"She suddenly found herself stuck inside the machine, because the door only opened until it touched the attached dryer overhead, 'New York Daily News' reported. The frantic girl was still wedged inside the washing machine when her mother dialled 911."
अमेरिकाको युटाहा राज्यमा एक किशोरी भाई–बहिनीसँग लुकामारी खेलिरहेकी थिइन् । भाई बहिनीले नदेख्न ठाउँ खोज्दै जाँदा उनी हतारमा वासिङ मेशीनमा पसिन् । तर, निस्किन सकिनन् ।
लुकामारी खेल जित्ने अभिलासाले वासिङ मेसिनभित्र छिरेकी उनी परिवारका सदस्यको लाख कोसिसका बाबजुद पनि बाहिर निस्कन सकिनन् । अन्त्यमा उनलाई इमर्जेन्सी सेवाका प्रहरी र अग्नि नियन्त्रक बोलाएर बाहिर उद्दार गर्नुपरेको छ ।
घटनामा पीडित युवतीको नाम भने सार्वजनिक गरिएको छैन । डेलीमेलका अनुसार युवती वाशिङ मेसिनको ड्रायरमा फसेकी हुन् । छोरी वाशिङ मेशीनमा फरेपछि उनकी आमाले निकाल्ने अनेक प्रयास गरिन् तर, सकिनन् । अन्तिममा ९११ नम्बरमा कल गरिन् । अग्नि नियन्त्रण विभागका कर्मचारीहरु आएर युवतीको उद्दार गरेका छन् ।
स्थानीय टीभी च्यानलसँग उनकी आमाले भनेकी छिन– ‘छोरीले बास्तवमै खेल जित्न चाहान्थिन ।’
New York: A hide-and-seek game turned into a terrifying ordeal for an 11-year-old US girl who had to be rescued after she was trapped in a washing machine for 90 minutes while hiding from her cousins.
The girl was playing hide and seek with her sister and cousins in her home in Salt Lake City, Utah, when she decided the washer was a great hiding spot.
The unnamed girl got stuck in the machine and despite her family's best efforts, she had to be freed by emergency services.
She suddenly found herself stuck inside the machine, because the door only opened until it touched the attached dryer overhead, 'New York Daily News' reported. The frantic girl was still wedged inside the washing machine when her mother dialled 911.
Firefighters managed to pull the girl free - after about 90 minutes inside the machine.