11 mind-bending optical illusions you probably shouldn't look at if you're hungover[4 to 7]

Optical illusions are confusing at the best of times, but if you're still feeling a bit ropey after a big night these tricks might make you lose your mind...or your lunch

If you're feeling a bit fragile after a heavy night on the tiles, these optical illusions will make you question your very sanity. Don't say we didn't warn you.

7. The lines of extreme confusion
One of the all time classic optical illusions. Rest assured the lines are all parallel - and the maker of the video even moves them around to prove it.

6. Shine on you crazy diamonds
That diamond looks like it matches the darker shade of grey - but are you sure? The makers of this video assure us there were no camera tricks involved.

5. Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein
Here's another #Madeuthink mind-bender. From afar, you see a picture of Marilyn Monroe...but as you get closer another image appears. Who knew Einstein was so hot from far away?

4. The Dynamic Ebbinghaus
Winner of this year's Best Optical Illusion of the Year award, the circle in the centre is always the same size, but seems to grow and shrink when surrounded by other pulsating circles. It's even more effective when you don't look directly at it.

watch 8 to 11 here...

watch 1, 2 and 3 here...

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