अमेरिकी सेनाले बनायो उड्ने ट्रक..(तस्विर सहित) :: This flying drone helicopter truck is a real life transformer Watch Photos..!!

"What is this? A flying drone? Eight flying drones? One flying helicopter? A moving room? A truck? It's a little bit of everything. Called the AT Black Knight Transformer, it combines the vertical takeoff and landing of a helicopter with the off-road driving capabilities of a truck. So yes, that means it can fly and drive. Oh and it's a drone.

You see, when the Black Knight Transformer, made by Advanced Tactics and spotted by Popular Science, is in its fly configuration, the rotors are sprayed out and ready for take off. But when the transformer is in drive mode, the rotors are tucked in to its side to make it look like a normal car. Like this"
२७ पुस ।अमेरिकी सेनाले युद्धका समयमा प्रयोग गर्न उड्ने ट्रक तयार पारेको छ।
जमिनमा गुड्न पनि सक्ने र उड्न पनि सक्ने यो ट्रक हेलिकप्टर आफैमा एउटा रोबोट हो। यसलाई रोबोट योद्धाका रुपमा लिन सकिन्छ।

यो उड्ने ट्रकमा कुनै चालक भने हुँदैन् ।हाल अमेरिकाले चलनमा ल्याएको ड्रोन जस्तै यसलाई रिमोटबाट चलाइने पपुलर साइन्सले जनाएको छ।
यो हेलिकप्टर औसधी ओसार्ने र मृत शबहरु युद्धस्थलबाट ल्याउन उपयोगी हुने बताइएको छ।

हाल परिक्षणमै रहेको यो ट्रक हेलिकप्टरको फेब्रुअरीसम्ममा सम्पुर्ण परिक्षण गरिने र निकट भविष्यमा अमेरिकी सेनामा समावेश गरिनेछ।

उडने र गुड्ने बेलामा यसले आफ्नो आकार फरक फरक पार्न सक्छ। उड्ने समयमा यसका ८ वटा पंखा माथी फर्कन्छन् भने जमिनमा ट्रक झै गुड्दा पंखाहरु दायाँ बायाँबाट तल फर्किन्छन्।
What is this? A flying drone? Eight flying drones? One flying helicopter? A moving room? A truck? It's a little bit of everything. Called the AT Black Knight Transformer, it combines the vertical takeoff and landing of a helicopter with the off-road driving capabilities of a truck. So yes, that means it can fly and drive. Oh and it's a drone.

You see, when the Black Knight Transformer, made by Advanced Tactics and spotted by Popular Science, is in its fly configuration, the rotors are sprayed out and ready for take off. But when the transformer is in drive mode, the rotors are tucked in to its side to make it look like a normal car. Like this: