With Video :: भट्टीमा अचानक भूत आएपछि हंगामा :: Ghost caught on CCTV camera in Britain's oldest, most haunted pub !!
A ghost has apparently been recorded on CCTV in Britain's fourth oldest pub. That would also technically result in the pub - Ye Olde Man and Scythe pub - being labelled as its most haunted pub ever.
In the CCTV footage recorded on Valentine's Day, a figure can be seen flickering in and out of view around 6.18am - that's the exact time the CCTV camera stopped working.

यस्तै घटना भएको छ बेलायतको एक भट्टीमा । बेलायतका सबैभन्दा पुराना भट्टीको सूचीमा ४ नम्बरमा रहेको 'ये ओल्डे मेन एण्ड स्किथ पव' मा राखिएको सिसीटिभी क्यामेरामा भुत कैद भएपछि हंगामा भएको हो ।
यो भट्टीलाई भुताहा भट्टी पनि भन्ने गरिएको छ ।
भ्यालेन्टाइन्स डेको रातमा भट्टीमा भुत देखा परेको हो । विहान करिव ६:१८ बजे भट्टी सिसीटिभीमा एक आकृति देखिएको छ भने केही समयमा हराएको छ ।
त्यस लगत्तै सबै सिसीटीभी क्यामेरा काम गर्न छाडेका थिए ।
भट्टीका ब्यवस्थापक टोनी डुलेले भट्टी भित्र गिलास फुटेको भेटेपछि सीसीटीभी भिडियो जाँच गरेको र हेर्दा अनौठो आकृति देखिएको बताए ।
केही बेरमा सिसीटीभी रेकर्ड नै बन्द भएको भन्दै उनले आश्चर्य प्रकट गरेका छन् ।
हेर्नुस् भिडियोः
This might finally be an answer to that question.
A ghost has apparently been recorded on CCTV in Britain's fourth oldest pub. That would also technically result in the pub - Ye Olde Man and Scythe pub - being labelled as its most haunted pub ever.
In the CCTV footage recorded on Valentine's Day, a figure can be seen flickering in and out of view around 6.18am - that's the exact time the CCTV camera stopped working.
The footage was examined after the pub's manager Tony Dooley found broken glass on the floor and when he went to check the CCTV footage to ascertain the identity of the culprit behind the broken glass, he discovered that the CCTV camera had stopped functioning at that precise moment.
"to be honest, I was a bit concerned - I am a bit of a skeptic when it comes to ghosts, but you become more of a believer when you see things like that," he told a local newspaper.
Upon checking the footage he discovered the presence of a spectre-like figure in the pub flitting about the pub.
The pub which was set up as long back as 1251 is said to be haunted by nearly 25 ghosts including that of James Stanley, the 7th earl of Derby who was beheaded near the pub during the civil war in 1651; a woman who committed suicide in the pub’s cellar; an eight-year-old girl; and even a phantom dog.
Skeptics, however, say that the images seen in the CCTV footage are more likely the result of an electrical glitch.
See the video and tell us: do you see a ghost?