chiefs, pastors, vicars, rabbis and even a Voodoo priestess, not to mention an army of wedding photographers and dedicated wedding professionals who have donated their time and skills to Alex and Lisa’s quest.

Each wedding, along with its preparation is captured by a photographer, who also shares their experience on the couple's website.
Their traditional English ceremony took place in Manchester and was attended by 40 of their closest friends.
Lisa chose a stunning cream Charlotte Balbier gown, which she worn at 14 of her subsequent weddings (including one underwater!), and carried a bouquet of peonies, sweet Williams, lavender, mint and vintage English rosebuds for her dream ceremony.
‘I felt like a very spoilt princess!’ Lisa says on her blog.
‘About 30-40 of our family and friends sat there to see our first wedding!
Currently in Turkey the couple plan to wed in Iraq, Iran and Pakistan next.
