महिलाले एकै पटकमा ६ बच्चा जन्माइन :: Six of the best! Pakistani mother gives birth to sextuplet siblings of four girls and two boys !!

However, the family, from the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan were later moved to the Combined Military Hospital in Bannu for further observation. 
The woman had gone to the clinic for a routine appointment to see how her pregnancy was progressing, although she later gave birth to her six children.
'The mother and her children are in stable and healthy condition,' a gynaecologist at the hospital told Dawn.com.

माघ १३ – एक जना मान्छेले कति जनासम्म बच्चा जन्माएको थाहा पाउनुभएको छ ? गाउँघरतिर जुम्ल्याहा र कहिलेकाँही तिम्ल्याहा बच्चा जन्माएको त हामीले थाहा पाइआएकै कुरा हो । तर गएको शुक्रबार पाकिस्तानमा एक महिलाले एकै पटकमा ६ जना बच्चा जन्माएकी छन् । यति धेरै स्वस्थ बच्चा जन्मिएको यो पहिलो घटना पनि हो । ती महिलाले पाकिस्तानको खैबर पख्तूनख्वाको एक निजी अस्पतालमा ४ छोरी र २ छोरा जन्माएकी हुन् ।
आमा र ६ जना नै बच्चाको अवस्था सामान्य रहेको अस्पतालले बताएको छ । तर दत्ता खेल क्षेत्रका ती महिला र बच्चालाई थप जटिलता नहोस् भनेर बन्नुको संयुक्त सैन्य अस्पतालमा पठाइएको छ ।
गएको महिनाको सुरुवातमा पनि पञ्जाब, भारतमा एक महिलाले ४ जना बच्चालाई जन्म दिएकी थिइन् । यस्तै अक्टुवरमा पनि पेशावरकी ३५ वर्षकी सबिराले ३ छोरी र २ छोरा सहित ५ जना बच्चा जन्माएकी थिइन् ।
८ र ४ वर्षका दुई बच्चाकी आम सबिराले अन्तिम अवस्थामा अस्पताल भर्ना भएर बच्चा जन्माएकी थिइन् । पछि स्वास्थ्य अवस्था सामान्य भएकाले आमा र बच्चाहरुलाई अस्पतालले छिट्टै नै डिस्चार्ज गरेको थियो ।
त्यही महिना पञ्जाबकी अर्की महिलाले ३ छोरा र १ छोरीलाई जन्म दिएकी थिइन् भने जुनमा पञ्जाब मै अर्की महिलाले ५ बच्चालाई जन्म दिएकी थिइन् । उनले ४ छोरा र १ छोरीलाई जन्म दिएकी थिइन् । तर जन्मेको केही समय पछि १ छोरा र १ छोरीको मृत्यु भएको थियो ।

A woman in Pakistan has given birth to six healthy babies after attending a private medical clinic for a routine check-up.
The woman gave birth to four girls and two boys at the hospital in the Bannu district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Doctors said the sextuplets and their mother, who has not been named, were healthy and in a stable condition after their birth on Friday.

However, the family, from the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan were later moved to the Combined Military Hospital in Bannu for further observation.
The woman had gone to the clinic for a routine appointment to see how her pregnancy was progressing, although she later gave birth to her six children.
'The mother and her children are in stable and healthy condition,' a gynaecologist at the hospital told Dawn.com.

Earlier this month, another mother gave birth to quadruplets in the Bhakkar district of Punjab, India.
In October a 35-year-old housewife, named Sabira, gave birth to quintuplets - three girls and two boys -  at the Khyber Teaching Hospital in Peshawar.
Sabira, who already had two older children aged eight and four with her husband Ibrahim, 40, had been rushed to hospital for emergency treatment, although she and the newborns were allowed to leave for home soon afterwards.
That same month another woman had three boys and a girl in the Mianwalki district of Punjab, while in June a woman had five babies at the Government Allama Iqbal Memorial DHQ Hospital, also in Punjab.
She gave birth to four sons and a daughter, although one boy and the girl died just a few hours after their birth.

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