With Video :: गुजरातमा एटीएमबाटै दूध :: Amul launches India's first milk ATM

This one sure is innovative! Amul has launched the country's first milk ATM. The vending machine has been installed at the Amul Dairy gate at Anand in Gujarat.
We take you through the salient points on how the ATM works. Also don't miss on watching out the video of the ATM functioning!

१४ माघ, काठमाडौं । प्रविधिको विकाससँगै अब अटोमेटेड टेलर मेसिन -एटीएम) बाट पैसा मात्रै होइन, गाई भैंसीको दूध पनि निकाल्न सकिने भएको छ । तर, धैर्य गर्नुहोला, एटीएमबाटै ताजा दूध खान पाउने सुविधा नेपालमा तत्कालै आउने छैन । यो सुविधा सबैभन्दा पहिले भारतको गुजरातबाट त्यहाँका प्रमुख शहरहरुमा लागू हुनेछ ।
गुजरातको चर्चित अमूल डेरीले एटीमबाट दूध निकाल्न सकिने प्रविधिको विकास गरेको हो । ‘एनी टाइम मिल्क’ अभियान अन्तरगत अमूल डेरीले १० रुपैयाँमा ३ सय मिलिलिटर दूध एटीएम मेसिनबाट प्राप्त गर्न सकिने योजना ल्याएको त्यहाँका सञ्चारमाध्यमले महत्वका साथ प्रकाशित गरेका छन् । दूधका साथै एटीएमबाट पनीर, दही र लस्सीलगायतका दूधजन्य पदार्थसमेत एटीएम मेसिनबाटै उपलब्ध गराउन लागिएको अमूल डेरीले जनाएको छ ।
This one sure is innovative! Amul has launched the country's first milk ATM. The vending machine has been installed at the Amul Dairy gate at Anand in Gujarat.
We take you through the salient points on how the ATM works. Also don't miss on watching out the video of the ATM functioning!
According to Rahul Kumar, the MD of Amul Dairy in Gujarat, this concept has been tried for the first time in India. 'The milk pouches are kept in the automatic dispensing machine which also keep milk pouches chilled under 4 degrees,' Kumar says.
The ATM - named Any Time Milk - machine can store 150 pouches of 300 ml milk. The milk costs Rs 10 per pouch.
Amul claims that the move is aimed to help daily workers, street vendors or construction workers who return from their work late evening or at night. 'They would be able to get milk at their convenience since the machine is operational 24 hours,' says Kumar.
The machine is designed to sense only Rs 10 currency note and after sensing the note, one pouch is dispensed from bottom of the machine.
Amul plans to install another 5 machines at various locations such as near the railway station/bus station/ entry of city and near student hostels etc.
Amul will also install a few machines in rural areas to monitor the feedback. 'If all goes well, other markets of Gujarat and other states will be tried out,' says Amul.
Each machine is managed by a differently abled person. 'We provide employment to such people who can put milk pouches in the machine, inform dairy if more supply is needed and also to provide Rs 10 note to consumers,' says Kumar.
Amul claims to have got a good response for the ATM. 'About 200 pouches are dispensed after 12 midnight to early morning, which means it is helpful to customers during odd hours. Even large hospitals may be good space for such a service,' says Amul.
