Italian police have rescued a woman from a flat where she was locked for eight years, surrounded by rubbish and with no heating.
The 36-year-old woman - who is only named as Chiara - was found naked in the squalid apartment, in a residential area of Naples, holding a hairdryer to herself to warm her body.
Her mother and aunt have since been arrested.
The police investigated the flat after they were alerted by neighbours because of a 'terrible smell' coming from the apartment.
In it there was only electrical energy, but no gas nor heating.
She was found in terrible general conditions and poorly nourished - but smiled when she moved her first steps out of the apartment.
Her mother, 69, a retired teacher, is said to have visited the flat twice a week, to leave some food in bags on the floor. She lived with her sister not far from the flat.
But she apparently did not clean or assist her daughter, or left her out.
She has been arrested, as well as her sister and and the building concierge.
फोहोरको बिचमा बस्न कस्लाई पो मन लाग्छ होला र ? अझ कल्पना गर्नुहोस् त फोहोरै फोहोरको बिचमा बन्द कोठामा थुनिनुको पिडा कस्तो होला ? त्यो पनि पुरा ८ बर्ष सम्म | यही पिडा इटालिको नेप्लेसकी चारियालाई तितो यथार्थ बन्यो जव उनकी आमाले फोहोर अपार्ट्मेन्ट्मा उनिलाई बन्द गरिदिइन र न्यानो पार्ने सबै चिज पनि बहिर लगिन ।
ति निर्दइ आमाको यो कर्तुत तब मात्र थाहा भयो जव त्यो अपार्ट्मेन्ट्बाट नमिठो दुर्गान्ध आउन थल्यो र त्यहाका स्थानिय बासिन्दाले प्रहरिलाई खबर गरे । तब मात्र ति महिलाको नारिकिय जीवन अन्त्य भयो । उद्द्वार हुँदा उनी नाङो थिइन भने हेयर ड्रायरको सहायताले मात्र शरीरलाई न्यानो पार्ने गर्थिन ।
अहिले प्रहरिले उनिकी निर्दयी आमा र अंटी लाई पक्राउ गरेको छ । उद्द्वार गरिएकी महिलाको स्वास्थ्य स्थिती अत्यन्त गम्भिर छ, उनी धेरै कमजोर छिन् । तर अपार्ट्मेन्ट्बाट बाहिर निस्कन जव उनले केवल पाइला चालेकी थिइन, उनी मुस्कुराइन । बाँकी फोटोहरुबाट हेर्नुहोस् ...

Italian police have rescued a woman from a flat where she was locked for eight years, surrounded by rubbish and with no heating.
The 36-year-old woman - who is only named as Chiara - was found naked in the squalid apartment, in a residential area of Naples, holding a hairdryer to herself to warm her body.
Her mother and aunt have since been arrested.
The police investigated the flat after they were alerted by neighbours because of a 'terrible smell' coming from the apartment.
In it there was only electrical energy, but no gas nor heating.
She was found in terrible general conditions and poorly nourished - but smiled when she moved her first steps out of the apartment.
Her mother, 69, a retired teacher, is said to have visited the flat twice a week, to leave some food in bags on the floor. She lived with her sister not far from the flat.
But she apparently did not clean or assist her daughter, or left her out.
She has been arrested, as well as her sister and and the building concierge.