कामुकता प्रदर्शन गर्दै प्रशारण शोमा आफ्नो गोप्य अंग देखाइन यिनले :: [With Photos] Watch Celebrity Big Brother's Jasmine Waltz flash her boobs in drunken play fight with Sam Faier

American actress has let her hair down and her top up on the Channel 5 reality show as housemates were left shocked.

भारतीय चर्चित टेलिभिजन कर्लसबाट प्रशारण भएको ‘बीग बोस’को चर्चा अझै पनि सेलाएको छैन । १०५ दिनसम्म प्रशारण भएको यो रियालिटी शोले विभिन्न खालका चर्चा, आलोचना भोग्यो ।
‘बीग बोस’को चर्चा सेलाउन नपाउँदै सुरु भएको ‘सेलिब्रेटी बीग ब्रदर’ नामक रियालिटी शोले धुम मच्चाउन थालेको छ । जश्मिन वाल्टजले शुक्रबार प्रशारण शोमा आफ्नो बक्षस्थल देखाएकी छन् । उनी केटाकेटीको जस्तो व्यवाहार गर्ने कलाकारको रुपमा परिचित छिन् ।
‘सेलिब्रेटी बीग ब्रदर’को घरमा पहिलो दिनमै जश्मिनको यस्तो व्यवहार देखिएको हो । जसको कारण यतिबेला उनको चर्चा र आलोचना दुबै सुरु भएको छ । ३१ बर्षकी यि कलाकारले विभिन्न अश्लिल शब्द बोल्दै, कामुकता प्रदर्शन गर्दै आफ्नो गोप्य अंग देखाएकी हुन् ।
WARNING: The below Photos are NSFW and contains some nudity....

Poor Sam Faiers got more than she bargained for in tonight's Celebrity Big Brother when Jasmine Waltz flashed her boobs.

As the contestants wound down their first night celebrations, the American actress was still in party mode and far from ready for bed.

The TOWIE star then tried to wrestle her handcuffed housemate into submission, at which point the busty brunette let her microphone get tangled.

This left her entire right breast free for all to see, leaving Sam to try and sort her out.

"Let's get them covered up. You're chicken oriental you are!" joked Lee Ryan as he dashed over to lend assistance.

Later in the episode, Lionel Blair slammed Jasmine's behaviour, calling her drunken antics "awful".

"I can't cope with that," he said to Made in Chelsea's Ollie Locke as they left Sam with her shackled companion in the garden.

Back in the bedroom, Lionel added: "I've got a daughter and she would never behave like that.

"I'm so happy to be in here with people like you, him, Sam... it's wonderful. But that is upsetting me."

What do you think of Jasmine Waltz? Let us know by leaving a comment below.
