The term "poor countries" may have an expiration date, at least according to Bill Gates, who predicts there will be no such thing as a poor country in the future.
In an annual letter from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the billionaire attempts to dispel three myths surrounding poor countries: that they're doomed to stay poor, that foreign aid is a waste of money and that saving lives in poor countries just means more starving mouths to feed. (Via Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Gates addressed those first two points in a video, saying over the last half-century, poor countries have seen:
"...huge progress on health and incomes, and aid generosity has been a big part of it. So it's a myth that we haven't made progress and that aid hasn't helped.” (Via Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
बिश्वकै धनी ब्यक्तिका रुपमा चर्चित माइक्रोसफ्ट कम्पनीका संस्थापक बिल गेट्सले सन् २०३५ सम्म बिश्वका कुनै पनि मुलुक गरिब नरहने दाबी छन् ।
बिश्वको सवैभन्दा ठूलो परोपकारी संस्था चलाइरहेका गेट्सले मंगलबार प्रकाशन गरेको बार्षिक पत्रमा बिश्वमा चमत्कारिक सुधार हुने बिश्वास ब्यक्त गरेका छन् ।
तर, यसका लागि हाल चर्चा गरिने गरेका केही भ्रमबाट मुक्त हुनुपर्ने उनले सर्त राखेका छन् । गरिव मुलुक गरिवै रहिरहन्छन, बिदेशी सहयोगको कुनै औचित्य छैन र गरिव मानिसको ज्यान बचाउँदा जनसंख्या बृद्धि हुन्छ भन्ने भ्रमलाई चिर्न जरुरी रहेको उनले बताएका छन् ।
सन् २०३५ सम्ममा सवै मुलुक हाल भनिदै आएको तल्लो मध्यम आम्दानीभन्दा माथि उक्लने बिश्वास ब्यक्त गरेका छन् ।
गरिव मुलुकहरुले उत्पादनशील छिमेकीबाट केही सिक्ने, नयाँ खोप, राम्रो बिऊबिजन र डिजिटल क्रान्तिबाट लाभ लिने गेट्ले बताएका छन् ।
पछिल्ला बर्षहरुमा गरिव मुलुकले पनि तिब्र बिकाश र सुधार गरिरहेको दृष्टान्त पेश गर्दै गेट्सले भनेका छन– झण्डै ७० प्रतिशत मुलुकको आम्दानी हालको चीनको भन्दा बढि रहने र ९० प्रतिशत मुलुक हालको भारतभन्दा उत्तम अबस्थामा पुग्ने छन् ।’
सन् १९८८ मा १२५ मुलुक पोलियो प्रभावित रहेकोमा बिदेशी सहयोगका कारण हाल त्यो संख्या ३ वटामा झरेको दृष्टान्त पेश गर्दै गेट्सले सही लगानी र नीतिमा ल्याइने परिवर्तनले बालमृत्युदर घटिरहेको बताएका छन् ।
लामो समय बिश्वकै नम्बर धनी रहन सफल गेट्सले पछिल्ला केही बर्ष बिल एण्ड मेलिन्दा गेट्स फाउण्डेसन खोलेर परोपकारी काम गरिहरेका छन् ।
सन् १९९७ यता मात्र उनीहरुले २८ अर्ब ३० करोड अमेरिकी डलर परोपकारी कार्यमा खर्च गरेको फाउण्डेसनले जनाएको छ ।
The term "poor countries" may have an expiration date, at least according to Bill Gates, who predicts there will be no such thing as a poor country in the future.
In an annual letter from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the billionaire attempts to dispel three myths surrounding poor countries: that they're doomed to stay poor, that foreign aid is a waste of money and that saving lives in poor countries just means more starving mouths to feed. (Via Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Gates addressed those first two points in a video, saying over the last half-century, poor countries have seen:
"...huge progress on health and incomes, and aid generosity has been a big part of it. So it's a myth that we haven't made progress and that aid hasn't helped.” (Via Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
And Gates predicts that by 2035 there will be almost no poor countries left in the world.
Gates clarified that statement in a footnote, saying, “Specifically, I mean that by 2035, almost no country will be as poor as any of the 35 countries that the World Bank classifies as low-income today, even after adjusting for inflation.” (Via Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
And that raises the question – if more countries are reaching middle-income status, does that mean they’ll no longer need foreign aid?
Quartz asked Gates just that, and he said, "Except for the bottom of the middle-income category, you typically become self-sufficient. Nigeria has moved into low-middle-income, but their north is very poor and the health care systems there have broken down. India is right on the bottom edge of middle-income, and I’d see us for another decade giving to India, despite it's characterization." (Via Quartz)
Melinda Gates addressed the third point, saying the belief that poor countries will overpopulate if they aren't starving is a backwards way of thinking: it's because of the high child mortality rate that countries like, say, Afghanistan have high birth rates, and those rates go down as income improves. (Via Los Angeles Times)
A writer at Forbes notes the letter had another message — a specific deadline for the Gates' work: "That 2035 date also coincides with the year Bill Gates turns 80, a fact not lost on him. It's the third underlying message of the letter: a personal blueprint for the next two decades." (Via Forbes)