१६ बर्षमा भर्जिनिटी गुमाए, ठूलो बक्षस्थलको चाहना सधैं :: Katy Perry Reveals Her Big Boobs Are From The Power Of Prayer!

We could have told you that Katy Perry's boobs exist on this earth By The Grace Of God!
But the Unconditionally singer told GQ Magazine that her divine D-cups are no less than a gift from God!
At least, that's what she thought when she was younger. She says:
"I lay on my back one night and looked down at my feet, and I prayed to God. I said, 'God, will you please let me have boobs so big that I can't see my feet when I'm lying down?'
God answered my prayers. I had no clue they would fall into my armpits eventually."
Well, we're pretty sure we've never seen a better argument against atheism!
It's enough to make John Mayer put his hands together! LOLz!

११ बर्षको उमेरमा नै आफ्नो बक्षस्थल ठूलो होस् भन्ने चाहना थियो मोडल तथा गायिका केटी पेरिको । एक रात आफूले आफ्नो खुट्टामा हेर्दै ठूलो बक्षस्थल होस् भनेर भगवानसँग कामना गरेको २९ बर्षकी यि मोडलले खुलाइन् ।
ठूलो बक्षस्थलका कारण आफूलाई आफ्नो खुट्टा हेर्न पनि गाह्रो होस् भनेर भगवान पुकारेको केटीको भनाई छ । उनले आफूले १६ बर्षको उमेरमा नै आफ्नो कुमारीत्व गुमाएको खुलासा गरिन् । बिहेको बारेमा कुनै हतार नभएको भन्दै उनले अहिले आफूले निक्कै राम्रा पुरुषहरुसँग मिठो पल बिताइरहेको खुलाएकी छिन् ।

Katy Perry has cemented herself as a feminist’s worst nightmare with her new GQ cover story, in which she reveals that she prayed to God for boobs, she sings in that whiny voice on purpose, and she thinks Geishas love unconditionally. Yes, we can all laugh at Perry for praying for her voluptuous figure, but we should be nervous that this influential pop star—whom thousands of tweens and teens bop along to—is peddling a childishly sexy persona as feminism.

Katy Perry touted her newest album, Prism, as some sort of feminist awakening. She declared in 2012 that she was “not a feminist” but believed in the strength of women. By 2013, her first post-Russell Brand breakup song, “Roar,” was supposed to declare her independence and communicate that “girl power” mantra that—even if it’s not labeled with the dreaded “f” word—is something close to feminism. Instead, the album dropped, and we got a series of the most obvious sexual metaphors ever.

So let me get you in your birthday suit
It’s time to bring out the big balloons
So let me get you in your birthday suit
It’s time to bring out the big, big, big, big, big, big balloons

Spoiler alert: The balloons are her breasts. It seems the veiled metaphors haven’t progressed much since “peacock cock, cock” on Teenage Dream four years ago. This self-acclaimed powerful and independent woman is cultivating that sexy baby image that men love and Liz Lemon/Tina Fey reviled on 30 Rock. Just check out some of the quotes from the GQ article.