अजिङ्गरको पिज्जा खाने हो ? [with video] :: Now, enjoy world's first 'snake pizza', Florida restaurant serves up python pizza !!!

A pizza store in Fort Myers, Florida has developed a new pizza with snake meat on it.

The 'Everglades' pizza at Evan's Neighbourhood Pizza contains alligator, frog legs, swamp cabbage, hog and python as toppings, the Daily Star reported.

The 14-inch pie, which costs a whopping 28 pounds, was thought of after a sudden invasion of pythons in the area.

Restaurant owner Evan Daniell said that he is very adventurous when it comes to food and his pizza offers different flavors in each bite, and that the recipe came to them by accident.

तपाई हामीले पिज्जा त खाएकै छौ । तपाई हामीले खाने पिज्जा भेज तथा नन-भेज दुवै हुन्छ । तपाई आफूले चाहेअनुसारको स्वादमा पिज्जा खान मन पराउनुहुन्छ र सोही अनुसार पिज्जा मगाउनुपनि हुन्छ ।

तर, के तपाईलाई नयाँ स्वादको पिज्जा खाने मन छैन् । नयाँ स्वाद नयाँ चीजको पिज्जा खाने रहर छैन् ? तपाईले फेर्न चाहेको स्वाद दी अजिङ्करको पिज्जा भए के होला ? के तपाईलाई अजिङ्गरको पिज्जा खान मन लाग्ला ?

पक्कै पनि धेरैलाई अचम्म लाग्न सक्छ, अजिङ्गरको पिज्जा भन्दा । हो फ्लोरिडाको इवान डेनियल रेष्टुरेन्टमा अजिङ्गरको पिज्जा पाइन्छ । उक्त पिज्जा फ्लोरिडाभरी नै चर्चित छ । उक्त रेष्टुरेन्टमा पिज्जा बनाउने कुकलाई एक दिन अनौठो खाले पिज्जा बनाउने रहर जाग्यो र अजिङ्गरको स्वादमा पिज्जा बनाए । उनले यसका लागि अजिङ्गरको मासूको समेत प्रयोग गरे ।

ती कुकले अजिङ्गरको मासु निकै महंगो हुने भन्दै पिज्जाको मूल्य पनि महंगो नै हुने बताएका छन् । पहिले उनले रकुन नामक जीवको पिज्जा बनाउने सोचेका थिए तर रकुनको मासु पाउन निकै मुस्किल देखिएपछि उनले अजिङ्गरको मासुबाट पिज्जा बनाउने सोच बनाएका थिए ।
A pizza store in Fort Myers, Florida has developed a new pizza with snake meat on it.

The 'Everglades' pizza at Evan's Neighbourhood Pizza contains alligator, frog legs, swamp cabbage, hog and python as toppings, the Daily Star reported.

The 14-inch pie, which costs a whopping 28 pounds, was thought of after a sudden invasion of pythons in the area.

Restaurant owner Evan Daniell said that he is very adventurous when it comes to food and his pizza offers different flavors in each bite, and that the recipe came to them by accident.

Here's a pizza topping we never expected to see offered.

We understand that smoked reindeer is a favourite topping in Finland but python?

Evan's Neighborhood Pizza in southwest Florida is offering customers a pie that includes a topping of fresh python.
According to WPXI, The restaurant's "Everglades" pizza contains just about every living creature you'd find in the Sunshine State's swamps: frog, alligator and swamp cabbage.

Owner Evan Daniell told the New York Daily News the unusual topping has been surprisingly popular.

“We're selling them left and right. It's a happy accident; it's about being creative.”

A medium 14-inch Everglades pie goes for $45, and that's because python meat can cost about $66 per pound.

The station says Daniell has considered creating a "roadkill" pizza, which would include raccoon, armadillo and possum but has had trouble finding a supplier for the specialty meats.

Or customers, perhaps?