हलिउडमा चम्किँदै नेपाली चेली अमृता आचार्य, वर्षकै सबैभन्दा आकर्षक युवती मध्ये एक (फोटोफिचर सहित):: Amrita Acharia Getting Success in Hollywood !!
"In Game of Thrones Acharia was playing the role of Irri. She was confirmed in the role on 28 July 2010. She initially appeared as a guest star in the first season and returned in this role for the second season." -Wikipedia

Amrita Acharia is a young Norwegian actress resident in the UK. She is half-Ukranian and half-Nepalese. She grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal, before moving to London, England, and ultimately to northern Norway with her family when she was thirteen years old.
She has a small number of stage and screen roles to her name, most notably an appearance in the play Elevator, a role in the short film In the Company of Wolves and a brief role in the British drama series Casualty.
In Game of Thrones Acharia was playing the role of Irri. She was confirmed in the role on 28 July 2010. She initially appeared as a guest star in the first season and returned in this role for the second season.
Acharia's character Irri was killed off in the middle of Season 2, even though the character Irri is alive as of the end of the fifth novel. Acharia apparently had to leave production on the TV series because she wasn't able to obtain Norwegian citizenship (even though most of her family has it), and thus wasn't about to extend her EU work visa. Amrita recently did an AMA thread on reddit in which she stated that this was not the reason her character was killed off, instead saying that the writers know what they are doing and that she does still in fact have an EU work visa.