नाच्दा नाच्दै समुन्द्रको छालले बगायो एक महिला...(भिडियोसहित) :: Video: Dancing woman swept away by monster wave on Spanish beach !!!

In a new video posted online today from the wild storms that battered Europe earlier this month, a woman in a black swimsuit is seen skipping and dancing along Sardinero Beach as big surf crashes across the sand.
As the strong waves near closer, she realises the water is stronger than she expected.
But she has left her escape too late.
A woman skylarking on a Spanish beach being whipped by ferocious storms has found out the hard way that Mother Nature doesn't play fair. ७ माघ, एजेन्सी । समुन्द्री बीचमा पुगेर नाचिरहेकी एक महिलालाई समुन्द्रमा बहने छालले बगाएको छ । स्पेनको वीचमा नाचिरहने क्रममा आएको समुन्द्री भेलले ती महिलालाई बगाएको हो ।

ती महिला नाचिरहेको र समुन्द्री छालले बगाएको भिडियो फुटेज समेत खिचिएको छ । कालो रंगको बिकिनीमा सार्दिनेरो वीचमा रहेकी ती महिला समुन्द्रको छालले बगाउनु अघि निकै रमाईरहेकी थिइन् । उनको परिचय भने खुलाइएको छैन् ।

ती महिलासँगै रहेका उनका साथीहरू उक्त छालबाट जोगिन सफल भए तर उनी भने त्यहाँबाट उम्किन सकिनन् । उनलाई छालले केही पर त पुर्यायो तर, उनी बाच्न सफल भइन् । उनले समुन्द्री छालको निकै तितो अनुभव गरिन् ।

In a new video posted online today from the wild storms that battered Europe earlier this month, a woman in a black swimsuit is seen skipping and dancing along Sardinero Beach as big surf crashes across the sand.
As the strong waves near closer, she realises the water is stronger than she expected.
But she has left her escape too late.

Despite running towards a ramp off the beach, she is caught in the wave and almost immediately knocked over and dragged like a rag doll as the water begins to wash back into the ocean.
Spectators look on shocked, while one person tries in vain to extend an umbrella to the struggling woman.
Few details are known about the video.

Comments on the video uploaded online say she survived being dragged a few hundred metres, despite suffering some bumps and bruises.
There were several reports of people coming into trouble on beaches in Europe earlier in the month as vicious storms whipped up pounding surf over several days. In a new video posted online today from the wild storms that battered Europe earlier this month, a woman in a black swimsuit is seen skipping and dancing along Sardinero Beach as big surf crashes across the sand.
As the strong waves near closer, she realises the water is stronger than she expected.
But she has left her escape too late.
A woman skylarking on a Spanish beach being whipped by ferocious storms has found out the hard way that Mother Nature doesn't play fair.
