सिंहद्धारा चिडियाखानामै आत्महत्या..(तस्विर सहित) :: Lion found hanging in cage at Indonesia 'death zoo'
संसारकै क्रुर चिडियाखानका रुपमा बदनाम इण्डोनेसियाको केबुन बिनाटाङ सुराबाया चिडियाखानामा एउटा सिंहले आत्महत्या गरेको छ।
चिडियाखानको एक पिँजडा भित्र अफ्रिकन सिंह झूण्डिरहेको अवस्थामा भेटिएको हो ।
"The lion was found hanging from the roof of his cage. He was very young and got his head stuck in cables that keepers use to open and close the cage," Mr Supangkat told AFP. Mr Supangkat insisted that the death was an accident and not due to negligence. Police were investigating its death, he added.

सिंहको घाँटीमा स्टिलको सिक्री थियो। चिडियाखाना प्रशासनले आफूले वेवास्ता नगरेको बरु खेल्ने क्रममा यस्तो भएको हुन सक्ने भन्दै बचाउ गरेको छ ।
यसरी झूण्डिएर मर्ने सिंहको नाम माइकल भएको र उसको उमेर मात्र १८ महिना रहेको थाहा भएको छ ।
हाल प्रहरीले घट्नाको अनुसन्धान थालेको छ। तर प्रहरी पुग्नु अघिनै चिडियाखाना प्रशासनले सिंहको शरिरलाई तह लगाइसकेको थियो ।
यो चिडियाखानमा गत वर्ष जुलाई र सेप्टेम्वरको बीचमा ४३ वटा जनावार परेका थिए। अन्तराष्ट्रिय मिडियाले त्यसका बारेमा रिपोर्टिङ गरेपछि संसारभर यो चिडियाखानको आलोचना हुँदै आएको छ।
SURABAYA, Indonesia (AFP) - A young African lion has died after getting its head caught in cables in its cage at an Indonesian zoo notorious for hundreds of animal deaths in recent years, it was announced on Thursday.
The 18-month-old lion named Michael was found early on Tuesday at the zoo in Surabaya, in the east of the main island of Java, said zoo spokesman Agus Supangkat.
"The lion was found hanging from the roof of his cage. He was very young and got his head stuck in cables that keepers use to open and close the cage," Mr Supangkat told AFP. Mr Supangkat insisted that the death was an accident and not due to negligence. Police were investigating its death, he added.
The incident came just two days after a wildebeest was found dead in its cage at the zoo, which has been dubbed the "death zoo" because so many animals have died there prematurely in recent years due to neglect.