बच्चाले खिचेको भिडियोले स्पेन अप्ठ्यारोमा (भिडियो सहित) :: Child films security guards attacking parents, Spain should Answer !!

"They grabbed my neck and I thought I was going to die in Spain," said the husband.

"My youngest child couldn't stop crying, I couldn't console him" said his wife.

"If they had found something, well that's different, but I didn't have anything. They looked everywhere and didn't find anything," she added.

कहिलेकाही बालबालिकाले गरेका कृयाकलापले अनौठो प्रकृतिका हुन्छन् । यस्तै भएको छ फ्रान्सका एक बालकले खिचेको भिडियो । यो भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएपछि स्पेनका सुरक्षा अधिकारीहरुको बारेमा प्रश्न खडा भएको छ । भिडियोबारे स्पेनका सुरक्षा अधिकारीहरुको कुनै प्रतिकृया आइ सकेको छैन ।

गत क्रिसमसको विदा मनाउन स्पेन गएका फ्रान्सका परिवारको लागि कहिले भुल्न नसक्ने अवस्था सृजना भयो । स्पेनको एक सुरपरमार्केटमा गएका ती परिवार फर्कदा त्यहाको सुरक्षामा राखिएको अलार्म वज्यो । सुरक्षा अधिकारीहरुले उनीहरुको तलासी लिए । तर उनीहरुसंग कुनै चोरिएको सामान थिएन । उनीहरुलाई छोडिएन । सेक्युरिटीको कोठामा लगेर वेस्सरी कुटियो । ती परिवारका सात वर्षीय बालकले आफनो मोवाइलबाट सुटुक्क भिडियो खिचे । ती परिवारलाई दिन भरी त्यहाँ राखियो अनि स्थानीय अदालत लगियो । अहिले भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएको छ ।
A Christmas holiday in Spain turned into a nightmare for a married couple from France when they were beaten up by security guards at a supermarket. One of their young children managed to secretly film the brutal incident.

The couple were assaulted by security staff while shopping at a supermarket in the Spanish seaside resort of Torrevieja ,Spain's El Mundo newspaper reported on Thursday.

The pair said the incident began after they set off the alarm at the shop's cash registers. They were made to pass through the security barriers several times but nothing was found.

Security guards then took the French tourists to another office where they were spat on and attacked in the presence of their children, the youngest of whom is only seven.

In the chaos that ensued, one of those children managed to secretly film the vicious attack.

The video shows one of the security guards placing the man in a chokehold while his colleague appears to repeatedly punch the clearly distraught woman.

"They grabbed my neck and I thought I was going to die in Spain," said the husband.

"My youngest child couldn't stop crying, I couldn't console him" said his wife.

"If they had found something, well that's different, but I didn't have anything. They looked everywhere and didn't find anything," she added.

After the incident, the couple were treated at a local hospital. They waited several days before filing a complaint as the local Civil Guard as no translator was available at the force's Torrevieja station.

The supermarket involved has since admitted the assault took place and have asked for more information from the external firm charged with security at the shopping centre.

That security firm has refused to comment publicly on the matter, El Mundo reported.

The French family plans to return to home on Thursday.
