एमाओबादी भित्रै अर्को पाटी गठन हुने; नेत्रित्व बाबुरामअले गर्ने पक्का : Dr. Bhattrai is Going to lead a party Which will be united under UCPN Maost
At a time when UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal is preparing the party´s official political document to be presented at CC meeting, the disgruntled twosome are also at work, on separate, alternative documents.
If the official document to be presented by Chairman Dahal does not address their concerns and demands, the two leaders will be ready with their alternative documents.

विश्वास गर्दा अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहाल प्रचण्डले सधैं पेलेको निष्कर्ष सहित भट्टराई फेरि विचार समूहलाई संगठित गर्दै नयाँ ढंगले लाग्नुभएको हो । भट्टराईले नयाँ कदमलाई ‘पार्टी भित्र पार्टी निर्माण’ नाम दिएको स्रोतले जनाएको छ ।
‘उनीहरु (प्रचण्ड पक्ष) पेल्ने योजनामा छन् । हामी नझुक्ने योजनामा छौं’ भट्टराई निकट स्रोतले उज्यालोलाई भन्यो ‘सरकारको नेतृत्व गर्दा लोकप्रियता घटेको र सांगठानिक हिसाबले पनि कमजोर भएको निष्कर्षका साथ भट्टराईलाई पेल्ने योजना बनाइएको छ । त्यसको संगठित ढंगले प्रतिवाद गर्नेछौं ।’
प्रचण्डले पार्टी फुटाउन लागेको आरोप लगाएपछि भट्टराई पहिले भन्दा संगठित ढंगले लाग्न थालेको एक नेताले बताए । भट्टराई निकट नेताहरुले पनि विगतमा भट्टराईले सांगठिनक पक्षमा ध्यान नदिएको भन्दै आलोचना सहित साथ दिन तयार भएका छन् ।
‘उहाँले पार्टी फूटाउने भन्नुभएको छैन र हामीले पनि फूटाउने भनेका छैनौं । तर पहिले भन्दा फरक ढंगले जान्छौं’ ती नेताले भने ‘विचार समूह भनेर मात्रै हुँदैन, संगठनमा पनि ध्यान दिनुपर्छ, हाम्रो सुझाव पनि यही हो ।’
भट्टराईले संगठन बनाउनेतिर ध्यान नदिएको उहाँ निकट नेताहरुको गुनासो छ । प्रचण्डसँग नझुक्ने योजना अन्तर्गत भट्टराईले माघ २ गते केन्द्रीय समिति बैठकमा छुट्टै राजनीतिक प्रतिवेदन लैजाने तयारी गर्नुभएको छ ।
त्यसका लागि पहिले प्रचण्डको प्रतिवेदन हेर्ने, त्यसमा चुनावमा पराज, समग्र जिम्मेवारी र आगामी कामबारे स्पष्ट ढंगले विषय सम्बोधन नभए प्रतिवेदन लेख्ने भट्टराई निकट स्रोतले जनाएको छ ।
‘केन्द्रीय समिति बैठक बस्नु तीन दिनअघि प्रचण्डले राजनीतिक प्रतिवेदन लेखेर भट्टराईलाई हेर्न दिने सहमति भएको छ ।’ स्रोतले भन्यो ‘भने जस्तो प्रतिवेदन नआए अर्को प्रतिवेदन तीन दिनमा लेखिनेछ ।’
पार्टी भित्र बहस गरिरहेको भट्टराईले बताएपनि त्यसलाई प्रचण्डले फूटसँग जोडेर प्रचार गरेपछि सबैभन्दा धेरै अफ्ठेरो परेको छ । र, त्यसको सबैभन्दा धेरै प्रतिवाद गर्नु परेको छ । मंगलवार प्रेस वक्तव्य नै जारी गरेर भट्टराईले प्रचण्ड षडयन्त्रमा लागेर ‘अनैतिक हर्कत’ गरेको भनेर प्रहार गर्दै आफ्नो बचाउ गर्नुभएको छ ।
‘कुनै पनि वैचारिक, राजनीतिक र सांगठनिक विषयमा वहस छलफल हुने वित्तिकै अज्ञात र अदृश्य कुनै ‘षड्यन्त्रको सिद्धान्त’ (conspiracy theory) आविष्कार गरेर मुख्य मुद्दालाई विषयान्तर गरिदिने पुरानै शासक वर्गीय शैली भएकाले त्यस्तो असैद्धान्तिक, अराजनीतिक र अनैतिक हर्कत नगर्न सम्वन्धित सवैलाई आग्रह गर्दछु’ प्रचण्डलाई कटाक्ष गर्दै विज्ञप्तिमा भट्टराईले भन्नुभएको छ ।
तर प्रचण्ड पक्ष भने बाबुराम भट्टराई पक्षले जनवादको दुरुपयोग गरेको आरोप लगाएको छ । ‘उहा“हरुलाई जनवाद धेरैभएको छ’ प्रचण्ड निकट स्रोतले भन्यो ‘जनवादका नाममा जे पायो त्यो गरिरहनुभएको छ । त्यो अब सहिन्न ।’
यही ‘नसहने’ लाईन अनुसार नै प्रचण्ड पक्षीय नेता गोपाल किरा“तीले भट्टराई र नारायणकाजी श्रेष्ठ प्रकाशले नया“ पार्टी खोले पनि स्वागत गर्ने सार्वजनिक रुपमै बताउनुभयो भने जनार्दन शर्मा प्रभाकरले भट्टराई र प्रकाशका क्रियाकलाप पार्टी पद्धति विपरित भएको टिप्पणी गरेको मानिएको छ ।
KATHMANDU, Jan 7: Disgruntled top leaders of the UCPN (Maoist), Dr Baburam Bhattarai and Narayankaji Shrestha, who appear close to each other in their bid to cut the party chairman down to size, are nevertheless wide apart when it comes to preparing an alternative document for the upcoming central committee (CC) meeting of the party.
At a time when UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal is preparing the party´s official political document to be presented at CC meeting, the disgruntled twosome are also at work, on separate, alternative documents.
If the official document to be presented by Chairman Dahal does not address their concerns and demands, the two leaders will be ready with their alternative documents.
The documents to be prepared by Bhattarai and Shrestha for submitting to the CC meeting will seek to include their agenda in the party. Bhattarai and Shrestha are not yet mulling to make it a combined document. A confidential source close to the disgruntled leaders said that there is slim chance of a combined document.
“We would be in a wait and see mode, the situation depending on the chairman´s document,” said Devendra Poudel, who is close to Bhattarai.
Shrestha had a meeting with Dahal on Monday and he informed the chairman about his concerns. He threatened to file a separate document if Dahal does not take him seriously.
“If the party document cannot address our concerns, I would be ready with a separate document, but I am hopeful the chairman will respond to my points,” Shrestha told Republica. He also informed that he is not into any meetings with Bhattarai in this regard.
Bhattarai´s close aides also informed that he is working on a different document and there was ample likelihood of its being presented at the CC meeting.
And Bhattarai also is not having any meetings with Shrestha over the document. “Bhattarai will arrive with a separate document if the official document does not address our demands, but we prefer that the chairman address our agenda in his document,” said Poudel.
There is a dispute between Bhattarai and Shrestha over the agenda of nationalism and on evaluating the mistakes of the then Bhattarai-led government.
Shrestha is known as a pro-nationalist leader in the party and has been criticizing some decisions taken by the Bhattarai government. They are closer over the issue of collective leadership in the party, power-sharing among the leaders and intra-party democratization.
During the meeting with Chairman Dahal, Shrestha urged the chairman to acknowledge his mistakes and foster an environment for all the other leaders of the party also to realize their mistakes.
He warned Dahal that he would be ready to take any kind of action if his concerns are not addressed. “I informed him that I would be ready to take any necessary action, that I would submit my own separate document,” Shrestha told Republica. Shrestha also urged him over a landmark proposal to reform the party organization.
According to leaders close to Dahal, he is preparing to downsize the party committees, limiting the central committee membership to a double-digit figure. The party´s general convention in Hetauda last year nominated a 99-member central committee. But a central committee meeting later expanded it to 266 members.