१७ वर्षभित्र १० सन्तान, बचेँका सबै दृष्‍टिबिहिन :: Help Rupa, who give birth to 10 child in 17, all who alive are blind !

Rupa Gandarbha, 30, of Rukum gave birth to ten children in a span of eight years after she was married. Four are alive: 7-year-old Ganesh, 2-year-old Manisha and 3-month-old twins Ganga and Jamuna. Sadly, all of them are blind due to cataract. A poor Dalit woman, Rupa does not have money for their treatment although cataract can be treated. Doctors at the district hospital have told her they can't be treated in Rukum.

Rupa's six children who died were aged between a month and a year and were also blind. "Every time a blind baby was born, I hoped the next one would have healthy eyes," she says. "What did the God punish me for?" Rupa's husband has married another woman and she has to raise her four blind children herself. Her husband has two healthy children from his second wife. Rupa is frail because of repeated deliveries and the burden of taking care of her children.

दाङ- रुकुम गरायलाकी रुपा गन्धर्वले विवाह भएको १७ वर्षभित्र १० सन्तान जन्माइन्। ६ जना स्वस्थ, ४ जना दृष्टिविहीन। १० सन्तान जन्माएकी उनले सन्तुष्टि भने पाइनन्। पूर्ण स्वस्थ जन्मिएका ६ छोराछोरीको सानैमा मृत्यु भयो। बाँचेका सबै दृष्टिविहीन छन्।

उनका एक छोरा र तीन छोरी जन्मँदैदेखि दुवै आँखा देख्दैनन्। ‘राम्रा जन्मिएका एक छोरा र पाँच छोरी बाँच्न सकेनन्, बाँचेका चारजनाले संसार हेर्न पाएनन्,' रुपाले भनिन्, ‘जन्म त दिएँ तर दृष्टि दिन सकिनँ।'
‘मलाई भगवानले ठगेको हो,' उनले भनिन्, ‘आँखा देख्ने एकजना मात्रै बाँचेको भए पनि हुन्थ्यो।'
तुलसीपुर रक्षाचौरमा भाडामा बस्दै आएकी उनले दृष्टिविहीन चार छोराछोरी लिएर रुकुम छोडेको दुई वर्ष भइसक्यो।
सुरुमा जन्मिएका चार छोरी बाँचेनन्। पाँचौं सन्तानका रूपमा जन्मिएका छोरा बाँचे तर जन्मैदेखि आँखा देख्न सक्दैनन्। पाँचौं सन्तान गणेश अहिले १० वर्षका छन्।
त्यसपछि रुपाले दुई छोरी जन्माइन्। दुवैको आँखाको ज्योति ठीक थियो। तर, कालगतिले दुवैको मृत्यु भयो। दुई छोरीको मृत्युपछि उनले आठौं सन्तानका रूपमा फेरि छोरीलाई जन्म दिइन्। उनी बाँचिन् तर जन्मैदेखि दृष्टिविहीन छिन्। अहिले पाँच वर्ष पुगेकी उनी हिँडडुल गर्न र बोल्न पनि सक्दिनन्। दुई वर्षअघि जन्मिएका जम्ल्याहा छोरी पनि दृष्टिविहीन छन्।
६ सन्तान गुम्नु र बाँचेका ४ जना जन्मजातै दृष्टिविहीन हुनुको पीडा त छँदैछ, त्यसमाथि राम्रा सन्तानलाई जन्म दिन नसकेको आरोपमा उनलाई श्रीमान दिलबहादुरले थप पीडा दिए। पछिल्ला दुई छोरी गर्भमा छँदै श्रीमान दिलबहादुरले कान्छी भिœयाए। ‘राम्रा छोराछोरी जन्माउन सकिन भनेर श्रीमानले कान्छी भिœयाउनुभयो,' उनले भनिन्, ‘भगवानले त ठगेकै थियो, श्रीमानले पनि ठगे।'
रुपाले श्रीमानलाई कान्छी श्रीमती किन ल्याएको भनेर सोध्नसम्म सकिनन्। राम्रो सन्तान जन्माउन अर्की श्रीमती ल्याउन परिवार र आफन्तले दिएको सल्लाहविरुद्ध रुपा जान सकिनन्।
‘सबैले अर्की श्रीमती बिहे गर् भनिरहन्थे, मैलेमात्रै नगर्नुस् भन्न सकिन,' उनले भनिन्। श्रीमानले कान्छी भित्र्याएपछि केही समय सबै सँगै बसे। तर, समय सधैं उस्तै रहेन। श्रीमान र सौताले खपिनसक्नु पीडा दिन थालेपछि रुपाले दुई वर्षअघि घर त्यागिन्। त्यो बेला जम्ल्याहा दुई छोरी काखमा थिए।
‘घरबाट निस्कँदा सुत्केरी थिएँ,' उनले भनिन्, ‘श्रीमानले नजासमेत भन्नुभएन।' दुई वर्षअघि घर छाडेर निस्केकी उनलाई श्रीमानले एकपटक पनि सम्झेका छैनन्।
दृष्टिविहीन चार नाबालक छोराछोरी च्यापेर घर छाडेकी रुपा माइती नेपालको सम्पर्कमा पुगिन्। त्यहाँको तीनमहिने बसाइपछि दाङ फर्किइन्। तुल्सीपुर रक्षाचौरमा कोठा भाडामा लिएर बस्दै आएकी रुपाको जीवन कष्टकर छ।
छोराछोरीसँगै मर्ने धोको रहेको उनले सुनाइन्। ‘आँखै नदेख्ने यस्ता बालखालाई स्याहारेर बस्दा कति गाह्रो हुन्छ, त्यो मलाई नै थाहा छ,' उनले भनिन्, ‘बचाउन कोसिस गर्छु, यिनीहरू मर्दा सँगै मर्छु।'
केही संघ–संस्थाले दिएको सहयोगले पाँचजनाको परिवार जेनतेन चलेको छ। ऋण–सापट कसैले पत्याउँदैनन्। त्यसैले, अर्काको घरमा माग्न हिँड्नुको विकल्प उनीसँग छैन। ‘मासिक ६–७ हजार त जुटाउँछु तर पुग्दैन,' उनले भनिन्, ‘छोरालाई पढाउनुपर्यो्, भाडा बुझाउनुपर्यो , खानुपर्योट।'

उनका छोरा गणेश स्थानीय गुरुजजुर माविमा कक्षा २ मा पढ्छन्। विद्यालयको सहयोगमा पढ्दै आएका गणेश भन्छन्, ‘आमाको अनुहार हेर्ने मन छ, कसैले मेरा आँखा देख्ने बनाइदिए हुन्थ्यो।'
उनीहरू बस्दै आएको कोठाको मासिक ६ सय भाडा तिर्नुपर्छ। दृष्टिविहीन छोराछोरीसँग बसेकाले रुपालाई घरबेटीबाट पनि त्यति सहयोग मिल्दैन। दुई वर्षे अवधिमा उनले झन्डै दर्जन घर परिवर्तन गरिसकेकी छन्। कारण हुन्– तिनै दृष्टिविहीन छोराछोरी। ‘आँखा नदेख्ने छोराछोरीलाई राख्न राम्रो मान्दैनन्, धेरै घरमा डेरा गरिसकेँ,' उनले भनिन्, ‘अहिलेचाहिँ नराम्रो व्यवहार भएको छैन।'
श्रीमान टाढिएपछि परिवारका अन्य सदस्यले पनि रुपालाई वास्ता गर्न छाडिसके। रुपाका माइती (दाजु) बर्दियामा छन्। दाजुले उनलाई आफूसँगै बस्न बारम्बार आग्रह गरे पनि मानेकी छैनन्। ‘दाइले आइज यतै बस् त भन्नुभएको छ, यस्ता आँखै नदेख्ने केटाकेटीलाई कतिन्जेल राम्रो मान्नुहोला भनेर गएकी छैन,' उनले भनिन्। कहिलेकाँही जाँदा दाजुले चामल दिने गरेको उनले बताइन्। उनका साना छोराछोरी हेरचाहका लागि दाजुले छोरी करुणालाई पठाइदिएका छन्।
चार छोराछोरी च्यापेर एउटा कोठामा बस्दै आएकी उनी व्यवस्थित बासको आसमा छिन्। दृष्टिविहीन छोराछोरीलाई अर्काको घरमा राख्न समस्या भएको बताउँदै उनले श्रीमानसँग अंशदाबी गरेकी छन्। ‘मलाई बस्ने घरमात्रै देऊ भनेको छु,' उनले भनिन्, ‘घरमात्रै भए पनि छोराछोरीलाई राम्रोसँग राख्न पाउँथें।'
उनका चारै सन्तानको आँखामा जलविन्दु छ। राजधानी र दाङस्थित आँखा अस्पतालका चिकित्सकले बताएअनुसार चारैजनाले जीवनभर आँखा देख्न सक्दैनन्। तर, गाउँलेले भारतमा उपचार गराए ठीक हुने सल्लाह दिँदा रुपाको मन खुसीले भरिन्छ। ‘एउटैले मात्रै आँखा देखे पनि अरु ३ जनाको सहारा हुन्थ्यो,' उनले भनिन्। चारै सन्तानको आँखा भारतमा लगेर देखाउने रुपाको ठूलो धोको छ। तर, आर्थिक अभावका कारण लैजान नसकेको उनी बताउँछन्।
छोराछोरीकै उपचार खर्च जुटाउन उनी आउँदो फागुनमा इट्टाभट्टामा काम गर्न काठमाडौं जाने योजनामा छिन्। ‘यहाँ बसिरह्यो भने खान पनि पुग्दैन, फागुनमा काठमाडौं जानुपर्ला भनेको छु,' उनले भनिन् ‘पैसा कमाउन सकें भने यिनीहरुको आँखा देखाउन भारत लैजान्छु।'

Rupa Gandarbha, 30, of Rukum gave birth to ten children in a span of eight years after she was married. Four are alive: 7-year-old Ganesh, 2-year-old Manisha and 3-month-old twins Ganga and Jamuna. Sadly, all of them are blind due to cataract. A poor Dalit woman, Rupa does not have money for their treatment although cataract can be treated. Doctors at the district hospital have told her they can't be treated in Rukum.

Rupa's six children who died were aged between a month and a year and were also blind. "Every time a blind baby was born, I hoped the next one would have healthy eyes," she says. "What did the God punish me for?" Rupa's husband has married another woman and she has to raise her four blind children herself. Her husband has two healthy children from his second wife. Rupa is frail because of repeated deliveries and the burden of taking care of her children.

Rupa Gandarbha, 30, of Rukum gave birth to ten children in a span of eight years after she was married. Four are alive: 7-year-old Ganesh, 2-year-old Manisha and 3-month-old twins Ganga and Jamuna. Sadly, all of them are blind due to cataract. A poor Dalit woman, Rupa does not have money for their treatment although cataract can be treated. Doctors at the district hospital have told her they can't be treated in Rukum.

Rupa's six children who died were aged between a month and a year and were also blind. "Every time a blind baby was born, I hoped the next one would have healthy eyes," she says. "What did the God punish me for?" Rupa's husband has married another woman and she has to raise her four blind children herself. Her husband has two healthy children from his second wife. Rupa is frail because of repeated deliveries and the burden of taking care of her children.

Rupa Gandarbha, 30, of Rukum gave birth to ten children in a span of eight years after she was married. Four are alive: 7-year-old Ganesh, 2-year-old Manisha and 3-month-old twins Ganga and Jamuna. Sadly, all of them are blind due to cataract. A poor Dalit woman, Rupa does not have money for their treatment although cataract can be treated. Doctors at the district hospital have told her they can't be treated in Rukum.

Rupa's six children who died were aged between a month and a year and were also blind. "Every time a blind baby was born, I hoped the next one would have healthy eyes," she says. "What did the God punish me for?" Rupa's husband has married another woman and she has to raise her four blind children herself. Her husband has two healthy children from his second wife. Rupa is frail because of repeated deliveries and the burden of taking care of her children.

Rupa Gandarbha, 30, of Rukum gave birth to ten children in a span of eight years after she was married. Four are alive: 7-year-old Ganesh, 2-year-old Manisha and 3-month-old twins Ganga and Jamuna. Sadly, all of them are blind due to cataract. A poor Dalit woman, Rupa does not have money for their treatment although cataract can be treated. Doctors at the district hospital have told her they can't be treated in Rukum.

Rupa's six children who died were aged between a month and a year and were also blind. "Every time a blind baby was born, I hoped the next one would have healthy eyes," she says. "What did the God punish me for?" Rupa's husband has married another woman and she has to raise her four blind children herself. Her husband has two healthy children from his second wife. Rupa is frail because of repeated deliveries and the burden of taking care of her children.

Rupa Gandarbha, 30, of Rukum gave birth to ten children in a span of eight years after she was married. Four are alive: 7-year-old Ganesh, 2-year-old Manisha and 3-month-old twins Ganga and Jamuna. Sadly, all of them are blind due to cataract. A poor Dalit woman, Rupa does not have money for their treatment although cataract can be treated. Doctors at the district hospital have told her they can't be treated in Rukum.

Rupa's six children who died were aged between a month and a year and were also blind. "Every time a blind baby was born, I hoped the next one would have healthy eyes," she says. "What did the God punish me for?" Rupa's husband has married another woman and she has to raise her four blind children herself. Her husband has two healthy children from his second wife. Rupa is frail because of repeated deliveries and the burden of taking care of her children.

Rupa Gandarbha, 30, of Rukum gave birth to ten children in a span of eight years after she was married. Four are alive: 7-year-old Ganesh, 2-year-old Manisha and 3-month-old twins Ganga and Jamuna. Sadly, all of them are blind due to cataract. A poor Dalit woman, Rupa does not have money for their treatment although cataract can be treated. Doctors at the district hospital have told her they can't be treated in Rukum.

Rupa's six children who died were aged between a month and a year and were also blind. "Every time a blind baby was born, I hoped the next one would have healthy eyes," she says. "What did the God punish me for?" Rupa's husband has married another woman and she has to raise her four blind children herself. Her husband has two healthy children from his second wife. Rupa is frail because of repeated deliveries and the burden of taking care of her children.

Rupa Gandarbha, 30, of Rukum gave birth to ten children in a span of eight years after she was married. Four are alive: 7-year-old Ganesh, 2-year-old Manisha and 3-month-old twins Ganga and Jamuna. Sadly, all of them are blind due to cataract. A poor Dalit woman, Rupa does not have money for their treatment although cataract can be treated. Doctors at the district hospital have told her they can't be treated in Rukum.

Rupa's six children who died were aged between a month and a year and were also blind. "Every time a blind baby was born, I hoped the next one would have healthy eyes," she says. "What did the God punish me for?" Rupa's husband has married another woman and she has to raise her four blind children herself. Her husband has two healthy children from his second wife. Rupa is frail because of repeated deliveries and the burden of taking care of her children.
