मुसालाई तह लगाउन टेण्डर :: Chhattisgarh hospital searches for the Pied Piper to rid hospital of rodents
The hospital has recently invited tenders for pest control, as rats and cockroaches are causing immense damage to the equipment there. While officials are not ready to comment insiders say that several expensive equipment including the probes of endoscopes have been damaged.
A doctor, on condition on anonymity said, "I have myself seen cockroaches in the ICU and OTs". He said that several complaints had been made in the past and authorities have now woken up to the problem.
१२ माघ, काठमाडौ । नक्सालवादी आतंकले गाजेको भारतको छत्तिसगढको सबैभन्दा ठुलो खैराती अस्पतालमा मुसाले निकै सताएपछि ती मुसालाई तह लगाउनका लागि टेण्डर नै आव्हान गरिएको छ । अस्पतालको मुसा नियन्त्रण गर्नका लागि अस्पताल प्रशासनले टेण्डर नै जारी गरेको छ । अस्पतालमा मुसाले औषधीको डब्बाहरू कोतरेर खराब गर्ने, अन्य सामान समेत बिगारिदिने गरेपछि ती मुसाको नियन्त्रणका लागि टेण्डर नै आव्हान गर्नुपर्ने अवस्था आएको हो ।
अस्पतालले जारी गरेको उक्त टेण्डरमा अहिलेसम्म १७ वटा टेण्डर परिसकेको छ भने टेण्डर भर्नका लागि जनवरी ३१ तारिखसम्मको समय तोकिएको छ । मुसा नष्ट गर्नका लागि टेण्डर नै आव्हान गरिएको विषय अहिले धेरै ठाऊँमा चर्चाको विषय बनेको छ । मुसाका कारण भान्सा, मेशिन, इनडोर, औषधी स्टोरसहित शवगृह समेत नछाडेको अस्पताल स्रोतले बताएको छ । उक्त अस्पतालमा रहेको भान्साको चामल, दाल, तथा अन्य सामग्री खाएर दुषित बनाएको छ भने कयौ मेसिनको तार काटिदिनाले अस्पतालले ठुलो नोक्सान बेहोर्नुपरेको छ ।
सिसिटिभी क्यामरा तथा टेलिफोनको तार काटिदिँदा अस्पताल प्रशासन निकै हैरान भएको छ । अस्पतालको आन्तरिक सञ्चार व्यवस्था समेत मुसाका कारण अस्तव्यस्त भएको बताएका छन् । कर्मचारीहरूका अनुसार औषधी स्टोरमा औषधीका बोतलहरू दराजबाट खसालिदिएर फुटाइदिने गरेको, अन्य औषधीहरू कोतरेर काम नलाग्ने अवस्थामा पुर्याइदिने गरेको छ । यस्तै, मुसाले अस्पतालका अन्य कागजात समेत खाइदिएर सबै बिगारिदिने गरेको छ । कर्मचारीहरूका अनुसार शव गृहमा रहेको शवहरू समेत मुसाले टोकेर घाऊ बनाइदिने गरेको छ। यसरी सबैतिर हैरान बनाएपछि मुसाको अन्त्य गर्नका लागि टेन्डर नै आव्हान गरिएको अस्पताल स्रोतले जनाएको छ ।
RAIPUR: Chhattisgarh's premier health institute, Dr BR Ambedkar Hospital, is nowadays busy doing a 'research' of different kind. It's desperately searching for the Pied Piper of Hamelin to rid the hospital of the rodents that spreading havoc in the hospital.
The hospital has recently invited tenders for pest control, as rats and cockroaches are causing immense damage to the equipment there. While officials are not ready to comment insiders say that several expensive equipment including the probes of endoscopes have been damaged.
A doctor, on condition on anonymity said, "I have myself seen cockroaches in the ICU and OTs". He said that several complaints had been made in the past and authorities have now woken up to the problem.
Another staffer at the hospital revealed that there have been instances that, rodents have bitten off wires of CCTV cameras, x-ray units and other lighting equipment. "Even the laundry has holes in it", revealed the staffer. He said even the pantry, which feeds patients, could not be termed as rodent and cockroach free.
A senior official admitted that the problem was "grave" and even the mortuary wasn't safe from the rodents' attacks. "Though luckily we haven't had any Jaipur like incident of rats nibbling on parts of dead bodies, the same can not be ruled out here too", he said adding that things were never so bad.
When contacted Dr Vivek Choudhary, Medical Superintendent, admitted that the problem was acute but refused to comment further. He confirmed that this was the first time since the inception of the hospital in 1995 that such a pest control was being undertaken.
He said the last day for receiving tenders in Jan 27 and so far they had received seven bids. "We will give to the contract to the lowest bidder with the best remedy for the problem", he said.
So till the hospital finds it's Pied Piper, don't be surprised if you find a rat zipping around in the ICU or under your patients bed or a cock roach climbing the walls while you wait for your turn to the see the doctor in the OPD.