पपुवा न्युगिनीको मोरोब पहाडि क्षेत्रका भिरहरुमा झुण्डाइएका लासहरु मुस्कुराए जस्ता लाग्छन् । सुकुटी बनाएजस्तो गरी आगोमा पोलेर राखिएका लासहरु वर्षौँ पुराना समेत छन् र केही आलो पनि ।
लासको बाहिरी भागमा रातो दलिएको छ र ती लास बाँसका पिंजडा भित्र राखिएका छन् र झुण्डाइएका छन् ।
उक्त आदिवासी इलाकामा पुग्ने जो कोही बाहिरिया मान्छे जताततै झुण्डिएका लास देख्दा डराउनु स्वभाविकै हो । तर दुर्गम भेगका ती आंगा आदिवासीका लागि भने लासको यस्तो अवस्था निकै गर्वको विषय हो । उनीहरुका लागि लासलाई यसरी राख्नु भनेको मृतक प्रतिको सबैभन्दा ठूलो श्रद्धा हो ।
मानिस मरिसकेपछि उसको सरीरलाई मज्जाले आगोमा पोलिन्छ । सिपालु मलामीले पैताला, घुँडा लगायतका ठाउँहरुमा काटेर सरीरभित्रको बोसो थुत्छ । त्यसपछि लासको मलद्धारबाट बाँसको एक टुक्रा घुसाएर निकालिन्छ । उक्त बाँसको लट्ठीमा टाँसिएर आएको पदार्थ उनीहरुको लागि निकै पवित्र हुन्छ ।
लासबाट निकालिएको बोसो तथा मलद्धारबाट निकालिएको पदार्थ मृतकका आफन्तले आफ्नो जिउमा घस्दछन् । यसरी मृतकको बोसो र मल जिउमा दल्दा मृतकको शक्ति स्थानान्तरण हुने विश्वास गरिन्छ । बाँकी रहेको बोसो खाना पकाउने घ्यु को रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।
त्यसपछि लासको आँखा, मुख तथा मलद्धारलाई बन्द गरेर सिलाइन्छ । यसो गर्नुको खास कारण ती क्षेत्रबाट सरीर भित्र हावा छिरेर मासु नकुहियोस् भनेर हो ।
खुट्टाको पाइताला, हातको हत्केला तथा जिब्रो काटेर पुरुष भए श्रीमती र महिला भए श्रीमानलाई दिइन्छ । बाँकी रहेको सरीरलाई विशेष खालको अँगेनामा लगेर पोलिन्छ । सामान्य रुपमा पोलिसकेपछि लासलाई माटोले लेपन गरिन्छ, ता की गिद्ध तथा कुकुर लगायतले नखाउन् ।
त्यसपछि लासलार्य मोरोबको उच्च पहाडि क्षेत्रका भिरमा लगेर विशेष खालको बाँसको पिँजडामा राखेर झुण्डाइन्छ । अहिले पनि भीरहरुमा २ सय वर्ष पुराना लास समेत रहेका छन् । विशेष समारोहमा लासहरु तल झार्ने र समारोह सकिएपछि फेरि माथि लगेर झुण्डाउने समेत गरिन्छ ।
ती लासको हेरचाहका लागि गाउँको नाइके नै खटाइएको हुन्छ । यद्यपि पपुवा न्युगिनीमा यस्तो प्रथा सन् १९७५ देखि प्रतिबन्धित छ, तथापि केही दुर्गम गाउँमा भने यो बेरोकटोक चलिरहेको छ ।
नेपाली अनुवाद अनलाइन खबरको सहयोगमा
लासको बाहिरी भागमा रातो दलिएको छ र ती लास बाँसका पिंजडा भित्र राखिएका छन् र झुण्डाइएका छन् ।
उक्त आदिवासी इलाकामा पुग्ने जो कोही बाहिरिया मान्छे जताततै झुण्डिएका लास देख्दा डराउनु स्वभाविकै हो । तर दुर्गम भेगका ती आंगा आदिवासीका लागि भने लासको यस्तो अवस्था निकै गर्वको विषय हो । उनीहरुका लागि लासलाई यसरी राख्नु भनेको मृतक प्रतिको सबैभन्दा ठूलो श्रद्धा हो ।
मानिस मरिसकेपछि उसको सरीरलाई मज्जाले आगोमा पोलिन्छ । सिपालु मलामीले पैताला, घुँडा लगायतका ठाउँहरुमा काटेर सरीरभित्रको बोसो थुत्छ । त्यसपछि लासको मलद्धारबाट बाँसको एक टुक्रा घुसाएर निकालिन्छ । उक्त बाँसको लट्ठीमा टाँसिएर आएको पदार्थ उनीहरुको लागि निकै पवित्र हुन्छ ।
लासबाट निकालिएको बोसो तथा मलद्धारबाट निकालिएको पदार्थ मृतकका आफन्तले आफ्नो जिउमा घस्दछन् । यसरी मृतकको बोसो र मल जिउमा दल्दा मृतकको शक्ति स्थानान्तरण हुने विश्वास गरिन्छ । बाँकी रहेको बोसो खाना पकाउने घ्यु को रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।
त्यसपछि लासको आँखा, मुख तथा मलद्धारलाई बन्द गरेर सिलाइन्छ । यसो गर्नुको खास कारण ती क्षेत्रबाट सरीर भित्र हावा छिरेर मासु नकुहियोस् भनेर हो ।
खुट्टाको पाइताला, हातको हत्केला तथा जिब्रो काटेर पुरुष भए श्रीमती र महिला भए श्रीमानलाई दिइन्छ । बाँकी रहेको सरीरलाई विशेष खालको अँगेनामा लगेर पोलिन्छ । सामान्य रुपमा पोलिसकेपछि लासलाई माटोले लेपन गरिन्छ, ता की गिद्ध तथा कुकुर लगायतले नखाउन् ।
त्यसपछि लासलार्य मोरोबको उच्च पहाडि क्षेत्रका भिरमा लगेर विशेष खालको बाँसको पिँजडामा राखेर झुण्डाइन्छ । अहिले पनि भीरहरुमा २ सय वर्ष पुराना लास समेत रहेका छन् । विशेष समारोहमा लासहरु तल झार्ने र समारोह सकिएपछि फेरि माथि लगेर झुण्डाउने समेत गरिन्छ ।
ती लासको हेरचाहका लागि गाउँको नाइके नै खटाइएको हुन्छ । यद्यपि पपुवा न्युगिनीमा यस्तो प्रथा सन् १९७५ देखि प्रतिबन्धित छ, तथापि केही दुर्गम गाउँमा भने यो बेरोकटोक चलिरहेको छ ।

पाल्पा, असार १७ – पाल्पाको सिद्धबाबा मन्दिरमा पुजा गरेर बुटवल फर्किएको नयाँ अटोरिक्सा मंगलबार दिउँसो सवा दुई बजे तिर दुर्घटना हुँदा ३ जनाको घटनास्थलमै ज्यान गएको छ । तीन जना गम्भीर घाइते छन् ।
दुर्घटनामा परी बुटवल नगरपालिका ६ का ३६ वर्षीय पिताम्बर ज्ञवाली, ३५ वर्षीया हीरा आचार्य रहेका छन् भने अर्की एक महिलाको सनाखत हुन नसकेको दोभान प्रहरी चौकी पाल्पाका प्रमुख धीरेन्द्र श्रेष्ठले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।
दुर्घटनामा घाइते गुल्मी घर भई बुटवल ७ बस्ने ७ वर्षीय सुवास ज्ञवालीको लुम्बिनी अञ्चल अस्पताल बुटवलबाट थप उपचारका लागि चितवन रिफर गरिएको छ भने बुटवल ६ की ३४ वर्षीया भगवती रायमाझी र बुटवल १३ की २१ वर्षीया मुना गाहाको बुटवलमै उपचार भइरहेको छ ।
उनीहरुको अवस्था गम्भीर रहेको अस्पतालले जनाएको छ । चालक बुटवल ६ का ३८ वर्षीय यादव रायमाझी रिक्सा पल्टिनेक्रममै हाम फालेर बचेको प्रहरीले जानकारी दिएको छ । उनी अहिले प्रहरी नियन्त्रणमा छन् ।
सिद्धार्थ राजमार्गको पाल्पा बुटवल सडक खण्डको माथिल्लो सिद्धबाबा र तल्लो सिद्धबाबा नजिकै छरछरे छहराबाट रिक्सा झण्डै डेढसय मिटर तल तिनाउ नदीमा खसेको थियो । रायमाझीले सोमबार मात्रै नयाँ अटो रिक्सा किन्नुभएको थियो । मंगलबार दिउँसो आफन्त र छिमेकी बटुलेर उनले रिक्सा पुजा गर्न मन्दिर आएको बेला उनीहरु दुर्घटनामा परेका हुन् ।
देव पचभैया/उज्यालो ।
दुर्घटनामा परी बुटवल नगरपालिका ६ का ३६ वर्षीय पिताम्बर ज्ञवाली, ३५ वर्षीया हीरा आचार्य रहेका छन् भने अर्की एक महिलाको सनाखत हुन नसकेको दोभान प्रहरी चौकी पाल्पाका प्रमुख धीरेन्द्र श्रेष्ठले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।
दुर्घटनामा घाइते गुल्मी घर भई बुटवल ७ बस्ने ७ वर्षीय सुवास ज्ञवालीको लुम्बिनी अञ्चल अस्पताल बुटवलबाट थप उपचारका लागि चितवन रिफर गरिएको छ भने बुटवल ६ की ३४ वर्षीया भगवती रायमाझी र बुटवल १३ की २१ वर्षीया मुना गाहाको बुटवलमै उपचार भइरहेको छ ।
उनीहरुको अवस्था गम्भीर रहेको अस्पतालले जनाएको छ । चालक बुटवल ६ का ३८ वर्षीय यादव रायमाझी रिक्सा पल्टिनेक्रममै हाम फालेर बचेको प्रहरीले जानकारी दिएको छ । उनी अहिले प्रहरी नियन्त्रणमा छन् ।
सिद्धार्थ राजमार्गको पाल्पा बुटवल सडक खण्डको माथिल्लो सिद्धबाबा र तल्लो सिद्धबाबा नजिकै छरछरे छहराबाट रिक्सा झण्डै डेढसय मिटर तल तिनाउ नदीमा खसेको थियो । रायमाझीले सोमबार मात्रै नयाँ अटो रिक्सा किन्नुभएको थियो । मंगलबार दिउँसो आफन्त र छिमेकी बटुलेर उनले रिक्सा पुजा गर्न मन्दिर आएको बेला उनीहरु दुर्घटनामा परेका हुन् ।
देव पचभैया/उज्यालो ।
काठमाडौ, असार १६ – बाडभन्ज्याङ ८ पिपलामोड सडक खण्डमा ट्रिपरको ठक्करबाट घर भित्र सुतिरहेका २ जनाको ज्यान गएको छ ।
आइतबार राती १ बजे थानकोटबाट नौैबिसेतिर जाँदै गरेको बा २ ख ३९ ९२ नम्बरको ट्रिपर घरमा ठोकिंदा घरधनी ७० बर्षका बलराम बोहोरा र उहाँकी श्रीमती मैयाको घटनास्थलमै ज्यान गएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
बा १ ख ७५९२ नम्बरको मिनिटाटाले ओभरटेक गर्ने क्रममा ट्रिपर अनियन्त्रित भई बोहोराको घरमा ठोक्किएको थियो । यस्तै काठमाडौको बालुवाटारमा पार्किङ गर्न लागेको मिनिबसले च्यापिदा सहचालक गम्भीर घाइते भएका छन् ।
आइतबार बेलुकी ७ बजे, बा१क ४६ २२ नम्बरको मिनिबस पार्र्किङ गर्ने क्रममा च्यापिएर नुवाकोट घर भएका २१ बर्षका राजकुमार तामाङ घाइते भएका प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
आइतबार राती १ बजे थानकोटबाट नौैबिसेतिर जाँदै गरेको बा २ ख ३९ ९२ नम्बरको ट्रिपर घरमा ठोकिंदा घरधनी ७० बर्षका बलराम बोहोरा र उहाँकी श्रीमती मैयाको घटनास्थलमै ज्यान गएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
बा १ ख ७५९२ नम्बरको मिनिटाटाले ओभरटेक गर्ने क्रममा ट्रिपर अनियन्त्रित भई बोहोराको घरमा ठोक्किएको थियो । यस्तै काठमाडौको बालुवाटारमा पार्किङ गर्न लागेको मिनिबसले च्यापिदा सहचालक गम्भीर घाइते भएका छन् ।
आइतबार बेलुकी ७ बजे, बा१क ४६ २२ नम्बरको मिनिबस पार्र्किङ गर्ने क्रममा च्यापिएर नुवाकोट घर भएका २१ बर्षका राजकुमार तामाङ घाइते भएका प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।

हालसालै मात्र अमेरिकाबाट ल्याईएको सी-१३० जे विमानले भारतको आग्राबाट उडेको केही समयमा नै दुर्घटना भएको थियो।
सो विमानमा दुई जना विंग कमाण्डर, दुई जना स्क्वाड्रन लिडर र चालक दलका अन्य एक गरी पाँच जनाको मृत्यु भएको बताईएको छ ।
भारतीय वायु सेनाले यस दुर्घटनाको छानबीनको लागि आदेश दिएको छ।
A Policeman driving Motorbike hits cyclist in Jhapa and further investigation shows that he hadn't license.

RAJBIRAJ: Two persons who were critically injured in a van accident at Portaha VDC in Saptari district were pronounced dead in the Biratnagar-based Neuro Hospital on Wednesday.
The Safari van (Ko 1 Kha 6974), belonging to Sunrise Bank, Dharan chapter, had met with the accident along the East-West Highway at around 4 pm today.
The deceased are identified as driver Upendra Nayak (35) of Biratnagar-13, Morang and Rajeev Kumar Saha of Jamdi-6, Siraha.
The two were rushed to Biratnagar for treatment. The doctors at the Neuro Hospital pronounced them dead.
Area Police Office, Bhardaha has impounded the van and initiated an investigation into the case.
RAJBIRAJ: Two persons who were critically injured in a van accident at Portaha VDC in Saptari district were pronounced dead in the Biratnagar-based Neuro Hospital on Wednesday.
The Safari van (Ko 1 Kha 6974), belonging to Sunrise Bank, Dharan chapter, had met with the accident along the East-West Highway at around 4 pm today.
The deceased are identified as driver Upendra Nayak (35) of Biratnagar-13, Morang and Rajeev Kumar Saha of Jamdi-6, Siraha.
The two were rushed to Biratnagar for treatment. The doctors at the Neuro Hospital pronounced them dead.
Area Police Office, Bhardaha has impounded the van and initiated an investigation into the case.
Five Nepali workers were killed when an under construction building collapse d at Canacona town in Goa, India, on Saturday afternoon. The victims were inside the five-story building as it collapse d at around 2:45 pm.
All the deceased Nepalis were from Dang district. The victims have been identified as Tara Bahadur Khadka (33), Dipal Oli (44), Sitaram BK (22) and Dipak BK (26) of Goltakuri VDC and Dambar Nepali (28) of Phulbari VDC.
It was feared that about 50 workers and security guards were buried in the debris in the collapse . Fourteen bodies, including those of Nepali workers, were taken out from the debris till Sunday evening.
“They had been sleeping in a room of the under-construction building after a night duty when the incident took place,” Guru Prasad Khadka, Tara Bahadur’s brother, told the Post over telephone on Sunday. Guru, who had been working in the nearby town of Panjim, went to the incident site after learning about the tragic incident.
According to Guru, the bodies are kept at a government hospital in Mathgaun. He was informed that the postmortem would be conducted on Monday.

All the deceased Nepalis were from Dang district. The victims have been identified as Tara Bahadur Khadka (33), Dipal Oli (44), Sitaram BK (22) and Dipak BK (26) of Goltakuri VDC and Dambar Nepali (28) of Phulbari VDC.
It was feared that about 50 workers and security guards were buried in the debris in the collapse . Fourteen bodies, including those of Nepali workers, were taken out from the debris till Sunday evening.
“They had been sleeping in a room of the under-construction building after a night duty when the incident took place,” Guru Prasad Khadka, Tara Bahadur’s brother, told the Post over telephone on Sunday. Guru, who had been working in the nearby town of Panjim, went to the incident site after learning about the tragic incident.
According to Guru, the bodies are kept at a government hospital in Mathgaun. He was informed that the postmortem would be conducted on Monday.
DHANKUTA, JAN 05 - A person was killed in a hunting accident in a jungle of Basantatar VDC at Dhankuta on Saturday night.
Surendra Limbu of Basantatar VDC-4, who went to hunt for Porcupine at the local jungle, with this friend Rajan Limbu, 24, accidentally shot the latter mistaking him for a Porcupine .
Surendra and Rajan went into the local Ramite forest carrying a Musket to hunt for Porcupine . Police Inspector of Raja Rani Area Police Office Surendra Prakash Shrestha informed that Surendra shot Rajan thinking of him as a porcupine in an attempt to ambush the large rodent from both sides.
"I saw the bush move. I thought the porcupine moved it and so I shot ," confessed Surendra during the interrogation.
Surendra surrendered himself to the police stating that he shot his friend. The police confiscated both the Muskets that Surendra and Rajan used for the hunt.
Surendra Limbu of Basantatar VDC-4, who went to hunt for Porcupine at the local jungle, with this friend Rajan Limbu, 24, accidentally shot the latter mistaking him for a Porcupine .
Surendra and Rajan went into the local Ramite forest carrying a Musket to hunt for Porcupine . Police Inspector of Raja Rani Area Police Office Surendra Prakash Shrestha informed that Surendra shot Rajan thinking of him as a porcupine in an attempt to ambush the large rodent from both sides.
"I saw the bush move. I thought the porcupine moved it and so I shot ," confessed Surendra during the interrogation.
Surendra surrendered himself to the police stating that he shot his friend. The police confiscated both the Muskets that Surendra and Rajan used for the hunt.
PANAJI: At least 8 people are feared dead after an under construction building collapsed in Goa on Saturday, TV reports say.
More than 40 people were feared trapped in the debris of the under construction building, which collapsed in Goa's Canacona town, police said.
Superintendent of police Shekhar Prabhudesai said the incident took place in the afternoon around 3pm and they are still ascertaining the exact number of people who were caught in the crash.
According to eye witnesses, more than 40 people were working on the construction site when the structure came crashing down.
Canacona is 80 kms from Panaji.
Police and fire and emergency services have been rushed to the spot and rescue work has begun.

More than 40 people were feared trapped in the debris of the under construction building, which collapsed in Goa's Canacona town, police said.
Superintendent of police Shekhar Prabhudesai said the incident took place in the afternoon around 3pm and they are still ascertaining the exact number of people who were caught in the crash.
According to eye witnesses, more than 40 people were working on the construction site when the structure came crashing down.
Canacona is 80 kms from Panaji.
Police and fire and emergency services have been rushed to the spot and rescue work has begun.
One person was killed and another injured in a road accident at Jagatpur, western Chitwan on Friday night.
The accident took place when a motorbike (Na. 15 Pa. 5849) was involved in a head-on collision with another bike (Na. 9 Pa. 675), said police.
The deceased has been identified as Bir Man Shrestha of around 50 years of age. He died while undergoing treatment.
Likewise, injured Rabin Gurung, 21, is receiving treatment at the Bharatpur Medical College, Chitwan, said the District Police Office.
One person was killed and another injured in a road accident at Jagatpur, western Chitwan on Friday night.
The accident took place when a motorbike (Na. 15 Pa. 5849) was involved in a head-on collision with another bike (Na. 9 Pa. 675), said police.
The deceased has been identified as Bir Man Shrestha of around 50 years of age. He died while undergoing treatment.
Likewise, injured Rabin Gurung, 21, is receiving treatment at the Bharatpur Medical College, Chitwan, said the District Police Office.
All four Nepal Army (NA) peacekeepers injured during their duty hours in the UN Peace Mission in the conflict-hit South Sudan last week have normal health condition now, NA Directorate of Public Relation said on Friday.
KATHMANDU, JAN 03 - All four Nepal Army (NA) peacekeepers injured during their duty hours in the UN Peace Mission in the conflict-hit South Sudan last week have normal health condition now, NA Directorate of Public Relation said on Friday.

Major Amrit Ghale, Warrant Officer Bishnu Bhandari, Lance Corporal duo Pandav Rai and Raju KC were injured in an explosion that took place at the barrack of the NA peacekeepers deployed in UN Peace Mission in South Sudan on December 24.
Critically injured Ale is undergoing treatment at UN Hospital based in Kampala, Uganda, while three others are undergoing treatment in Juwa, Sudan.
NA spokesperson Jagadish Chandra Pokhrel said, "The health condition of all the injured NA personnel has improved. They are expected to return to their duty soon."
Some vehicles, water refining machines, and some physical infrastructures were damaged in the explosion, said Pokhrel.
As many as 850 NA peacekeepers have been deployed in South Sudan for the last two years under the command of a Colonel.
KATHMANDU, JAN 03 - All four Nepal Army (NA) peacekeepers injured during their duty hours in the UN Peace Mission in the conflict-hit South Sudan last week have normal health condition now, NA Directorate of Public Relation said on Friday.

Major Amrit Ghale, Warrant Officer Bishnu Bhandari, Lance Corporal duo Pandav Rai and Raju KC were injured in an explosion that took place at the barrack of the NA peacekeepers deployed in UN Peace Mission in South Sudan on December 24.
Critically injured Ale is undergoing treatment at UN Hospital based in Kampala, Uganda, while three others are undergoing treatment in Juwa, Sudan.
NA spokesperson Jagadish Chandra Pokhrel said, "The health condition of all the injured NA personnel has improved. They are expected to return to their duty soon."
Some vehicles, water refining machines, and some physical infrastructures were damaged in the explosion, said Pokhrel.
As many as 850 NA peacekeepers have been deployed in South Sudan for the last two years under the command of a Colonel.
TANAHUN: At least six Indian tourists were killed and four others injured when a Pokhara-bound jeep (Ga 1 Yan 669) they were on board met with an accident on Prithivi Highway at Bandipur of the district on Tuesday night.
According to district police office, the deceased have been identified as Vinay Tiwari (58), Hemant Tripathi (13), Lawati Tripathi (56), Punam Tripathi (33), Neha Tripathi (20) and Neelam Tripathi (37).
While Neelam breathed her last on the way while being ferried to Kathmandu for treatment, five others died on the spot.
The remaining five Indian nationals and the driver are undergoing treatment at local health facilities. All 11 persons on board hail from Calcutta, India.
The jeep is said to have skidded off the track 100 meters downwards and plunged into Marsyangdi River.
TANAHUN: At least six Indian tourists were killed and four others injured when a Pokhara-bound jeep (Ga 1 Yan 669) they were on board met with an accident on Prithivi Highway at Bandipur of the district on Tuesday night.
According to district police office, the deceased have been identified as Vinay Tiwari (58), Hemant Tripathi (13), Lawati Tripathi (56), Punam Tripathi (33), Neha Tripathi (20) and Neelam Tripathi (37).
While Neelam breathed her last on the way while being ferried to Kathmandu for treatment, five others died on the spot.
The remaining five Indian nationals and the driver are undergoing treatment at local health facilities. All 11 persons on board hail from Calcutta, India.
The jeep is said to have skidded off the track 100 meters downwards and plunged into Marsyangdi River.

A bus carrying 50 college students to a picnic spot in Gaighat has met with an accident at Ratmate in Udayapur at around 11 Wednesday morning, leaving five seriously injured.
The accident took place when the bus (Ba 2 Kha 850) overturned in a turning due to over-speeding. It was carrying students from Janata Higher Secondary School, Kamalpur, Siraha.
The seriously injured students have been identified as Satya Narayan Chaudhary, Dipendra Das, Balram Yadav, Ram Charan Banar and Suntali Kumari. They have been ferried to Lahan Nursing Home for treatment.
According to police, the bus-driver is on the run.
Two people have been killed when a bus (Na 4 Kha 9569) collided head-on a motorcycle (Bhe 2 Pa 5945) at Baliya in Kailali district along the East-West Highway on Tuesday.
According to the Area Police Office, Baliya, the deceased have been identified as Janak Kunwar, 35, and Bishnu Saud, 40, of Tikapur Municipality. They died on the spot.
The bus belonging to Karnali Riverside Transport was bound towards Dhangadhi from Tikapur. The motorcycle was coming from the opposite direction when they collided with each other at 10:30 am today.
Two people have been killed when a bus (Na 4 Kha 9569) collided head-on a motorcycle (Bhe 2 Pa 5945) at Baliya in Kailali district along the East-West Highway on Tuesday.
According to the Area Police Office, Baliya, the deceased have been identified as Janak Kunwar, 35, and Bishnu Saud, 40, of Tikapur Municipality. They died on the spot.
The bus belonging to Karnali Riverside Transport was bound towards Dhangadhi from Tikapur. The motorcycle was coming from the opposite direction when they collided with each other at 10:30 am today.