"Today, we’ll have a political discussion on the Rural Development Bill. Those on my left will speak in favour of the motion and those on my right will speak against it and I want proper parliamentary behaviour. So let's start," says the lecturer to a classroom full of students in a new television commercial for The Hindu.
भारतको लोक सभामा तेलाङ्गना राज्यको विषयलाई लिएर सांसदहरुबीच कुटाकुट भएको चर्चा सेलाउन नपाउँदै उत्तर प्रदेश र जम्मु कश्मिरको विधानसभामा पनि विधायकहरुले हंगामा गरेका छन् ।
युपीको विधानसभामा बुधबार केही विधायकहरुले शर्ट खोलेर अंग प्रदर्शन गरे भने जम्मु कश्मिरमा एक विधायकले स्टाफलाई थप्पड हानेका छन् ।
युपीमा नयाँ वर्षमा पहिलो विधानसभा बैठकका क्रममा राज्यपाल बीएल जोशीले विधानसभाको मर्यादाका विषयमा भाषण गरिरहेको समयमा सलमान खानको नाम पनि लिए ।
उनको भाषण मन नपरेर क्रुद्ध विधायक बीरपाल राठी र सुदेश शर्माले आफ्नो शर्ट खोलेर हंगामा गरिदिए । उनले मोदी नगरका कपडा मिलका मजदुरलाई दिइनु पर्ने रकम भुक्तानी दिन माग गरिएको ब्यानर पनि बोकेका थिए ।
भाजपाले सदनको पहिलो सत्र बहिस्कार गरेको थियो । उनीहरुको उक्त कृत्यपछि सदनमा सोही विषयमा १५ मिनेट सम्म विभिन्न कोणबाट चर्चा भएको थियो ।
उता बुधबार नै जम्मु कश्मिरका एक वधायकले विधानसभाका एक कर्मचारीलाई थप्पड हानेको भारतीय सञ्चार माध्यमहरुले जनाएका छन् ।

Those uninvolved in the fracas are busy recording the event on their camera phones. The din is muted, giving way to music. "Behave yourself, India. The youth are watching," says a slate. Take a look at the commercial here. Today, Lok Sabha TV decided not to broadcast the proceedings in the house as the Telengana Bill was being discussed, a decision based, doubtless, on the goings-on in the parliament when MPs fought and even used pepper spray on each other.
If MPs ever saw The Hindu commercial, they have decided, it seems, and sadly so, to follow the advice that the commercial doles out. If the youth are not to ape our members of parliament, the powers that be seem to have decided not to improve their own behaviour – but to prevent the youth, and the rest of the world, from witnessing how badly they behave. Today is a sad day in India’s history. And live telecast or not, it’s not just the youth – but the whole world which will be watching.