हङकङ, असार १८ - सार्वजनिक र सामुदायिक सेवामा समर्पित भई स्थानीय अल्पसंख्यकका हितमा कार्य गरेबापत हङकङ सरकारले शर्मिला गुरुङलाई 'मेडल अफ अनर' ले सम्मानित गर्ने भएको छ ।
हङकङ स्थापना दिवसको १७ औं वाषिर्कोत्सवका अवसरमा मंगलबार उक्त घोषणा भएको हो ।
बेलायतले हङकङ चीनलाई हस्तान्तरण गरेको दिन जुलाई १ लाई प्रत्येक वर्ष स्थापना दिवसका रुपमा मनाइन्छ । सन् २००९ मा समेत सरकारले गुरुङलाई 'चिफ एक्ज्युकेटिभ कोमेन्डेसन फर कम्युनिटी सर्भिस' ले सम्मानित गरिसकेको छ । हङकङ सरकारबाट दोहोर्याएर सम्मान पाउने गुरुङ पहिलो नेपाली समेत बनेकी छन् । दक्षिण एसियाली स्वास्थ्य सहयोग कार्यक्रम अन्र्तगत युनाइटेड क्रिश्चियन नेदरसोल कम्युनिटी हेल्थ सर्भिसमा आवद्ध डाक्टर गुरुङ गृह मामिला विभाग अन्तर्गत जातीय सद्भाव प्रर्वद्धन कमिटिकी गैरसरकारी सदस्य हुन् । सरकारद्वारा संचालित स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी विभिन्न परियोजनाहरूमा यिनी सकृय रहदै आएकी छन् । यसअघि १३ औं वाषिर्कोत्सवका अवसरमा बुद्धिबहादुर थापालाई सोही मेडल प्रदान गरिएको थियो । सामुदायिक सेवामा सकृय योगदान गरेबापत अर्का नेपाली प्रदीप (दीप) थापालाई समेत हङकङ सरकारले 'चिफ एक्ज्युकेटिभ कोमेन्डेसन फर कम्युनिटी सर्भिस' ले सम्मानित गर्ने भएको छ । हङकङ नेपाली महासंघका अध्यक्ष थापा धरानका हुन् ।
छाता संगठन दाबी गरिएको महासंघमा स्थानीय ३३ संघसंस्था आवद्ध छन् । घोषित सम्मान चीनको राष्ट्रिय दिवसका दिन अक्टुबर १ मा हङकङका कार्यकारी प्रमुख लियोङ चिन युनले प्रदान गर्नेछन् । यसवर्ष हङकङ सरकारले विभिन्न पदक तथा सम्मान पत्रले विभूषित गर्ने २ सय ८३ जनाको नामावली मंगलबार सार्वजनिक राजपत्रमा उल्लेख छ ।
मेडल अफ अनरले सम्मानित गुरुङले स्वास्थ्यका क्षेत्रमा धेरै काम गर्नुपर्ने बताएकी छन् । 'पदक पाउँदा आश्चर्यसँगै कामको कदर भएको महसुस गरेकी छु', पोखरा स्थायी घर भएकी गुरुङले भनिन्, 'यसले ममाथि अझबढी जिम्मेवारी थपिदिएको छ ।' यतै जन्मिएकी उनले हङकङ युनिभर्सिटीबाट पब्लिक हेल्थमा स्नाकोत्तर गरेकी छन् । वर्षौदेखि लगातार सामाजिक कार्यमा संलग्न रहेवापत सरकारले मुल्याङ्कन गरेको महासंघका अध्यक्ष प्रदीप थापाले बताए । पछिल्लोसमय नेपाली समुदाय र हङकङ सरकारबीच राम्रो सम्बन्ध विस्तार भएको समेत उनको भनाइ थियो । अध्यक्ष थापा लगायतको मुख्य सकृयतामा केही महिनाअघि २२ नेपाली दुव्र्यसनीहरूको उद्दार गरिएको थियो । पुष्पा गुरुङ, पुष्प राई, कुल प्रसाद गुरुङ, अरुणा गुरुङ, चुरा थापा र अहिलेका दुई समेत गरी 'चिफ एक्ज्युकेटिभ कोमेन्डेसन फर कम्युनिटी सर्भिस' बाट सम्मानित हुने नेपालीको संख्या सात पुगेको छ । त्योभन्दा माथिल्लो स्तरको मेडल अफ अनर पाउने शर्मिला गुरुङ र बुद्धिबहादुर थापा हुन् ।

मेडल अफ अनरले सम्मानित गुरुङले स्वास्थ्यका क्षेत्रमा धेरै काम गर्नुपर्ने बताएकी छन् । 'पदक पाउँदा आश्चर्यसँगै कामको कदर भएको महसुस गरेकी छु', पोखरा स्थायी घर भएकी गुरुङले भनिन्, 'यसले ममाथि अझबढी जिम्मेवारी थपिदिएको छ ।' यतै जन्मिएकी उनले हङकङ युनिभर्सिटीबाट पब्लिक हेल्थमा स्नाकोत्तर गरेकी छन् । वर्षौदेखि लगातार सामाजिक कार्यमा संलग्न रहेवापत सरकारले मुल्याङ्कन गरेको महासंघका अध्यक्ष प्रदीप थापाले बताए । पछिल्लोसमय नेपाली समुदाय र हङकङ सरकारबीच राम्रो सम्बन्ध विस्तार भएको समेत उनको भनाइ थियो । अध्यक्ष थापा लगायतको मुख्य सकृयतामा केही महिनाअघि २२ नेपाली दुव्र्यसनीहरूको उद्दार गरिएको थियो । पुष्पा गुरुङ, पुष्प राई, कुल प्रसाद गुरुङ, अरुणा गुरुङ, चुरा थापा र अहिलेका दुई समेत गरी 'चिफ एक्ज्युकेटिभ कोमेन्डेसन फर कम्युनिटी सर्भिस' बाट सम्मानित हुने नेपालीको संख्या सात पुगेको छ । त्योभन्दा माथिल्लो स्तरको मेडल अफ अनर पाउने शर्मिला गुरुङ र बुद्धिबहादुर थापा हुन् ।
१८ असार, काठमाडौँ । इराकको टिक्रिलटस्थित एक अस्पतालमा शरण लिएर बसेका तीन नेपालीलाई विद्रोहीले मंगलबार करिब ७ घन्टा नियन्त्रणमा लिएर छाडिदिएका छन् ।
टिक्रिटमै फसेका सातमध्ये चार नेपाली भने सुरक्षित ठाँउ कुर्दिस्तान पुगेको छ ।
टिक्रिटबाट मोरङका मोहनकुमार बस्नेतले आफूहरुलाई मंगलबार नियन्त्रणमा लिएर छाडिदिएको जानकारी दिए । आजको नयाँ पत्रिका दैनिकले समाचार छापेको छ ।
‘हामीलाई बिहान लगृर सात घन्टा राख्यो, अनि छाडिदियो, टिक्रिटबाट बस्नेतले टेलिफोनमा भने,’हामीलाई केही त गरेनन्, तर किन लगेका हुन् भन्ने जानकारी भएन ।’ इराकी विद्रोही सुन्नी समूह आइएसआइएसले गत २७ जेठमा टिक्रिट नियन्त्रणमा लिएपछि उनीहरु अलपत्र परेका थिए । नियँन्त्रणमा परेका बेला आफूहरुसँग दुस्मनी नरहेको विद्रोहीले बताएको पनि बस्नेतको भनाई छ ।
‘हामीलाई बिहान नियन्त्रणमा लिनेमध्ये एकजनासँग कुरा भएको थियो । उनीहरुले तिमीहरुसँग कुनै दुस्मनी होइन । हामी यहाँका जनतालाई मुक्त गर्न आएका हौँ भने, बस्नेतले भने,’उनीहरुलाई युरोपियन देशबाट आएका धेरै छन् । स्थानीय विद्रोहीले भेटेको भए मारिसक्थे होला ।’ अस्पतालका १५ जना नर्सलाई पनि विद्रोहीले गरेको उनले जानकारी दिए । बस्नेतले सो क्षेत्रमा बमबारी भइरहेको र आफू घाइते भएको जानकारी दिए ।
टिक्रिटबाट मोरङका मोहनकुमार बस्नेतले आफूहरुलाई मंगलबार नियन्त्रणमा लिएर छाडिदिएको जानकारी दिए । आजको नयाँ पत्रिका दैनिकले समाचार छापेको छ ।
‘हामीलाई बिहान लगृर सात घन्टा राख्यो, अनि छाडिदियो, टिक्रिटबाट बस्नेतले टेलिफोनमा भने,’हामीलाई केही त गरेनन्, तर किन लगेका हुन् भन्ने जानकारी भएन ।’ इराकी विद्रोही सुन्नी समूह आइएसआइएसले गत २७ जेठमा टिक्रिट नियन्त्रणमा लिएपछि उनीहरु अलपत्र परेका थिए । नियँन्त्रणमा परेका बेला आफूहरुसँग दुस्मनी नरहेको विद्रोहीले बताएको पनि बस्नेतको भनाई छ ।
‘हामीलाई बिहान नियन्त्रणमा लिनेमध्ये एकजनासँग कुरा भएको थियो । उनीहरुले तिमीहरुसँग कुनै दुस्मनी होइन । हामी यहाँका जनतालाई मुक्त गर्न आएका हौँ भने, बस्नेतले भने,’उनीहरुलाई युरोपियन देशबाट आएका धेरै छन् । स्थानीय विद्रोहीले भेटेको भए मारिसक्थे होला ।’ अस्पतालका १५ जना नर्सलाई पनि विद्रोहीले गरेको उनले जानकारी दिए । बस्नेतले सो क्षेत्रमा बमबारी भइरहेको र आफू घाइते भएको जानकारी दिए ।

“Many Nepalis working illegally were compelled to do so because, they did not get the assured salary and had to change jobs,” MoFA spokesperson Deepak Dhital said.
क्वालालम्पुर, पुस २४ - गैरकानुनी हैसियतमा बसेको भन्दै मलेसियामा चार जना नेपालीलाई पक्राउ गरिएको छ ।
मलेसियाली अध्यागमन विभागले पेनाङका विभिन्न स्थानमा छापा मार्ने क्रममा ४ जना नेपाली कामदारसहित ३९ जना विदेशी नागरिकलाई पक्राउ परेका पेनाङस्थित अध्यागमन अधिकारीलाई उल्लेख गर्दै बर्नामा लगायत स्थानीय पत्रपत्रिकाले जनाएका छन् ।
पक्राउ पर्नेमध्ये १३ महिला र एक बालिकासमेत छन् भने उनीहरूको नाम खुलाइएको छैन ।
प्रहरीले पेनाङको मुरुस्थित एक काठ फ्याक्ट्रीमा छापा हान्दा त्यहाँ कार्यरत १२ जना नेपालीमध्ये चार जना नेपाली गैरकानुनी हैसियतमा रहेकाले पक्राउ परेको जनाइएको छ ।
त्यस्तै त्यहाँ विभिन्न स्थानमा छापा मार्ने क्रममा पक्राउ पर्नेमा म्यानमार, भियतनाम, इन्डोनेसिया र बंगलादेशका नागरिक पनि छन् । पक्राउ परेका नेपालीसहित सबैलाई थप अनुसन्धानका लागि जुरुस्थित डिटेन्सन डिपोमा राखिएको छ ।
And Read this too:
KATHMANDU: The government has urged the Malaysian government to treat hundreds of Nepali workers arrested in Malaysia because of their “illegal” stay, to treat them well.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said the detainees were compelled to stay “illegally” in different parts of Malaysia because they had not been provided the salary and perks assured by supply agents and employers.
“Many Nepalis working illegally were compelled to do so because, they did not get the assured salary and had to change jobs,” MoFA spokesperson Deepak Dhital said.
Changing a job without employer’s consent, and staying without extending visa are the makes migrant workers illegal in Malaysia. Dhital told a press briefing it was hard to give the exact number of Nepalis staying illegally in Malaysia, but estimated the number at 5,000 to 10,000. He said none of them had gone there illegally. They became undocumented in the course of their work there.
Around 250 Nepalis were rounded up in the first three days of a police crackdown launched on September 1. The campaign continued and by Friday the number of detained Nepalis could have reached 1,000, said a MoFA official.
Most Nepalis were picked from Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley and Johor areas. Some Nepalis complained to the Embassy of Nepal in Kuala Lumpur that police had misbehaved with them. They said they were not even given a chance to show their documents. “Through our mission in Kuala Lumpur, we have urged local authorities to behave well with them,” Dhital said. The embassy has also urged local authorities to waive or slap minimum fine.
Earlier, people whose status had become illegal were fined up to 400 ringgits (Rs 12,000), but now the threshold has been set at 3,000 ringgits (Rs 90,000) before their release and deportation. The Malaysian government had given opportunity to undocumented migrant workers to register and make their status legal from July 2011 to January 2012. Those who failed to be documented are now the target of the crackdown.
Local police said some 500,000 foreign workers could be staying illegally in the country.
क्वालालम्पुर, पुस २४ - गैरकानुनी हैसियतमा बसेको भन्दै मलेसियामा चार जना नेपालीलाई पक्राउ गरिएको छ ।
मलेसियाली अध्यागमन विभागले पेनाङका विभिन्न स्थानमा छापा मार्ने क्रममा ४ जना नेपाली कामदारसहित ३९ जना विदेशी नागरिकलाई पक्राउ परेका पेनाङस्थित अध्यागमन अधिकारीलाई उल्लेख गर्दै बर्नामा लगायत स्थानीय पत्रपत्रिकाले जनाएका छन् ।
पक्राउ पर्नेमध्ये १३ महिला र एक बालिकासमेत छन् भने उनीहरूको नाम खुलाइएको छैन ।
प्रहरीले पेनाङको मुरुस्थित एक काठ फ्याक्ट्रीमा छापा हान्दा त्यहाँ कार्यरत १२ जना नेपालीमध्ये चार जना नेपाली गैरकानुनी हैसियतमा रहेकाले पक्राउ परेको जनाइएको छ ।
त्यस्तै त्यहाँ विभिन्न स्थानमा छापा मार्ने क्रममा पक्राउ पर्नेमा म्यानमार, भियतनाम, इन्डोनेसिया र बंगलादेशका नागरिक पनि छन् । पक्राउ परेका नेपालीसहित सबैलाई थप अनुसन्धानका लागि जुरुस्थित डिटेन्सन डिपोमा राखिएको छ ।
And Read this too:
KATHMANDU: The government has urged the Malaysian government to treat hundreds of Nepali workers arrested in Malaysia because of their “illegal” stay, to treat them well.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said the detainees were compelled to stay “illegally” in different parts of Malaysia because they had not been provided the salary and perks assured by supply agents and employers.
“Many Nepalis working illegally were compelled to do so because, they did not get the assured salary and had to change jobs,” MoFA spokesperson Deepak Dhital said.
Changing a job without employer’s consent, and staying without extending visa are the makes migrant workers illegal in Malaysia. Dhital told a press briefing it was hard to give the exact number of Nepalis staying illegally in Malaysia, but estimated the number at 5,000 to 10,000. He said none of them had gone there illegally. They became undocumented in the course of their work there.
Around 250 Nepalis were rounded up in the first three days of a police crackdown launched on September 1. The campaign continued and by Friday the number of detained Nepalis could have reached 1,000, said a MoFA official.
Most Nepalis were picked from Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley and Johor areas. Some Nepalis complained to the Embassy of Nepal in Kuala Lumpur that police had misbehaved with them. They said they were not even given a chance to show their documents. “Through our mission in Kuala Lumpur, we have urged local authorities to behave well with them,” Dhital said. The embassy has also urged local authorities to waive or slap minimum fine.
Earlier, people whose status had become illegal were fined up to 400 ringgits (Rs 12,000), but now the threshold has been set at 3,000 ringgits (Rs 90,000) before their release and deportation. The Malaysian government had given opportunity to undocumented migrant workers to register and make their status legal from July 2011 to January 2012. Those who failed to be documented are now the target of the crackdown.
Local police said some 500,000 foreign workers could be staying illegally in the country.
Five Nepali workers were killed when an under construction building collapse d at Canacona town in Goa, India, on Saturday afternoon. The victims were inside the five-story building as it collapse d at around 2:45 pm.
All the deceased Nepalis were from Dang district. The victims have been identified as Tara Bahadur Khadka (33), Dipal Oli (44), Sitaram BK (22) and Dipak BK (26) of Goltakuri VDC and Dambar Nepali (28) of Phulbari VDC.
It was feared that about 50 workers and security guards were buried in the debris in the collapse . Fourteen bodies, including those of Nepali workers, were taken out from the debris till Sunday evening.
“They had been sleeping in a room of the under-construction building after a night duty when the incident took place,” Guru Prasad Khadka, Tara Bahadur’s brother, told the Post over telephone on Sunday. Guru, who had been working in the nearby town of Panjim, went to the incident site after learning about the tragic incident.
According to Guru, the bodies are kept at a government hospital in Mathgaun. He was informed that the postmortem would be conducted on Monday.

All the deceased Nepalis were from Dang district. The victims have been identified as Tara Bahadur Khadka (33), Dipal Oli (44), Sitaram BK (22) and Dipak BK (26) of Goltakuri VDC and Dambar Nepali (28) of Phulbari VDC.
It was feared that about 50 workers and security guards were buried in the debris in the collapse . Fourteen bodies, including those of Nepali workers, were taken out from the debris till Sunday evening.
“They had been sleeping in a room of the under-construction building after a night duty when the incident took place,” Guru Prasad Khadka, Tara Bahadur’s brother, told the Post over telephone on Sunday. Guru, who had been working in the nearby town of Panjim, went to the incident site after learning about the tragic incident.
According to Guru, the bodies are kept at a government hospital in Mathgaun. He was informed that the postmortem would be conducted on Monday.
All four Nepal Army (NA) peacekeepers injured during their duty hours in the UN Peace Mission in the conflict-hit South Sudan last week have normal health condition now, NA Directorate of Public Relation said on Friday.
KATHMANDU, JAN 03 - All four Nepal Army (NA) peacekeepers injured during their duty hours in the UN Peace Mission in the conflict-hit South Sudan last week have normal health condition now, NA Directorate of Public Relation said on Friday.

Major Amrit Ghale, Warrant Officer Bishnu Bhandari, Lance Corporal duo Pandav Rai and Raju KC were injured in an explosion that took place at the barrack of the NA peacekeepers deployed in UN Peace Mission in South Sudan on December 24.
Critically injured Ale is undergoing treatment at UN Hospital based in Kampala, Uganda, while three others are undergoing treatment in Juwa, Sudan.
NA spokesperson Jagadish Chandra Pokhrel said, "The health condition of all the injured NA personnel has improved. They are expected to return to their duty soon."
Some vehicles, water refining machines, and some physical infrastructures were damaged in the explosion, said Pokhrel.
As many as 850 NA peacekeepers have been deployed in South Sudan for the last two years under the command of a Colonel.
KATHMANDU, JAN 03 - All four Nepal Army (NA) peacekeepers injured during their duty hours in the UN Peace Mission in the conflict-hit South Sudan last week have normal health condition now, NA Directorate of Public Relation said on Friday.

Major Amrit Ghale, Warrant Officer Bishnu Bhandari, Lance Corporal duo Pandav Rai and Raju KC were injured in an explosion that took place at the barrack of the NA peacekeepers deployed in UN Peace Mission in South Sudan on December 24.
Critically injured Ale is undergoing treatment at UN Hospital based in Kampala, Uganda, while three others are undergoing treatment in Juwa, Sudan.
NA spokesperson Jagadish Chandra Pokhrel said, "The health condition of all the injured NA personnel has improved. They are expected to return to their duty soon."
Some vehicles, water refining machines, and some physical infrastructures were damaged in the explosion, said Pokhrel.
As many as 850 NA peacekeepers have been deployed in South Sudan for the last two years under the command of a Colonel.
The Mexican authorities have detained six Nepalis along with other nationals during their crackdown on local human trafficking racket, news agencies reported on Sunday.
The detainees, most of them from South Asia, were being smuggled into the United States. During the raid police found 13 people—two from India, five from Bangladesh and six from Nepal—held in unhealthy conditions waiting to be moved by traffickers, said an AFP report.
The local authorities have also arrested seven Mexican and three Bangladeshis allegedly involved in smuggling. The racket that was based in Mexico City and the Caribbean coastal state of Quintana Roo, were reportedly moving the migrants through Mexico ’s northern border with the United States.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said it has not received any information regarding the arrest. Officials said that such cases come to limelight only when migrant gets into trouble.
MoFA spokesperson Deepak Dhital said the ministry has come across several such cases in the last few months. He lamented that it is hard to trace such cases as victims themselves want to be trafficked in most of the circumstances.
“Our efforts have been to stop these people as far as possible. But people are taking various illegal and dangerous routes,” said Dhital, adding that the ministry would take necessary steps to rescue the Nepali nationals.
The number of Nepalis immigrating illegally to the United States have increased sharply in recent years. The Mexican authority had also arrested 10 Nepalis in July this year.
The Mexican authorities have detained six Nepalis along with other nationals during their crackdown on local human trafficking racket, news agencies reported on Sunday.
The detainees, most of them from South Asia, were being smuggled into the United States. During the raid police found 13 people—two from India, five from Bangladesh and six from Nepal—held in unhealthy conditions waiting to be moved by traffickers, said an AFP report.
The local authorities have also arrested seven Mexican and three Bangladeshis allegedly involved in smuggling. The racket that was based in Mexico City and the Caribbean coastal state of Quintana Roo, were reportedly moving the migrants through Mexico ’s northern border with the United States.

MoFA spokesperson Deepak Dhital said the ministry has come across several such cases in the last few months. He lamented that it is hard to trace such cases as victims themselves want to be trafficked in most of the circumstances.
“Our efforts have been to stop these people as far as possible. But people are taking various illegal and dangerous routes,” said Dhital, adding that the ministry would take necessary steps to rescue the Nepali nationals.
The number of Nepalis immigrating illegally to the United States have increased sharply in recent years. The Mexican authority had also arrested 10 Nepalis in July this year.
A court on Tuesday sentenced three Nepalese citizens to 20 years in jail for the gang- rape of a US tourist in June, an attack that fuelled worries over the safety of foreign travellers.
A district judge handed down the punishment at the end of a trial for the three men in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh, police said in a statement.
The judge ordered the three “to undergo rigorous imprisonment for 20 years,” Vinod Kumar Dhawan, who headed the police team investigating the assault, said in the statement.
The men, who were arrested two days after the attack, were held guilty of rape , robbery and criminal conspiracy.
“The prosecution has established the role of each of the accused in the commission of the horrific crime,” Dhawan, the district police superintendent, said.
The sentence, meted out six months after the attack, comes one day after India marked the one-year anniversary of the fatal gang- rape of a student that drew global attention to sex crimes against women in India.
The 23-year-old student died of her injuries two weeks after the attack on a moving bus in Delhi by a pack of six men. Four of the adult attackers have been sentenced to death in the case.
The savage attack spurred intense debate about the way India treats its women, and led to a toughening of punishments for sexual crimes, including doubling the minimum prison sentence for gang- rape to 20 years.
In June, the US woman, 30, had accepted a lift in a truck at night in Manali, a tourist destination in the foothills of the Himalayas, after struggling to find a taxi to return to her hotel.
The American, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, told police the truck driver and his two accomplices took her to a secluded spot where they rape d her for over an hour.
She gave police a description of the men and also identified the truck model, which is commonly used to transport construction materials in the state.
The prosecution linked “each thread of scientific, physical and circumstantial evidence” to prove the guilt of the accused, the police statement said.
The attack on the tourist was one of a series of assaults on foreigners visiting India this year.
In March, a 39-year-old Swiss cyclist holidaying with her husband in the central state of Madhya Pradesh was gang- rape d by six men, all of whom were sentenced to life imprisonment three months later.
Last week, police in the holiday state of Goa said they had arrested an Indian yoga teacher accused of raping a 33-year-old German tourist.
A survey in April found the number of foreign female tourists visiting India had dropped by 35% over a three-month period following the Delhi gang- rape and a spate of other sex attacks.
Also yesterday, the Kerala High Court upheld a lower court’s judgment of awarding death sentence to a rapist.
The court said there was no reason to alter the Thrissur Fast Track Court judgment of November 11, 2011 which sentenced Govind Chamiya, a resident of Tamil Nadu, to death for the brutal rape of a 23-year-old woman.
The victim was travelling in a women’s compartment of the Ernakulam-Shornur passenger train.
The brutal incident took place on February 1, 2011, when the victim was assaulted and thrown out of the moving train. The accused also jumped out and hit the victim’s head with a stone after raping her.
The victim died in a hospital on February 6.
The court came down hard on fellow passengers who did not come to her help and said their mindset was comparable to that of the criminal. The court also slammed the Indian Railways for not providing armed women security guards in women’s compartment.
The victim’s mother was in tears yesterday and thanked the judiciary for giving justice to her daughter.
Ram Singh committed suicide: report
The main accused in the 2012 Delhi gang- rape case committed suicide, according to the report of a judicial inquiry, a newspaper report said yesterday. Ram Singh, 33, the driver of the bus in which a 23-year-old was gang- rape d on December 16, 2012, was found hanged in his jail cell on March 11. His family members and lawyers had alleged Singh was murdered and a judicial inquiry was ordered into the incident. The probe report, submitted to the police and Tihar Jail authorities, ruled out foul play, the Times of India newspaper reported, citing unidentified sources. Jail officials refused to comment. A postmortem found no injuries on the victim’s body, internal or external, other than the ligature mark on his neck, the paper reported. All of Singh’s organs were healthy and his clothes were found intact.
A court on Tuesday sentenced three Nepalese citizens to 20 years in jail for the gang- rape of a US tourist in June, an attack that fuelled worries over the safety of foreign travellers.
A district judge handed down the punishment at the end of a trial for the three men in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh, police said in a statement.
The judge ordered the three “to undergo rigorous imprisonment for 20 years,” Vinod Kumar Dhawan, who headed the police team investigating the assault, said in the statement.
The men, who were arrested two days after the attack, were held guilty of rape , robbery and criminal conspiracy.
“The prosecution has established the role of each of the accused in the commission of the horrific crime,” Dhawan, the district police superintendent, said.
The sentence, meted out six months after the attack, comes one day after India marked the one-year anniversary of the fatal gang- rape of a student that drew global attention to sex crimes against women in India.
The 23-year-old student died of her injuries two weeks after the attack on a moving bus in Delhi by a pack of six men. Four of the adult attackers have been sentenced to death in the case.
The savage attack spurred intense debate about the way India treats its women, and led to a toughening of punishments for sexual crimes, including doubling the minimum prison sentence for gang- rape to 20 years.
In June, the US woman, 30, had accepted a lift in a truck at night in Manali, a tourist destination in the foothills of the Himalayas, after struggling to find a taxi to return to her hotel.
The American, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, told police the truck driver and his two accomplices took her to a secluded spot where they rape d her for over an hour.
She gave police a description of the men and also identified the truck model, which is commonly used to transport construction materials in the state.
The prosecution linked “each thread of scientific, physical and circumstantial evidence” to prove the guilt of the accused, the police statement said.
The attack on the tourist was one of a series of assaults on foreigners visiting India this year.
In March, a 39-year-old Swiss cyclist holidaying with her husband in the central state of Madhya Pradesh was gang- rape d by six men, all of whom were sentenced to life imprisonment three months later.
Last week, police in the holiday state of Goa said they had arrested an Indian yoga teacher accused of raping a 33-year-old German tourist.
A survey in April found the number of foreign female tourists visiting India had dropped by 35% over a three-month period following the Delhi gang- rape and a spate of other sex attacks.
Also yesterday, the Kerala High Court upheld a lower court’s judgment of awarding death sentence to a rapist.
The court said there was no reason to alter the Thrissur Fast Track Court judgment of November 11, 2011 which sentenced Govind Chamiya, a resident of Tamil Nadu, to death for the brutal rape of a 23-year-old woman.
The victim was travelling in a women’s compartment of the Ernakulam-Shornur passenger train.
The brutal incident took place on February 1, 2011, when the victim was assaulted and thrown out of the moving train. The accused also jumped out and hit the victim’s head with a stone after raping her.
The victim died in a hospital on February 6.
The court came down hard on fellow passengers who did not come to her help and said their mindset was comparable to that of the criminal. The court also slammed the Indian Railways for not providing armed women security guards in women’s compartment.
The victim’s mother was in tears yesterday and thanked the judiciary for giving justice to her daughter.
Ram Singh committed suicide: report
The main accused in the 2012 Delhi gang- rape case committed suicide, according to the report of a judicial inquiry, a newspaper report said yesterday. Ram Singh, 33, the driver of the bus in which a 23-year-old was gang- rape d on December 16, 2012, was found hanged in his jail cell on March 11. His family members and lawyers had alleged Singh was murdered and a judicial inquiry was ordered into the incident. The probe report, submitted to the police and Tihar Jail authorities, ruled out foul play, the Times of India newspaper reported, citing unidentified sources. Jail officials refused to comment. A postmortem found no injuries on the victim’s body, internal or external, other than the ligature mark on his neck, the paper reported. All of Singh’s organs were healthy and his clothes were found intact.