३ मिनेटमा २ किलो मासु खाइन यिनले, नयाँ क्रीतिमान (भिडियोसहित) :: Molly Schuyler beats record for eating 2kg Meat at 3 Minutes !!

VEGETARIANS be warned. Close this article now. The way this chunk of cow gets devoured will give you nightmares for months, possibly years.
Molly Schuyler is a whole new breed of meat eater. Even meat lovers may be repulsed.
On January 3, 2014, Molly took on a steak challenge at Sayler's Old Country Kitchen in Portland, Oregon and scoffed down two kilograms of beef in just under three minutes. Then ate some fries to wash it down.
She easily smashed the old Guinness World Record, which stood at 6 minutes and 48 seconds.

२६ पुष, काठमाडौ । एक महिलाले मात्र ३ मिनेटमा २ किलो मासु खाइन् भन्दा सायदै कसैले पत्याउँछ । यस्तै, पत्याउनै गाह्रो कार्य गरेकी छिन् अमेरिकाकी एक महिलाले उक्त काम गरेकी छिन् । अमेरिकाको पोर्टल्याण्डमा बस्दै आएकी मोली स्कुलेरले मात्र ३ मिनेटमा २ किलो मासु खाएर विश्व रेकर्ड कायम गरेकी छिन् ।
सन् २०१४ जनवरी ३ का दिन उनले ओल्ड कन्ट्री किचेनमा २ किलो मासु ३ मिनेटमा खाएर विश्व रेकर्ड कायम गरेकी हुन् । उनले २ किलो मासु खाएपछि अन्य केही खाना समेत खाएकी थिइन् जसले उक्त मासुलाई पचाउन सहयोग गरोस् ।
मोलीले उक्त रेकर्ड गिनिज बुकमा समेत रेकर्ड गराएकी छिन् । यो भन्दा अघि उक्त रेकर्ड ६ मिनेट ४८ सेकेण्डको थियो ।
हेरौ उक्त भिडियो...
VEGETARIANS be warned. Close this article now. The way this chunk of cow gets devoured will give you nightmares for months, possibly years.
Molly Schuyler is a whole new breed of meat eater. Even meat lovers may be repulsed.
On January 3, 2014, Molly took on a steak challenge at Sayler's Old Country Kitchen in Portland, Oregon and scoffed down two kilograms of beef in just under three minutes. Then ate some fries to wash it down.
She easily smashed the old Guinness World Record, which stood at 6 minutes and 48 seconds.
