अब पुरूषले पनि ब्रा लगाउने...(फोटोसहित) :: Men, Would You Wear this Bra? Women, Would You Let Your Man Wear This Bra?

The producers have taken care to mention that the clothes are not just women’s briefs sold for men, but lingerie designed for the male build. It might be interesting to note that although the bras have all the frills and flowers of typical bras, Wish Room Men’s have had the presence of mind to exclude the padding for the bra cups so they sit more ‘naturally’ with the average man’s breasts.

In their own words, Wish Room Men’s wants to give men the chance to “enjoy the same kind of soft, luxurious undergarments that women are used to.”

तपाईलाई सुन्दा नै अचम्म लाग्न सक्छ, पुरूषले पनि ब्रा लगाउँछन् भन्दा । हो जापानमा एक लन्जरी स्टोरले पुरूषका लागि पनि ब्रा तथा पेन्टीका नयाँ डिजाइनहरू तयार पारेको छ ।
भित्री वस्त्र बनाउनका लागि नाम कमाएको जापानको एक अनलाईन रिटेलर पसलले पुरूषहरूको लागि ब्रा, निक्कर, सिल्की नाइटी र यस्तै अन्य लुगाहरू बनाएको छ ।
कम्पनीले फरवरीमा ती वस्त्रहरू सार्वजनिक गर्ने भएको छ । यी कपडाहरूमा फेशनेबल निक्करदेखि ब्रासम्म उपलब्ध छन् । पुरूषहरूका लागि बनाइएका ती लुगाहरू उनीहरूको शरिरलाई ध्यानमा राखेर बनाइएको कम्पनीले बताएको छ ।
पुरूषका लुगाहरूको निर्माण गर्ने कम्पनीका प्रवक्ता मायासुकीका अनुसार उनलाई टाइट लुगाहरू मन पर्छ । यसले उनलाई निकै मजा आउँछ लुगा लगाउँदा । उनले आफूले समेत ब्रा र पेन्टी लगाउने बताएका छन् ।
यता विशरूमका कार्यकारी निर्देशक अकीको ओकुनोमियाले आफूले पुरूषहरूले पेन्टी भन्दा पनि ब्रा किन्न बढी उत्सुक हुने गरेको बताएकी छिन् । उनले आफ्नो कम्पनीले पुरूषहरूका लागि ब्रा सार्वजनिक गरेपछि निकै राम्रो प्रतिक्रिया पाएको बताएका छन् ।

A Japanese online retail store has branched into new merchandise: the production of brassieres, knickers and silky nighties for MEN. And they look exactly like clothing items that would be more at home in a woman’s wardrobe.

These brand new clothes from the clothing company called Wish Room Men’s, sold on one of Japan’s largest shopping malls, Rakuten, should hit the stores by the middle of February.

The producers have taken care to mention that the clothes are not just women’s briefs sold for men, but lingerie designed for the male build. It might be interesting to note that although the bras have all the frills and flowers of typical bras, Wish Room Men’s have had the presence of mind to exclude the padding for the bra cups so they sit more ‘naturally’ with the average man’s breasts.

In their own words, Wish Room Men’s wants to give men the chance to “enjoy the same kind of soft, luxurious undergarments that women are used to.”

The spokesman for the company himself already wears the bra underneath his clothing. Executive Director for the company, Akiko Okunomiya expressed her pleasant surprise at the number of men who have come around to embrace their inner woman.

She says, “I think more and more men are becoming interested in bras. Since we launched the men’s bra, we’ve been getting feedback from customers saying “Wow, we’d been waiting for this for such a long time.”
