ओछ्यानमै पुगेर कुकुरले समात्यो अभियुक्तलाई :: Man Arrested from Bedroom as Nepal Police's Trained Dog finds :: Matatirtha murder mystery solved
“A preliminary probe has brought the couple’s strained relationship to light. The deceased used to abuse his wife by accusing her of having an affair,” said DSP Uma Prasad Chaturvedi. During interrogation, Purnalaxmi said her husband used to subject her to mental and physical torture on the charge of having an affair with Bishal. After a spat with her husband on Sunday evening, Purnalaxmi left home at 8:00 pm. When she did not return, Sanukaji went to look for her and found her with Bishal at the Dhaksing Jungle, 200 metres away from their house.
२४ पुस, काठमाडौं । ‘कुनै दम्पतीका चार सन्तानमध्ये एकजनाले भान्सामा राखेको स्याउ चोरेर खाएमा उसले नभनेसम्म त्यो कुरा पत्ता लगाउन सकिँदैन भने महानगरको एक निर्जन स्थानमा रातको समयमा संगठित र सुनियोजित तरिकाले गरिएको अपराध पत्ता लगाउन कति सहज होला ?’ महानगरीय प्रहरी अपराध महाशाखाको वेबसाइटमा यस्तो लेखिएको छ । तर नेपाल प्रहरीकै रोनी नामको कुकुरले अभियुक्तलाई ओछ्यानमै पुगेर समातिदिएको छ ।
काठमाडौं मातातीर्थका ६० वर्षका सानुकाजी तामाङको हत्यामा संलग्न सोही ठाउँका विशाल तामाङलाई प्रहरीको कुकुर तालिम केन्द्रको रोनीले सोमबार बिहान सुतिरहेकै ठाउँमा पुगेर पक्राउ गर्न सहयोग गरेकेा हो । सानुकाजीको आइतबार राति मातातीर्थकै ढाक्सिङ जंगलमा हत्या भएको थियो ।
प्रहरीका अनुसार सानुकाजीकी ४८ वर्षकी पत्नी पूर्णलक्ष्मी र २२ वर्षका विशालबीच अनैतिक सम्बन्ध थियो । सोही सम्बन्ध लुकाउन विशाल र पूर्णलक्ष्मीले मिलेर सानुकाजीको हत्या गरेको अन्नपूर्ण पोस्टमा खबर छ ।
KATHMANDU: Police have arrested Purnalaxmi Tamang (48) and her accomplice Bishal Tamang (22) on the charge of killing her husband Sanukaji Tamang (60) in Matatirtha, Kathmandu, two days ago.
The Metropolitan Police Crime Division today paraded Purnalaxmi and her accomplice Bishal of Matatirtha-9 at a press meet in the Capital, a day after police recovered Sanukaji’s body from a place close to his house. Sanukaji had married Purnalaxmi after parting ways with his first wife.
“A preliminary probe has brought the couple’s strained relationship to light. The deceased used to abuse his wife by accusing her of having an affair,” said DSP Uma Prasad Chaturvedi. During interrogation, Purnalaxmi said her husband used to subject her to mental and physical torture on the charge of having an affair with Bishal. After a spat with her husband on Sunday evening, Purnalaxmi left home at 8:00 pm. When she did not return, Sanukaji went to look for her and found her with Bishal at the Dhaksing Jungle, 200 metres away from their house.
Sanukaji became furious when he saw the two together. In course of a heated discussion, Bishal punched his face and head, and slit his throat with a sickle.
After killing and dumping Sanukaji, Bishal fled the scene, while Purnalaxmi called police to ‘inform’ that robbers had broken into their house and killed her husband. “They created a false story to manipulate investigation,” Chaturvedi said. Later, a sniffer dog from the Maharajgunj-based Central Police Dog Training School found the sickle buried with Sanukaji’s body and tracked the suspect to his house at around 5:00 am. Bishal has confessed to his crime, but denied having an affair with Purnalaxmi. “Our investigation has revealed that the woman had plotted her husband’s murder because she was fed up of his charges,” said Chaturvedi.
A look into the case
• An investigation has revealed that Purnalaxmi Tamang (48) and her accomplice Bishal Tamang (22) murdered Sanukaji Tamang (60) of Matatirtha two days ago
• Purnalaxmi has confessed that she plotted the murder as she was fed up of her abusive hubby, who used to accuse her of having an affair with Bishal
• Bishal has denied having an affair with the woman. Police say they do not know about the nature of
relation that the two had