केटीका बाउले मागे अनौठो दाईजो, १० लाख फेसबुक लाइक चाहियो :: Father demands 1 million Facebook 'likes' as dowry. Who said romance was dead?

"As a dad in Yemen asks his prospective son-in-law to collect one million Facebook 'likes' to prove his commitment to his daughter (instead of a traditional cash dowry), Dr Brooke Magnanti thinks he's onto something.

It may sound strange but as proving suitability for marriage goes, well, why not? My husband brought to our marriage a dowry of a dozen boxes of history books, far too many pairs of enormous shoes that all look alike, and a keen talent for breaking the washing machine. As far as useful contributions to wedded bliss go, a million likes would not necessarily be a worse deal."

विवाहमा केटा पक्षले दाइजोका रुपमा लाखौ रुपैयाँ, मोटर, बंगला मागेको र केटी पक्षले केटा जागिरे हुनु पर्ने जस्ता माग राखेको त सुन्दै आएको हो । तर, यमनमा एक बाबुले आफ्नो छोरीसँग विवाहका लागि फेसबुक लाइक मागेका छन् । त्यो पनि चानचुन हैन, १० लाखको संख्यामा ।
युवतीका बाबुले १० लाख फेसबुक लाइक जुटाउनेलाई छोरी दिने घोषणा गरेका छन् । यमन पारम्परिक समाज भएको देश हो । यो शर्तले त्यहाँका मानिस छक्क परेका छन् ।

युवतीकी बाबु सलेम अयाश एक साहित्यकार हुन् । ताइज शहरमा बस्ने सलेमले हुनेवाला ज्वाईँले १० लाख फेसबुक लाइक जुटाउनु पर्ने शर्त राखेका हुन् । त्यो पनि आफ्नो वा हुनेवाला श्रीमतीको नाममा नभई केटीको बाबु सलेम अयाशको फेसबुक पेजमा ।
यमनमा ढाई करोड इन्टरनेट उपभोक्ता भएको अनुमान छ । यस्तोमा १० लाख फेसबुक लाइक जुटाउन त्यति सजिलो छैन । यमनको अल-अथ्याम अखबारका पत्रकार बशराहीलले यस्तो सर्त पहिलोपटक सुनेको बताए । इन्टरनेटमा थुप्रै ब्लगरहरुले सलेमको पेज लाइक गर्न अपील समेत गरेका छन् । सलेम अयाशको फेसबुक पेज बनेको केही दिनमा नै ३० हजारभन्दा बढी लाइक जुटिसकेको छ ।
फेसबुक लाइक मागेकोबारे सोधिएको प्रश्नमा सलेमले भनेका छन्-’यमनमा दाइजोको रुपमा रकम दिने हैसियत कसैसँग छैन ।’ उनले आफ्नो हुनेवाला ज्वाईँले फेसबुक लाइक जुटाउने प्रयास गरेको हेर्न चाहेको तर, यसमा अड्डी नलिने बताएका छन् । उनले भनेका छन्-’यदि मैले उनले कडा मेहनत गरेको पाएँ भने बैबाहिक जीन्दगी खुसी देख्न म आफ्नो अडानमा लचिलो हुन तयार छु ।’
पत्रकार बशराहीलका अनुसार यमनका नौजवानहरु विवाहका लागि केटी पक्षलाई रकम दिन सक्ने अवस्थामा छैनन् । जसका कारण धेरैको विवाह हुन सकेको छैन । त्यहाँको परम्परा अनुसार केटीको बाबुले दाइजोको रुपमा केटा पक्षले दिनु पर्ने रकम तय गर्नेछन् । विवाहमा धेरै धनराशी खर्च गर्नु पर्ने भएपछि पछिल्लो दिनमा सामूहिक विवाहको प्रचलन समेत सुरु भएको छ ।

As a dad in Yemen asks his prospective son-in-law to collect one million Facebook 'likes' to prove his commitment to his daughter (instead of a traditional cash dowry), Dr Brooke Magnanti thinks he's onto something.

Sometimes, the question of how to judge suitability for marriage is so complicated as to be totally impenetrable. Is a man who is committed to his career and earning loads a good catch, or will he turn out to be a potentially disengaged partner? Do opposites attract, or do they just drive each other up the wall eventually? Sometimes, you find yourself wishing for something a little less abstract, a measure that relies less on secretly googling your intended and plumping his exes for info. Like, say, a dowry?
Many in this country might object to the concept of the dowry on the basis of it being a straight-up financial arrangement. Marriage is supposed to be all about love, or something. But really marriage is, and has always been, a legal and financial arrangement between families only recently interrupted by a Hollywood ideal of eternal partnership based on liking the way someone looked at you while crossing the street in New York City (or equivalent romcom trope). Let's face it: you don't necessarily need money to ensure happiness, but being able to talk honestly about money right from the start eliminates a significant source of marital discord.
But in the internet age it seems an old fashioned dowry just isn't what it used to be. Instead of requesting money for the privilege of marrying his daughter, one father in Yemen has made the unprecedented request that the groom-to-be organise one million Facebook 'likes' to prove he is dedicated and hardworking enough to be worthy of joining the family. In a country where the population is only 25 million, that's a big ask.
Salim Ayyash, who is well known among internet-savvy residents in the area, is reportedly monitoring his future son-in-law's actions on FB and Twitter to check whether he is making progress towards the goal.

It may sound strange but as proving suitability for marriage goes, well, why not? My husband brought to our marriage a dowry of a dozen boxes of history books, far too many pairs of enormous shoes that all look alike, and a keen talent for breaking the washing machine. As far as useful contributions to wedded bliss go, a million likes would not necessarily be a worse deal.

The topic of dowries is a hot political issue in Yemen, where campaigners have urged for legislation for caps on the maximum amount that can be demanded. Requested dowries have spiralled in recent years, putting marriage out of reach for many young people and leading to widespread concern about "spinsters".
In a country where few can afford to provide dowries anymore, you have to applaud someone thinking laterally on the spirit of the gesture. But Ayyash is missing a trick if he doesn't also ask his daughter's fiance to plump for Bitcoin donations as well. And while he's at it, an Amazon wish list probably wouldn't go amiss either…
