नेपालीमा पनि ओइरिए दर्शक :: Nepali Films Get Audience after long time...

For long time, Nepalese Films were not getting any houseful, and it is not seemed to do better business. Some of them recover their investment and many were at loss.. we've never listened that  "I am going to watch this Nepali film". But this Friday as four films released simultaneously,  all of them are saying they are doing fantastic business in Multiplex to Signal theater. This is good news for Nepalese film industry.

Film "chha ekan chha" by   Deepak raj Giri, is doing fantastic business says Producer. "When foreign films only doing better business or say "Dhoom Machchaairaheko" our film is also doing very big sell" he further added. Film directed by Dinesh DC is also doing Very big sell, as it is seen that the no of show in multiplex increasing at  capital city. Rajesh Ghatani also seen very optimistic by saturday's business of his film "Biteka Pal".  "Our business is not as good as tends to be as per publicity in Friday, it was only 30 to 40 pc but saturday it increases to 70-80 pc" He says. And he further added that they are getting very positive response from audience.

Govinda Sahi is also very enthusiast with his film "parai" as its business is very good in theater and getting lotz revenue. People is selecting his film to watch and the no of people going to hall is big. The film was directed by late Shiv Regmi. Sahi is producer as well as distributor too   and says- "the business of all three films "Parai" "Chha ekan Chha" and "Biteka Pal" are doing very fantastic business at theater and the no of audience is very enthusiast, which is expected." It is good news that the films are getting audience at good no and we are going to show "Parai" in 15 additional hall at Magha 1 which will make total no of hall where "Parai" realesed to 50. Now "Chha ekan Chha" is released in 59 halls and Suraj subba directed "Biteka Pal" in 35 halls, says Govinda sahi.

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