Timi Bhani Deu[तिमीनै भनिदेउ तिमी मेरो को हौ] Shweta Upreti -Nepali Sentimental Pop Song
Hit Nepali Sentimental Pop Song by Shweta Upreti is too nice song. When we listen this song, feel relief from many tension related to relation problem. The video is also too nice of this song as the words. Words are written beautifully by Bhusan Kharel and the Suresh Adhikari's music is another milestone in nepali music and in this song too. Sur Melody presents this beautiful video to us . And in internet this video found uploaded by YouTube user glamournepal dated sept 06, 2012. We've shared this video in this blog to enjoy to our regular readers and guests. We always love you and please kindly register your comments on our comment form.
Friends please don't forget to use this tone as your crbt tone in your mobile phone. The crbt no is 0170010345
Details :
Song: Timi Bhani Deu, Timi Mero Ko Hau
Singer: Shweta Upreti
Album: Chaska
Lyrics: Bhusan Kharel
Music: Suresh Adhikari
Audio: Sur Melody
Artist: Niral Baral and Priyanka Karki
Camera: Purushottam Pradhan
Edit: Prakash Tuladhar
Concept: Zaya Sharma
Dorection: Acharya Subrat
SZ Creation Presentation