२३ औ जन्म दिनमा २३ जना युवकसंग सेक्स :: P*RN STAR HEIDI VAN HORNY IS HAVING S*X WITH 23 MEN TO CELEBRATE HER 23RD BIRTHDAY
It’s still a pretty big deal. Did you really only start working in p*rn a few months ago?
It was a coincidence that I got started in p*rn. A p*rn company was holding p*rn auditions, so I went—it all clicked for me. I started two months ago on December 5, and my first scene was a lesbian scene with Alyson Queen. It wasn’t my first girl-on-girl experience, but I enjoyed it, since Alyson and I both have a fun sense of humor.

क्यानडाको टोरन्टोबाट प्रकाशित पत्रिका ‘टोरन्टो सन ’ का अनुसार पोर्नस्टार हेदी बेन हर्नीले आफ्नो जन्मदिनलाई अरुको भन्दा फरक देखाउनका लागि नै २३ जना अपरिचत पुरुषहरुसंग सेक्स गर्ने घोषण गरेकी हुन् । यी युवतीसँग सेक्स सम्बन्ध बनाउन संसारभरीका झण्डै ५ सय व्यक्तिले आवेदन दिएका छन भने ती मध्ये २३ जनालाई उनले छनौट गरीसकेकी छन् ।
अर्को कुरा उनले २३ जनासंग यौनक्रिडा गरेको दृश्यलाई एक्सएक्सएक्स एडी ४ प्रोडक्सनले सुटिङ गर्नेछ । यसको अनलाईन लाइभ स्ट्रिमिङ पनि गरिने बताइएको छ । उनीसंग सेक्स सम्बन्ध बनाउने युवकले आफुहरुलाई कसैले पनि नचिनोस् भन्नका लागि माक्सको समेत प्रयोग गर्न सकिने पनि समाचारमा जनाइएको छ ।
सेक्समा संलग्न हुन चाहेका २३ जना पुरुषहरुको स्वास्थ्य परिक्षण पश्चात मात्र आफुले यौनक्रियाकलाप गर्ने पनि टोरन्टो सनसित हेदीले बताएकी छन् । यदि कसैमा यौन रोग पाइएमा उनीहरुको ठाउँमा अरुलाई मौका दिने समेत उनले बताएकी छन् । सबै युवकलाई उनीहरुले चाहे अनुसारको यौनक्रिडा गर्न समेत छुट दिईनेछ । १० वटा पोर्न फिल्ममा समेत काम गरिसकेकी हेदीले सामुहिक सम्भोगको घोषणाले पोर्न उद्योगमा समेत सनसनी मच्चिएको छ ।
Most people celebrate their birthdays with close friends and cake, but French Canadian p*rn star and college student Heidi Van Horny isn’t like most people—instead of having a party for her 23rd birthday on February 20, she will live stream herself having s*x with 23 men.
P*rn company AD4 Distribution will host the live stream, but Heidi will handpick her 23 s*x partners at casting calls. Unlike most p*rn videos and cam-girl sessions, the live stream will be free and will only feature p*rn industry rookies screwing Heidi. (Money will be made after the live stream ends, when AD4 Distribution uses the live stream footage to create a commercial p*rn film.)
This week, I spoke with Heidi to talk about the live stream's unconventional business strategy, her decision to celebrate her birthday with 23 d*cks instead of 23 candles, and why she considers the live stream a “big princess party.”
VICE: How did you decide to sleep with 23 men on your 23rd birthday?
Heidi Van Horny: It was just something crazy I thought about. It's a typical thing for the girls in American p*rn to have men as their candles on their birthday. It was a joke based off of that.
It’s still a pretty big deal. Did you really only start working in p*rn a few months ago?
It was a coincidence that I got started in p*rn. A p*rn company was holding p*rn auditions, so I went—it all clicked for me. I started two months ago on December 5, and my first scene was a lesbian scene with Alyson Queen. It wasn’t my first girl-on-girl experience, but I enjoyed it, since Alyson and I both have a fun sense of humor.
How will the live stream differ from your previous work in p*rn?
It’s not like a gang bang or a fuck fest—excuse my French—like people are expecting it to be. There is going to be a lot of narration by two stand-up comedians. It will be hosted, and it will be full of surprises and jokes. It’s my big princess party.
Are you going to have a cake at the party?
Yes. We have a cake planned. It might not be a cake the men are expecting. Don’t expect typical candles on this cake.
Is every guy having vaginal s*x with you, or are you only blowing some guys?
It will not be all penetration. Time is money, so we need to be able to pay the cameraman, the editor, [and other production members], so due to that, it can’t be a 24-hour thing. Each man will be with me for five minutes.
What happens if they aren’t able to come within five minutes?
The point is not to make the men come; it’s to have a fun princess fantasy of mine come true.
Have you already finished the audition process?
We have to go about choosing them now. We had 1,000 applicants, and it doesn’t matter to me if they have muscles or huge d*cks—I just am able to look at someone and know if there is an attraction there, so I’m going to be selecting all the men.
Will the men in the video be tested for STDs?
Yes. People teased me, saying, “23 men? You’re going to get a disease for your birthday.” But I’m having all the participants get tested and wear protection.
How does the STD screening process work in the Canadian p*rn industry?
In Quebec it is not the same as in the states. In the USA all p*rn stars are tested because the p*rn companies require it; in Quebec the companies are not allowed to ask for medical records and don’t regulate how often p*rn stars are tested. We get around that by asking individually to see our scene partner’s test results—I’m tested every three weeks.
Do you have any favorite male p*rn stars?
From Quebec I would definitely say Jessie Storm. I don’t care about male p*rn stars too much because they’re almost objects. I don’t mean that in a mean way—they’re there to compliment the women. It’s not that I don’t care about them as humans. In p*rn the goal is to make the woman look s*xy, so men are there for my fantasy.
You're all about putting girls first.
I consider myself a feminist, because all the men are at my feet. They all want to buy me gifts just to be in my movie, and in a way, that is powerful to me. I feel like I run the world because men are clamoring for me, not the other way around. Feminists say p*rn isn’t a good thing, but I feel like a queen when I’m on camera.