छिट्टै बाटोमा एण्ड्रोइड कारहरु हुइकिने :: Google ropes in leading automakers to provide Android on cars

"This tie-up is called Open Automotive Alliance which is aiming to provide car makers an opportunity to update itself with the mobile phone industry by integrating both."

आजकाल स्मार्ट फोनमा एण्ड्रोइड अधिक प्रचिलित OS हो । तर अब छिट्टै बाटोमा एण्ड्रोइड कार हुइकेको हेर्न पाइने भएको छ । इन्टरनेटको बेताज बादसाह गुगलले अब कारमा पनि यो सिस्टम ल्याउने घोषणा गरेको छ । यसकोलागी उसले NVIDIA लाई चिप बनाउन तथा कार निर्माताहरुलाई प्रयोग गर्न मनाउन सफल भएको खबर प्राप्त भएको छ । जसलाई उसले "Open Automotive Alliance" को नाम दिएको छ ।

Android smartphones are a rage. Now, there will be Android cars in the market. Yes, the search engine giant, who owns mobile OS Android, has announced at the on-going international Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2014) in Las Vegas that it will bring the Android to the cars soon.

For this, Google has roped in chip-maker NVIDIA and automakers like Audi, GM, Honda and Hyundai.

This tie-up is called Open Automotive Alliance which is aiming to provide car makers an opportunity to update itself with the mobile phone industry by integrating both.

The extension of Android platform into the automobile industry will open the door for integrating mobile technology into cars in a easier way.