Interesting:(With Photos and Video) सुँगुर चढेर शहर, रहर कि बाध्यता ? Chinese swineherd rides hog to market, Is he Crazy ?

When an elderly farmer in China was filmed getting around town on the back of a large pig he managed to turn a few heads — but not as many as you might think.
In the video, which was recorded yesterday and shared on China's social networking service QQ, shows the 68-year-old farmer straddling the swine like a horse as he takes a trip through the town.

तपाईले मानिसको घोडामा सवारी गरेको त देख्नु भएको होला । खाडी मुलुकहरुमा उँटमा चढेर पनि हिडिन्छ ।
तर, सुँगुर चढ्ने चलन संसारमा कहीँ पनि छैन् । आजकल यस्तो कहीँ नभएको चीज हुन्छ छिमेकी मुलुक चीनमा ।
चिनियाँ बजारमा हालै एउटा किसान सुँगुरमा चढेर घुमिरहेको भेटिए । छेउँमै लाखौं करोडौंका महंगा गाडीमा सबार भइरहेकाहरुले उनलाई रमाइलो मानेर हेरे, कुनै सेलिब्रीटी झैं उनको वरिपरि मानिसहरु क्यामेर लिएर झुम्मिए ।

उनी न त सुपरस्टार हुन न चर्चित अनुहार । तर, सुँगुरको सवारीले उनलाई हेर्न चाहनेहरु धेरै छन् ।
यी व्यक्ति ६८ वर्षका छन् र उनी पेशाले किसान हुन् । उनीसँग २ सय ५० किलो तालै भएको सुँगुर छ । यो करिव ३ फुट लामो छ ।
उनी रहरले सुँगुर चढेका भने होइनन् । फोक्सोमा समस्या भएका कारण हिडडुल गर्न गाह्रो भएपछि उनले यस्तो उपाये अपनाएका हुन् । उनी घरबाट बजार जान र फर्कन सुँगुरको सवारी गर्न गर्छन् ।

When an elderly farmer in China was filmed getting around town on the back of a large pig he managed to turn a few heads — but not as many as you might think.
In the video, which was recorded yesterday and shared on China's social networking service QQ, shows the 68-year-old farmer straddling the swine like a horse as he takes a trip through the town.

The hog that stands nearly one metre tall let out a few grunts while it chewed on some lettuce scraps but seemed content enough carrying its master along the road near the south western town of Chongqing.
After raising pigs for 30 years, the farmer began riding this one after an illness left him too frail to walk.
Finding the ride a lot smoother than he thought, he now rides the little piggy everywhere, including to market and all the way home.

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