गायीकाको एउटा तस्विरले मच्चायो सनसनी, प्रहरी पुग्यो घरमा :: Miley Cyrus Gets A Visit From Police At Her Home In California

If there was something sinister happening at Miley Cyrus’ home, then police managed to get everything taken care of in a timely fashion. Officers left the residence soon after they arrived at the scene. Both the singer and the cops were all smiles during the encounter, so chances are it was nothing more than a false alarm.

Several websites have attempted to make contact with someone from Cyrus’ camp about the situation. However, neither Miley nor her representatives haven’t issued a statement about the police visit just yet. Considering the cops didn’t haul away anyone in handcuffs during their visit, it appears this is currently a non-issue.
२१ वर्षिय गायीका माइली साइरसले सनसनी पैदा गरेकी छिन। वर्ल्ड टुरको तयारीमा रहेकी साइरसले केही तस्विर सोसियल नेटवर्किङ साइटमा शेयर गरेकी थिइन्।
उनले इस्टाग्राममा शेयर गरेका तस्विरका कारण यस्तो विचित्र अवस्था पैदा भयो जस्को कल्पना उनले पनि गरेकी थिइन् होला।

उनले सार्वजनिक गरेको तस्विरमा पेन्टीको विवादास्पद तस्विर पनि सामेल थिए।
माइलीले सार्वजनिक गरेका यी तस्विर केही छिनमै भारइल भए । तस्विर इन्टरनेटमा भाइरल भए लगतै माइलीमाथि आक्रमण हुन लागेको हल्ला चल्न थाल्यो।
माइलीका बारेमा किसिम किसिमका हल्ला चलेपछि प्रहरी सतर्क भयो।

लस एन्जेलस प्रहरीले केही टोली माइलीको घरमा पठायो भने हेलिकप्टरले पनि माइलीको घरमाथी निगरानी राख्न शुरु गर्यो।
तर हल्ला अनुसार केही गतिविधी नदेखिएपछी प्रहरीको टोली फर्किएको थियो।

Miley Cyrus received a visit from police at her home in California over the weekend.

Although details about the situation are few and far between as of this writing, apparently several officers were summoned to the singer’s house in Studio City on Saturday afternoon. Although numerous outlets have picked up the story, it’s unclear why police decided to check on the “Wrecking Ball” singer.

If there was something sinister happening at Miley Cyrus’ home, then police managed to get everything taken care of in a timely fashion. Officers left the residence soon after they arrived at the scene. Both the singer and the cops were all smiles during the encounter, so chances are it was nothing more than a false alarm.

Several websites have attempted to make contact with someone from Cyrus’ camp about the situation. However, neither Miley nor her representatives haven’t issued a statement about the police visit just yet. Considering the cops didn’t haul away anyone in handcuffs during their visit, it appears this is currently a non-issue.

Check out some photos of police at Cyrus’ house on Saturday.

Considering the problems Miley Cyrus previously faced at her California home, it’s not surprising that police were quick to respond to any potential trouble. The Inquisitr previously reported that someone broke into her residence the day before the singer turned 21.

According to reports, the person who broke into Cyrus’ home made off with approximately $100,000 worth of the singer’s posessions. It’s unclear how the individual managed to gain access to her house, though police seem to think it was likely an inside job. Fortunately, no one was home when the break-in occurred.

Miley Cyrus was also the victim of a “swatting” prank last year. Authorities were reportedly summoned to her Studio City abode on no less than two occasions during 2013 when police received phony reports of suspicious behavior. Although Cyrus told Jay Leno that’s he’s known to get into “a lot of s***,” apparently nothing illegal was going down.

Cyrus is getting ready to embark on a world tour in support of her latest album Bangerz. The singer will officially kick things off in Vancouver, Canada on February 14. If you don’t have plans for Valentine’s Day, then you better grab some tickets while they’re still available.

What do you think about police arriving at Miley Cyrus’ home over the weekend?
