New Plans For Gautam Buddha Airport [यस्तो बन्दैछ भैरहवाको गौतम बुद्ध विमानस्थल (फोटो फिचरसहित) ]

With each new government there are new changes on plans for the development of the country, but since two changes in government there has not been change in one plan and that is converting the Gautam Buddha Airport in Bhirahawa from Domestic to International. Being near to Lumbini , developing business hub Butwal and near to border of India, the airport was unable to hold the flight passengers lately.

New Plans
Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), hadmade plans of upgrading the domestic airport to international since mid of 2012, but the conditions in Nepal were not giving a chances to CAAN to upgrade the airport. But after the proposed map of upgrading the airport positive thoughts have come to many. Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been positive of the plan and is helping in the construction of the airport.

As per plan more then 200 Bigha of the land has already been occupied near to the airport, with the help of ADB, and constructions are planned to begin soon. Plans include, increase in the runway length from 2600 meters  to 3000 meters , new terminals to be build with new Hangers for the air plane. Expected cost till the date according to CAAN is $99 Million , which is in talk to be  loaned by ADB till May or June.

If plan works and the construction starts, the airport will be upgraded to Regional International Airport by the end of 2015.

New Hope
With the new plans comes the New hope for the country. If the plan goes well, we need not share every day on the social media saying Siddhartha Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal. Nepal will get another place to from where they can be close to the world. Tourists will get a new route to go through Nepal. Buddhist around the world will get a direct chance of visiting Nepal.

As stated by the ministry of tourism, if 0.5 % of the buddhist visit the birth place of Gautam Buddha,the tourism rate will increase by 1000%. So, upgarding the airport wont only increase the tourism it will increase the business and job opportunity, which will directly help on the development of the country.

With the six lane connection being constructed from Bhirahawa and Butwal (new business hub in the country), there is the possibility of the third country investment, which will itself create a job opportunity and development.

The completion of project will not only hold Tribhuwan International Airport load, will also be a backup for the airport during bad weather and high air traffic.

There are many hopes with the airport upgrading, the hopes for new Nepal, hope for new jobs and unemployment less country, hope for the development of the country. So the plan must be completed by CAAN and Ministry of tourism, and help the country grow .

Jay Nepal .

 Sketch of Gautam Buddha Airport (proposed) View from the Sky
 Taxi Stand
 Main Building....
 Control Tower...
Parking and Terminal...
Runway and Terminal...

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