Heard this? Aamir Khan, the perfectionist superstar of Bollywood who plays the part of an alien in upcoming ambitious project Peekay from renowned director Rajkumar Hirani, has shot for a naked sequence, yes, you read it right, totally naked without a piece of clothing on his body.
Sources close to production house reveal that the sequence has Aamir Khan, landing from another planet without any clothing, on the earth and this had to be totally bare to make it more realistic. Aamir Khan shot the sequence for Rajkumar Hirani’s flick with a selected group of crew members and it was all done very secretly to keep it under wraps.
It is only after this landing of Aamir Khan from another planet that he is seen wearing ladies garment in the film, a pointer to the fact that as he comes from another planet cannot differentiate between ladies and gent’s garments on the earth.
Aamir Khan, being perfectionist star of the industry, could easily have opted for a body double to go for this full Monty shoot. Even director Rajkumar Hirani was not sure if Aamir Khan would be agreeable to the proposal, and hence, was hesitating in telling him about it.
However, when Aamir Khan came to know about this that it was a necessary part of the script, he volunteered to enact the sequence himself instead of asking for a body double for the same. Though, in Hollywood flicks baring all may not be a very big thing for the heroes but it is definitely so in our industry and especially so if the star is of Aamir Khan’s stature.

राजकुमार हिरानीको चलचित्र पिकेको एक सिनमा अमिर खानले नग्न सिन दिनुपर्ने थियो । यस सिनको बारेमा जब हिरानीले अमिरलाई बताए तब, अमिरले उक्त सिन आफैले गर्ने बताएका थिए । यता अमिरको उक्त कुरा सुनेर निकै हैरान भएका थिए । यतिठुलो स्टारले यति सहजै नग्न सिन दिन तयार भएपछि उनले सुटिङ गर्ने ठाऊँ मिलाउन थप समय खर्चिनुपर्यो । उनले उक्त सुटिङमा सकेसम्म कम मानिसलाई राखे र सुटिङका समयमा कसैलाई पनि मोबाइल ल्याउन दिएनन् ।
मोबाइल ल्याउन दिए उक्त सुटीङको फोटो लिक हुन सक्ने भन्दै हिरानीले कसैलाई पनि सुटिङ स्थलमा मोबाइल ल्याउन दिएका थिएनन् ।
यता अमिर भने उक्त सिन गर्न पाएपछी निकै खुसी देखीएका थिए । उनले आफूले उक्त सिन सुट गरेपछी एक कलाकार हुनुको नाताले आफू पूर्ण सन्तुष्ट भएको प्रतिक्रिया दिएका थिए । उक्त चलचित्रमा उनको एक एलियनको भूमिका रहेको छ।
एलियन अर्को ग्रहबाट पृथ्वीमा आएको र यहाँको जनजीवनबारे चुपचाप अध्ययन गर्ने र सिक्ने कार्य गरेको देखाइएको बताइएको छ। तर, अमिरले महिला र पुरूषको लुगा छुट्टाउन नसक्दा भने उनी समातिएको दृश्य उक्त चलचित्रमा रहेको बताइएको छ ।