यो हो पानी मुनि चलाउन सक्ने मोवाइल :: This is the best water-proof smartphone by Soney, Xperia Z1, Browse the full feture

"Expanding its series of waterproof smartphones, Sony has unveiled the Xperia Z1s that can be submerged into water for up to 4.5 feet and for 30 minutes with no effects. The smartphone also comes with 21MP camera.
The 4.5 feet underwater waterproof is an improvement from the 3 feet that Xperia Z could resist. In other words, the Xperia Z was just a water resistant smartphone and not a waterproof smartphone as the Xperia Z1s is."

पुस २५ – सोनीले वाटर प्रुफ स्मार्टफोन एक्सपेरिया जेड वान एस सार्वजनिक गरेको छ । यो स्मार्टफोनको विशेषता पानी मुनि पनि प्रयोग गर्न सक्नु हो ।
यसलाई पानीमुनि साँढे ५ फिटसम्म आधा घण्टासम्म चलाउन सकिन्छ । जुन यसअघिको एक्सपेरिया जेड स्मार्टफोनमा उपलब्ध थिएन । एक्सपेरिया जेडमा वाटर रेसिस्टेन्सको क्षमता मात्रै भएकोमा  एक्सपेरिया जेड एस वान भने वाटर प्रुफ नै रहेको छ ।
क्यामेरामा २१ एमपी क्यामेरा रहेको छ भने वर्षाका बेला र पानीमा फोटो खिच्न सौखिनहरुलाई यो मोवाइल अझ बढी उपयोगी हुने अमेरिकाका लागि सोनी मोबाइल कम्युनिकेसन प्रमुख रभी नोकलाले बताएका छन् ।
२ सेकेन्डमा ६२ सट लिन सक्ने यो मोबाइलमा कुनै पनि कार्यक्रम लाइभ भिडियो ब्रोडकास्ट गर्न सकिने सुविधा समेत रहेको छ । यस्तै यसमा आफूले चाहेको गेमहरु किनेर अटोमेटिक डाउनलोड गर्न र आफ्ना साथीहरुले खेलिरहेका गेमका दृश्यहरु हेर्न सकिने सुविधा पनि उपलब्ध छ ।
अमेरिकामा सार्वजनिक गरिएको एक्सपेरिया जेड वान एस स्मार्टफोनको मुल्य ५२८ डलर तोकिएको छ भने ग्राहकहरुले २ वर्षे किस्ताबन्दीमा समेत खरिद गर्न सक्ने सुविधा कम्पनीले दिएको छ । विश्वबजारका लागि अहिले उपलब्ध नभएको यो स्मार्टफोनको अनलाइन अर्डर १३ जनवरीदेखि खुला हुनेछ भने २२ जनवरीदेखि मात्र बिक्रि खुला हुने कम्पनीले जनाएको छ ।

New York: Expanding its series of waterproof smartphones, Sony has unveiled the Xperia Z1s that can be submerged into water for up to 4.5 feet and for 30 minutes with no effects. The smartphone also comes with 21MP camera.
The 4.5 feet underwater waterproof is an improvement from the 3 feet that Xperia Z could resist. In other words, the Xperia Z was just a water resistant smartphone and not a waterproof smartphone as the Xperia Z1s is.
The Sony Xperia Z1s is an improvement from Xperia Z in terms of camera as it poses 20MP compared to Z's 13MP. Moveover, the Z1s has a physical button that can trigger underwater shots. This facility was not available in the Xperia Z where it was not possible to take photos or videos when it was wet.
Ravi Nookala, president of Sony Mobile Communications' US division, said the phone is ideal for "active users who take a lot of pictures and who go outside to the pool or in the rain."
The new phone is also packed with a variety of camera-related apps that let you:
* Get more information by taking a photo of a book, wine bottle or a landmark such as the Eiffel Tower.
* Snap 61 shots in two seconds. You then pick the ones with the right smiles and expressions.
* Broadcast video of weddings and other events in real time. Links are shared through Facebook.
With a companion app for Sony's PlayStation game console, players will be able to buy new games for automatic download and watch footage of their friends' game play.
The Z1s is based on Sony's Xperia Z1 phone, whose distribution has been largely limited to overseas markets. Both models along with last summer's Z have screens measuring 5-inch diagonally.
The phone will cost USD 528 through T-Mobile, paid through 24 monthly installments of USD 22. It's a departure from a recent trend of making phones available through multiple carriers. Online orders will begin on Jan. 13, with availability in stores to start on Jan. 22.
T-Mobile's senior vice president for marketing, Jason Young, said the PlayStation companion app will appeal to T-Mobile's customer base, which he said is younger than rivals'.
With Agency Inputs
