मृत घोषित बच्चा अचानक रोएपछि... Chinese funeral home workers call off cremation after ‘dead’ baby starts crying

"“Because the baby still had life signs, we continued to give him transfusion to maintain his life for humanitarian reasons,” a hospital staff member told Xinhua as reported by AFP."
एजेन्सी/ चीनको एक अस्पतालमा मृत घोषित एक बच्चा दुई दिनपछि बोलेपछि उपचार गर्ने डाक्टर फसादमा परेका छन् । डाक्टरले बच्चालाई मृत घोषित गरेको दुई दिनपछि अन्तिम संस्कारका लागि तयारी गर्दै गर्दा बच्चा रोएको हो ।

केही समय अघी, सोमबार हेफेईमा रहेको अन्तिम संस्कार स्थलमा बच्चालाई पुर्नै लाग्दा बच्चा रोएको आवाज मलामीले सुनेका थिए । यो घटनापछि प्रशासनले अस्पतालका डाक्टरविरुद्ध कारबाही सुरु गरेको छ । अस्पतालले गल्ती गर्ने डाक्टर पत्ता लागिसकेको बताएको छ । उनको लाइसेन्स पनि खारेज गरिसकेको छ । मृत घोषित बच्चाको अवस्था अहिले पनि गम्भीर छ । जन्मँदै श्वासप्रश्वाससम्बन्धी रोग लागेको उक्त बच्चालाई प्रोभेन्सिलय बाल अस्पतालमा भर्ना गरिएको थियो । केही दिनको उपचारपछि एक डाक्टरले बच्चालाई मृत घोषित गरेका थिए ।
BEIJING — A funeral home discovered a baby was alive two days after he was pronounced dead at a hospital in eastern China. The funeral workers realized the baby was alive when they heard him cry as they were preparing to cremate him.

It is unclear how long the baby had been left untended at the funeral home or exactly when he was planned to be cremated.

After confirming the baby was alive, he was immediately sent back to the hospital for treatment, the Beijing News and other outlets reported.

“Because the baby still had life signs, we continued to give him transfusion to maintain his life for humanitarian reasons,” a hospital staff member told Xinhua as reported by AFP.

Authorities revoked the license of the doctor who mistakenly declared the newborn boy dead, the health department in Anhui province said. The statement it issued Thursday said funeral home workers found the boy to be alive on Wednesday, two days after he was pronounced dead at a provincial Children’s Hospital.

The department said the boy has “congenital respiratory system malformation” and the hospital treated him until Monday, when his condition deteriorated. The Xinhua news agency reported that the parents had agreed to stop treatment on the child, though how he was deemed dead when he wasn’t is unclear.

Authorities have ruled that the doctor — identified only by the surname Cha — was negligent and that hospital’s newborn division was chaotic.

The boy remains in critical condition.
