खगोलविद सुरेश भट्टराईले केही समूहको जमातले इन्टरनेटमा साम्राज्य जमाउन यस्ता भ्रामक हल्ला गर्ने गरेको भन्दै यसमा कुनै सत्यता नभएको बताउनुभयो ।
विश्व अन्धकार हुने भन्ने कुरा गलत भएको नेपाल खगोलियन समाजले जानकारी गराएको छ । थप जानकारीका लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्न सकिन्छ ।
खगोलविद् सुरेश भट्टराईका अनुसार सूर्यले आफ्नो ११/११ वर्षको जीवनचक्रमा एउटा न एउटा क्रियाकलाप जस्तै शान्त, क्रुर, तिखो देखाउँछ । ‘यस्तो बेलालाई सूर्य धेरै सक्रिय बेला पनि भनिन्छ’ खगोलविद भट्टराई भन्नुहुन्छ ।
#15 Boring, Oregon, USA
The town by the name of Boring is a settlement located in the state of Oregon. The origin of the town’s name remains a mystery to many locals and amuses the visitors. The good thing about this name is that it is pretty much self-explanatory and there’s no need to explain how things are there.
The town by the name of Boring is a settlement located in the state of Oregon. The origin of the town’s name remains a mystery to many locals and amuses the visitors. The good thing about this name is that it is pretty much self-explanatory and there’s no need to explain how things are there.

#14 Loveladies, New Jersey, USA
How about this for a town name? The founder of this town probably had no better idea to express his love and gratitude to women than name the town like this. The town’s name also probably helps not to forget about the importance of love in their lives.

#13 Wagga Wagga, Australia
This town name looks like something out of the famous Shakira’s song. In reality, the name was derived from a language spoken by the Wiradjuri people, who were the aboriginal inhabitants of the area. In their language “wagga” means “a crow.” There were probably too many crows in this city and they had to put this word in the city’s name twice.

#12 Middelfart, Denmark
The name of this town speaks for itself. The locals have probably grown very tired of the jokes they hear after they tell people who speak English the name of their home town. And they can get a few more laughs after they tell that in Danish Middelfart means “central passage.”

#11 The Bottle, Alabama, USA
Naming the town is a serious matter. The founders of The Bottle in Alabama had probably done some serious thinking with a drink or two before they came up with such an idea for naming the town. Imagine this conversation “Hey, where are you from?” – “I’m from The Bottle, it’s in Alabama.”

#10 Hygiene, Colorado, USA
This is definitely a very helpful town name. It is especially good for raising children, as there is no need to constantly remind them about the importance of hygiene, they are reminded by road signs and inscriptions on the buildings. All they have to do is just believe in the town they live in!

#9 Hot Coffee, Mississippi, USA
If you’re on the road and looking for a short break from driving for a hot cup of coffee, this town will definitely attract your attention if you ever happen to be driving by. In fact going as far as to naming the entire settlement after a beverage is a sure sign of that there is a place where you can get a hot cup of joe in this town.

#8 Okay, Oklahoma, USA
“Okay, so how are things in Okay?” If you didn’t know that Okay was a name of a town, you would probably think that the person who is asking this question is simply crazy. To answer the question though, things in Okay are probably okay.

#7 Dollarbeg, Scotland
A hilarious name, isn’t it? Though it doesn’t seem very appealing to tourists, who might think that the place would be horded with bums asking for change. In reality this is and old town with rich cultural heritage and it features a medieval castle, and it is not overrun with the homeless.

#6 Ii, Finland
This is neither a typo, nor a Latin number on a road sign. This is an actual place in Finland, a municipality named “Ii.” The locals speculate that the name originated from the Sami language and translates as “a place to stay overnight in.”

#5 Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, USA
This name is something out of the famous truth-or-dare game; only instead of dare you get consequences. It’s not very clear why you can’t have both the truth and the consequences, but it appears that the person who came up with this name only had one option.

#4 Why, Arizona, USA
Why name the town Why? The person who came up with this name was probably facing a serious dilemma and couldn’t find the answer to his questions. By naming the town in such a way he added to the headache of other locals who have to explain why they are answering the question about their home town with what sounds like another question.

#3 Acme, West Virginia, USA
You probably remember the fictional Acme Corporation from the "Road Runner" cartoons. Well, the news is that there's actually an entire settlement that bears the name of Acme in West Virginia. It's hard to tell whether there is some correlation between the fictional company and the town name, but it sure does seem like there is.

#2 Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, USA
This town name helps the locals not to forget the old saying “a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.” This sign pretty much explains the origin, yet it is still too hilarious to be true.

#1 Needmore, Texas, USA
Here’s a good town name to wrap up the article. It kind of arises more questions than it provides the answers and it looks like it’s missing some important part. Need more what? What’s missing in Needmore? You can visit this town and find out for yourself?

A student pursuing high-school or Undergraduate College, or Degree College has numbers of needs to be met, that requires a steady flow of a decent amount of money. As today’s youth are growing more self-conscious, and want to strive in this world on their own, they ask for pocket money or allowances to their parents very infrequently. Thus the usual need for part time income arises, to provide the students some continuous flow of income, while they can uninterruptedly continue their studies, hobbies, party and dating etc.
There are innumerable opportunities in both full and part time work for a student, if he wants to step out of his house. But, in today’s world of online proficiency over every aspect of life, who wants to go outside and spend time travelling to a workplace; when one can easily earn handsome amount of money, directly from the comfort of their home. And, there are various legitimate ways to earn online too, that are attracting attention of students worldwide. Thus these opportunities of online income are explored frequently by students.
There are many other ways besides these top 5 ways. You can also do website designing, logo and graphics designing, blogging, or content marketing etc to earn online. But remember to keep yourself lightly engrossed in these money making programs, as because earning money through such programs is addictive, and may make you give more time to this than your studies. But, once you are set in these programs, you will never have to look back or arrange otherwise for pocket money or your course fees. You will be self-sufficient to bear all such expenses yourself.

Best 5 ways to earn well are discussed below:
1. Freelance Article Writing:
Students who are in a constant practice and process of writing projects, assignments, essays etc, are all set to do jobs related to writing contents. There are many freelance writing websites like freelancewriting that offers such job instantly. All you need is to register there as writer, give small tests as required by a few websites, start taking up projects, and start earning.2. Other Freelance Jobs:
If you are not good at writing, but have other skills, like accounting, designing or coding etc, then also you can get great projects to do as a freelancer. There are again various websites offering such jobs, and it’s very easy to start working with them. Some of the useful sources to find out a suitable freelance job include elance.3. Earn to Play Games:
How about playing games? It would be definitely exciting to earn money for playing, and it’s possible in reality. Different game makers want their beta games to be tested by impartial people. These games are mostly loaded on the websites, and as a game player you earn money to play. Playing games is now much more lucrative at sites like gamesville or paidgameplayer. Moreover some sites intend to achieve popularity in short time, and thus feature a game that pays you for playing. This way they can get more visitors to their site in short time and gets huge popularity too.4. Tutoring Online:
If you are good at giving tutorial classes, and have a nice pattern of teaching, then you can opt for this profession. Giving online tutorials on your chosen subject can earn you a good amount of money. You will have to enroll for such a program on web, and clear a few tests on the chosen subject to qualify as a tutor. So you can now find out a tutoring job for yourself as a part time income plan at sites like tutor and many more.5. Doing Micro-jobs:
If you are proficient or expert at a skill, then you can certainly use that expertise in a micro job website like microworkers. These are sites where people put in small assignments and tasks, to be completed in a time frame. You can choose among simple tasks, and do them as a freelancer after registering in such a site. It can give you continuous earning of small revenues and credits.There are many other ways besides these top 5 ways. You can also do website designing, logo and graphics designing, blogging, or content marketing etc to earn online. But remember to keep yourself lightly engrossed in these money making programs, as because earning money through such programs is addictive, and may make you give more time to this than your studies. But, once you are set in these programs, you will never have to look back or arrange otherwise for pocket money or your course fees. You will be self-sufficient to bear all such expenses yourself.
#12 Accept My Invitation, Please
It's one of the most romantic things to say when you want to invite your girlfriend to live together with you. She will surely like these words.
It's one of the most romantic things to say when you want to invite your girlfriend to live together with you. She will surely like these words.

#11 All You Need Is Love. True Love
She loves you though you're aren't perfect (well, who is?). She has found the magic in you, and she's truly into you. Tell her that you feel it.

#10 I'll Do Anything to Make You Smile
This is one of the most pleasant things for any girl. Say something like this, and you'll see happy sparkles dancing in her eyes.

#9 If Only You Knew How Much You Mean to Me
Don't be afraid to open about your feelings to her. She will see that you really appreciate her and will become even more tender to you.

#8 My Heart Is Totally Yours
"Take my hand, take my whole life too." Do you know how women reacted to this song in the times of Elvis? Romantic words have special power over girls, so be very careful.

#7 You Showed Me the Meaning of Love
If these words are sincere, there's no doubt that they will melt your girlfriend's heart. Tell her about the special sense that she has brought to your life.

#6 My Love for You Is Forever
If you sing "will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?" to your girlfriend, be sure that she will like this song.

#5 I've Been Keeping a Place for You in My Life
These are nice words to say when your relationship just begins, aren't they? This seems to be a creative way to ask a girl out for the first time.

#4 I Surrender to You, My Love
If you say this, it won't mean that you are a slave of your woman, in a good way. It will show that you respect her and truly appreciate.

#3 You Are the One
These words will show your girlfriend that you are serious. She will feel your confidence, and she'll understand that you don't want to let her go. Ever.

#2 Is There Anyone Who Doesn't Like Music?
Just tell your girlfriend that she is like a song to you, and you'll be surprised by her reaction. These words are terrifically romantic!

#1 You Make Me a Better Man
She would be happy to find out that she's changing you and you like the way she's doing it. This will be a sign that everything is great.

What do you think about plastic Surgery? Is it good or bad? In theory people say soul beauty is important, but in practice we see the opposite of it. Look at these pics, the Korean surgery is developed well enough.
#10 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
#10 – Before and After Plastic Surgery

#9 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery in Korea can be cheaper, in comparison with some other countries. However, you want to be sure that you are getting great results, no matter the price or place you are planning to have your plastic surgery done.

#8 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
Public attitudes to cosmetic surgery in South Korea have become increasingly optimistic. In general cosmetic surgery is seen as a worthwhile and good investment in the body, rather than a sign of vanity as it is often understood in the West.

#7 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
The modern Korean woman is said to have exchanged maternal and domestic femininity for a slim, well-toned body and beautiful face.

#6 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
And for many Korean women, cosmetic surgery is not only a symbolic practice of coming of age and care for the self but it serves to provide significant gains in education, marriage and career.

#5 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
Koreans do plastic surgery to achieve the appearance, which is considered ideal, much more than other countries. Every fifth woman is here for such a procedure.

#4 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
All the women in Korea want to look the same: light skin, small nose, large eyes and a V-shaped chin.

#3 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
The look is getting more popular – mimicking the boy hero characters of popular Korean manhwa or Japanese manga cartoons and anime. The soft image for these men include a prominent nose tip, a less angular jaw and double eyelids. The aim is to create a masculine but smooth body with boyish facial

#2 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
Nowadays, for both men and women – beauty brings not only gratification but a degree of status in contemporary Korean society, where first impressions make a lasting impact.

#1 – Before and After Plastic Surgery
Generally in Asia, good looks and having a good face are like stepping stones – for they do open up doors to many of life’s advantages.

पपुवा न्युगिनीको मोरोब पहाडि क्षेत्रका भिरहरुमा झुण्डाइएका लासहरु मुस्कुराए जस्ता लाग्छन् । सुकुटी बनाएजस्तो गरी आगोमा पोलेर राखिएका लासहरु वर्षौँ पुराना समेत छन् र केही आलो पनि ।
लासको बाहिरी भागमा रातो दलिएको छ र ती लास बाँसका पिंजडा भित्र राखिएका छन् र झुण्डाइएका छन् ।
उक्त आदिवासी इलाकामा पुग्ने जो कोही बाहिरिया मान्छे जताततै झुण्डिएका लास देख्दा डराउनु स्वभाविकै हो । तर दुर्गम भेगका ती आंगा आदिवासीका लागि भने लासको यस्तो अवस्था निकै गर्वको विषय हो । उनीहरुका लागि लासलाई यसरी राख्नु भनेको मृतक प्रतिको सबैभन्दा ठूलो श्रद्धा हो ।
मानिस मरिसकेपछि उसको सरीरलाई मज्जाले आगोमा पोलिन्छ । सिपालु मलामीले पैताला, घुँडा लगायतका ठाउँहरुमा काटेर सरीरभित्रको बोसो थुत्छ । त्यसपछि लासको मलद्धारबाट बाँसको एक टुक्रा घुसाएर निकालिन्छ । उक्त बाँसको लट्ठीमा टाँसिएर आएको पदार्थ उनीहरुको लागि निकै पवित्र हुन्छ ।
लासबाट निकालिएको बोसो तथा मलद्धारबाट निकालिएको पदार्थ मृतकका आफन्तले आफ्नो जिउमा घस्दछन् । यसरी मृतकको बोसो र मल जिउमा दल्दा मृतकको शक्ति स्थानान्तरण हुने विश्वास गरिन्छ । बाँकी रहेको बोसो खाना पकाउने घ्यु को रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।
त्यसपछि लासको आँखा, मुख तथा मलद्धारलाई बन्द गरेर सिलाइन्छ । यसो गर्नुको खास कारण ती क्षेत्रबाट सरीर भित्र हावा छिरेर मासु नकुहियोस् भनेर हो ।
खुट्टाको पाइताला, हातको हत्केला तथा जिब्रो काटेर पुरुष भए श्रीमती र महिला भए श्रीमानलाई दिइन्छ । बाँकी रहेको सरीरलाई विशेष खालको अँगेनामा लगेर पोलिन्छ । सामान्य रुपमा पोलिसकेपछि लासलाई माटोले लेपन गरिन्छ, ता की गिद्ध तथा कुकुर लगायतले नखाउन् ।
त्यसपछि लासलार्य मोरोबको उच्च पहाडि क्षेत्रका भिरमा लगेर विशेष खालको बाँसको पिँजडामा राखेर झुण्डाइन्छ । अहिले पनि भीरहरुमा २ सय वर्ष पुराना लास समेत रहेका छन् । विशेष समारोहमा लासहरु तल झार्ने र समारोह सकिएपछि फेरि माथि लगेर झुण्डाउने समेत गरिन्छ ।
ती लासको हेरचाहका लागि गाउँको नाइके नै खटाइएको हुन्छ । यद्यपि पपुवा न्युगिनीमा यस्तो प्रथा सन् १९७५ देखि प्रतिबन्धित छ, तथापि केही दुर्गम गाउँमा भने यो बेरोकटोक चलिरहेको छ ।
नेपाली अनुवाद अनलाइन खबरको सहयोगमा
लासको बाहिरी भागमा रातो दलिएको छ र ती लास बाँसका पिंजडा भित्र राखिएका छन् र झुण्डाइएका छन् ।
उक्त आदिवासी इलाकामा पुग्ने जो कोही बाहिरिया मान्छे जताततै झुण्डिएका लास देख्दा डराउनु स्वभाविकै हो । तर दुर्गम भेगका ती आंगा आदिवासीका लागि भने लासको यस्तो अवस्था निकै गर्वको विषय हो । उनीहरुका लागि लासलाई यसरी राख्नु भनेको मृतक प्रतिको सबैभन्दा ठूलो श्रद्धा हो ।
मानिस मरिसकेपछि उसको सरीरलाई मज्जाले आगोमा पोलिन्छ । सिपालु मलामीले पैताला, घुँडा लगायतका ठाउँहरुमा काटेर सरीरभित्रको बोसो थुत्छ । त्यसपछि लासको मलद्धारबाट बाँसको एक टुक्रा घुसाएर निकालिन्छ । उक्त बाँसको लट्ठीमा टाँसिएर आएको पदार्थ उनीहरुको लागि निकै पवित्र हुन्छ ।
लासबाट निकालिएको बोसो तथा मलद्धारबाट निकालिएको पदार्थ मृतकका आफन्तले आफ्नो जिउमा घस्दछन् । यसरी मृतकको बोसो र मल जिउमा दल्दा मृतकको शक्ति स्थानान्तरण हुने विश्वास गरिन्छ । बाँकी रहेको बोसो खाना पकाउने घ्यु को रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।
त्यसपछि लासको आँखा, मुख तथा मलद्धारलाई बन्द गरेर सिलाइन्छ । यसो गर्नुको खास कारण ती क्षेत्रबाट सरीर भित्र हावा छिरेर मासु नकुहियोस् भनेर हो ।
खुट्टाको पाइताला, हातको हत्केला तथा जिब्रो काटेर पुरुष भए श्रीमती र महिला भए श्रीमानलाई दिइन्छ । बाँकी रहेको सरीरलाई विशेष खालको अँगेनामा लगेर पोलिन्छ । सामान्य रुपमा पोलिसकेपछि लासलाई माटोले लेपन गरिन्छ, ता की गिद्ध तथा कुकुर लगायतले नखाउन् ।
त्यसपछि लासलार्य मोरोबको उच्च पहाडि क्षेत्रका भिरमा लगेर विशेष खालको बाँसको पिँजडामा राखेर झुण्डाइन्छ । अहिले पनि भीरहरुमा २ सय वर्ष पुराना लास समेत रहेका छन् । विशेष समारोहमा लासहरु तल झार्ने र समारोह सकिएपछि फेरि माथि लगेर झुण्डाउने समेत गरिन्छ ।
ती लासको हेरचाहका लागि गाउँको नाइके नै खटाइएको हुन्छ । यद्यपि पपुवा न्युगिनीमा यस्तो प्रथा सन् १९७५ देखि प्रतिबन्धित छ, तथापि केही दुर्गम गाउँमा भने यो बेरोकटोक चलिरहेको छ ।

महोत्तरी, असार १९ - मटिहानी-१ का जुगल केवट २०१५ सालमा जन्मेका हुन् । तर, २००१ मै फैसला भएको डाँका मुद्दाका दोषी भन्दै उनी पक्राउ परे र कारागार चलान गरिए ।
जुगल केवट नाम गरेका व्यक्तिलाई २००१ मा अदालतले ६ वर्ष कैद तोकेको थियो । अदालतको लागतमा त्यो भेटिएपछि उनलाई पक्राउ गरी अदालतमा बुझाएको एसपी रामप्रसाद श्रेष्ठले बताए । पक्राउलगत्तै केवटले प्रहरी र अदालतसमक्ष आफू निर्दोष रहेको पटक-पटक बताएका थिए । उस्तै नाम भएको अर्को व्यक्ति हुन सक्छ भन्ने उनको जिकिरको सुनुवाइ नै भएन । असार ९ मा कारागारै चलान गरियो ।
केवट परिवारले नागरिकताको प्रमाणसहित निवेदन दियो । महोत्तरी प्रशासनबाट ०४१ कात्तिक ३० मा जारी भएको ६१५५७२१४ नम्बरको नागरिकतामा उनको जन्म २०१५ साल र बाबुको नाम सुखारी मल्लाह उल्लेख छ । जन्म र फैसला मिति फरक परेपछि उनलाई असार १५ मा जेलमुक्त गरिएको छ । 'म संसारमा आउनु भन्दा १५ वर्षअघिको घटनामा एक साता जेल काट्नु परेको अन्यायको क्षतिपूर्ति कसले दिने ?' कारागारबाट बाहिर आएपछि उनले प्रश्न गरे ।
तीन छोरा र चार छोरीका बाबु उनले बनिबुतो गरेर परिवार पाल्दै आएका छन् । दुई कट्ठा जमिनबाहेक उनको केही सम्पत्ति छैन । जेलमुक्त भएलगत्तै उनी बनिबुतो गर्न अर्काको खेतमा पुगिसकेका थिए । जेलबाट बाहिर आउने क्रममा भएको ७ हजार २ सय रुपैयाँ ऋण कसरी तिर्ने भन्ने चिन्तामा छन् ।
नाम र ठेगाना मिलेकाले केवट पक्राउ परेको प्रहरीले प्रतिक्रिया दिएको छ । अदालतको लगतमा बाबुको नाम उल्लेख नभएकाले पनि अलमल भएको उसको दाबी छ । प्रहरी र अदालतले २००१ सालमा अपराध गर्ने र ०१५ सालमा जन्मेको व्यक्तिको उमेर हेरेर पनि लगतमा उल्लेख भएको अपराधी खुट्याउने प्रयास नगरेकामा स्थानीय बासिन्दाले अनौठो मानेका छन् ।
यस्तै अर्को घटनामा नैनही-३ का मोती साह फकिर सजाय काटे पनि पुन. पक्राउ परे । तिनलाई अदालतले ०५३ सालमा ४ वर्ष ९ महिना कैदको फैसला गरेको थियो । पक्राउपछि अदालतसमक्ष उनका आफन्तले पेस गरेको कागजातअनुसार फैसलालगत्तै उनले सजाय काटिसकेका छन् । तर, सजाय भुक्तान गरेको १८ वर्षपछि पक्राउ पर्दा परिवार चकित भयो । कागजात हेरेपछि अदालत परिसरबाट उनलाई छाडियो ।
स्रेस्तेदार लेखनाथ भट्टराईले यसरी निर्दोष व्यक्ति फस्नु जानी-जानी नभई 'मकैसँगै घुन पिसिएको' जस्तो भएको बताए । जानकारीलगत्तै त्रुटि सच्याइएको उनले जनाए ।
केवट परिवारले नागरिकताको प्रमाणसहित निवेदन दियो । महोत्तरी प्रशासनबाट ०४१ कात्तिक ३० मा जारी भएको ६१५५७२१४ नम्बरको नागरिकतामा उनको जन्म २०१५ साल र बाबुको नाम सुखारी मल्लाह उल्लेख छ । जन्म र फैसला मिति फरक परेपछि उनलाई असार १५ मा जेलमुक्त गरिएको छ । 'म संसारमा आउनु भन्दा १५ वर्षअघिको घटनामा एक साता जेल काट्नु परेको अन्यायको क्षतिपूर्ति कसले दिने ?' कारागारबाट बाहिर आएपछि उनले प्रश्न गरे ।
तीन छोरा र चार छोरीका बाबु उनले बनिबुतो गरेर परिवार पाल्दै आएका छन् । दुई कट्ठा जमिनबाहेक उनको केही सम्पत्ति छैन । जेलमुक्त भएलगत्तै उनी बनिबुतो गर्न अर्काको खेतमा पुगिसकेका थिए । जेलबाट बाहिर आउने क्रममा भएको ७ हजार २ सय रुपैयाँ ऋण कसरी तिर्ने भन्ने चिन्तामा छन् ।
नाम र ठेगाना मिलेकाले केवट पक्राउ परेको प्रहरीले प्रतिक्रिया दिएको छ । अदालतको लगतमा बाबुको नाम उल्लेख नभएकाले पनि अलमल भएको उसको दाबी छ । प्रहरी र अदालतले २००१ सालमा अपराध गर्ने र ०१५ सालमा जन्मेको व्यक्तिको उमेर हेरेर पनि लगतमा उल्लेख भएको अपराधी खुट्याउने प्रयास नगरेकामा स्थानीय बासिन्दाले अनौठो मानेका छन् ।
यस्तै अर्को घटनामा नैनही-३ का मोती साह फकिर सजाय काटे पनि पुन. पक्राउ परे । तिनलाई अदालतले ०५३ सालमा ४ वर्ष ९ महिना कैदको फैसला गरेको थियो । पक्राउपछि अदालतसमक्ष उनका आफन्तले पेस गरेको कागजातअनुसार फैसलालगत्तै उनले सजाय काटिसकेका छन् । तर, सजाय भुक्तान गरेको १८ वर्षपछि पक्राउ पर्दा परिवार चकित भयो । कागजात हेरेपछि अदालत परिसरबाट उनलाई छाडियो ।
स्रेस्तेदार लेखनाथ भट्टराईले यसरी निर्दोष व्यक्ति फस्नु जानी-जानी नभई 'मकैसँगै घुन पिसिएको' जस्तो भएको बताए । जानकारीलगत्तै त्रुटि सच्याइएको उनले जनाए ।

'तपाईको विचार र कार्यक्रमसँग म सहमत छैन तर काठमाडौको बाटो फराकिलो बनाउने सहास गर्नु भो त्यसको म उच्च प्रसंसा गर्छु', उनले भने।
थापाले राजा सहित फरक फरक सरकारमा ६ पटक मन्त्री हुने मौका पाए पनि भट्टराई जस्तो सहासिक मान्छे नभेटेको बताए। उनले काठमाडौंको सडक फराकिलो पार्ने कामको नेतृत्व लिएकोमा भट्टराईलाई धन्यवाद समेत दिए।
संसदमा बोलेर फर्कने क्रममा थापासँग भट्टराईले मुस्कान सहित हात मिलाएका थिए।
जागे नेपाली || अतिकर्मण् गर्न खोज्ने भारितियलाइ यसरी लखेटे स्थानियहरुले | भिडियो हेर्नुहोस् ....
The programme Jai Swabhiman presents the reports related the to the youth empowerment for the development of the country. This programme aims at presenting the self empowerment for the youths of creating the awareness progammes for the development of a country where the story of the success and achievements related to the self made developments by the youths are presented on each episode of the programme.
In context this programme presents the story related to the national affairs. like before the host on this episode of a programme have presented the border conflicts between Nepal and India on this episode of a programme. The one of the continued subject of Nepal-India border conflict is Susta of Nawalparasi from where only one notice is continued and where the peoples of that areas says their lands has been encroached by the security forces from the border side of India. Watch More on Video...
The programme Jai Swabhiman presents the reports related the to the youth empowerment for the development of the country. This programme aims at presenting the self empowerment for the youths of creating the awareness progammes for the development of a country where the story of the success and achievements related to the self made developments by the youths are presented on each episode of the programme.

In context this programme presents the story related to the national affairs. like before the host on this episode of a programme have presented the border conflicts between Nepal and India on this episode of a programme. The one of the continued subject of Nepal-India border conflict is Susta of Nawalparasi from where only one notice is continued and where the peoples of that areas says their lands has been encroached by the security forces from the border side of India. Watch More on Video...