Bharosa..[भरोसा]. Jimmy Rai
Nepali Pop song 'Bharosa' by Jimmv Rai is nice modern Pop song. The edge of nepali music is enlarged by pop music and this is another nice pop in music industry. Words of this song is too nicely written and the music is also hear touching. When we listen this song, found our-self in another word. It could be heavenly feeling when we listen this song with full attention and this is also modern pop, we can share with friends with great standard. When i listened this song first time, I was not able to understand but when my friend request to listen this song again when we're in trekking to Ghanruk, a beautiful place near Pokhara, on the way to Machhapuchhre Base camp, I understand each and every line of this song. When we belive other, for anything.. then this song starts and up then whats ever happens.. my dear friends you have to find out in the song. Please watch this video, i mean please do not play song in background as the developers of this song have done more exercise to make this just to entertain us and if we do not enjoy this then what is the meaning of that effort. Please do not make their effort vain.
Help the investor of this song by buying original copy from the market and by downloading crbt to your mobile phone.
Song: Bharosa...
Vocal Lyrics & Music: Jimmy Rai
Arranger: Bijeswor Raj Tandukar
Artist: Rubyna, Rupa, Rajendra & Kamal
Audio: TAS
Direction: Jimmy Rai & Randhir Shrestha
Camera & Edit: Randhir Shrestha
Color grading: Binod p. Shrestha
a RAS production