Video :: स्मार्ट ब्रा, जुन धड्कन् बढाउन सक्नेकालागी मात्र खुल्छ :: The 'smart bra' that tells if you're in LOVE: Underwear only undoes for partners that raise your heart rate

The firm said the device is ‘a revolutionary bra that knows how women feel’.The bra is not currently on sale and there is no indication as to whether it will be made, but the prototype has a front clasp with a sensor and a light that glows pink if the wearer is in love with a person nearby.
In a promotional video, the sensor monitors the smart bra wearer’s heart rate and transmits the data in realtime to an iPhone app using a Bluetooth connection.

जापानको एक कम्पनीले हाईटेक ब्रा बनाएको छ, जुन सच्चा प्रेम गर्ने पुरुषको अगाडि मात्र खुल्छ ।
झट्ट हेर्दा सामान्य जस्तै देखिने यो ब्राले पुरुषको भ्रम तोड्दै उक्त ब्रा लगाउने महिलाले प्रेम गर्छिन कि गर्दिनन् भन्ने जानकारी दिनेछ । यो ब्रा बुद्धिमान र चलाख छ कि, महिलाको अगाडि रहेको पुरुषले बास्तवमै प्रेम गर्छ भने मात्र खुल्छ ।
ब्रा उत्पादन गर्ने कम्पनी ‘रभिजोर’ले बनाएको यो ब्राले मदिरा पिएर मात्तिनेहरुलाई झन अप्ठ्यारोमा पार्छ । साथै नाइटक्लबमा मात्तिएका केटाहरुको समूहबाट हुने आक्रमणबाट समेत सुरक्षा दिन्छ ।
डमीका रुपमा तयार पारिएको यो ब्रा अहिले नै बजारमा किन्न भने पाइँदैन । बजारमा ल्याउने बेला यसको मूल्य करिव ५ हजार येनसम्म पर्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ ।
कसरी गर्छ काम ?
यो चमत्कारिक ब्राले महिलाको मुटको धड्कनअनुसार निर्णय लिन्छ । यदि महिलाको मुटुको धड्कन बढ्दै गयो भने यसमा राखिएको सेन्सरको बत्ति बल्छ ।
यसले स्मार्टफोन एपसम्म सन्देश पुर्‍याउँछ र ब्रा खुल्छ । यदि महिलाले पुरुषलाई प्रेम गर्दिनन् भने ब्रा खुल्दैन, जसले गलत नियत भएका पुरुषबाट महिलालाई बचाउने उत्पादक कम्पनीले बिश्वास लिएको छ ।
कम्पनीले सार्वजनिक गरेको प्रोमोसनल भिडियोमा त्यहाँ कार्यरत यौन बिज्ञले भनेका छन-’अहिलेसम्म फगत लगाउने अन्तरबश्त्र मात्र थियो, अब यो महिलाको रक्षक पनि बन्ने छ ।’
‘मलाई बिश्वास छ, यो ब्रा बिश्वभरका महिलाका लागि बिश्वासिलो साथी बन्ने छ ।’ उनले भने । यो प्रोमोसनल भिडियोपछि मानिसहरुले यसबारे प्रश्न उठाउन थालेका छन् । आजकलको भौतिक दुनियाँमा प्रेममा परेपछि मात्र ब्रा खोलिन्छ भन्ने छैन् ।
यदि कुनै महिलाले कुनै पुरुषसँग प्रेम गर्न आबश्यक ठानिनन् तर, सम्बन्ध राख्न चाहिन भने कसरी ब्रा खुल्छ भन्ने प्रश्न पनि उठाउन थालिएको छ ।

Trying to work out your true feelings can sometimes be tricky business.
But now a Japanese lingerie company has created a concept bra, which it claims is be able to sense when a woman is in love.
Ravijour has engineered a concept bra that only undoes when ‘true love’ is detected using a built-in heart monitor and works with a smartphone app.
यसले कसरी काम गर्छ ? हेर्नुहोस् भिडियोमा .........
The firm said the device is ‘a revolutionary bra that knows how women feel’.The bra is not currently on sale and there is no indication as to whether it will be made, but the prototype has a front clasp with a sensor and a light that glows pink if the wearer is in love with a person nearby.
In a promotional video, the sensor monitors the smart bra wearer’s heart rate and transmits the data in realtime to an iPhone app using a Bluetooth connection.

An app seemingly processes the data – measuring heart rate elevation using a specially built algorithm as well as pre-set data - and only when a woman’s heart rate is suitably elevated and she is in love does the bra catch open, Geekologie reported.
While some would-be wearers might worry that any excitement might cause their underwear to ping off, the creators of the bra say that the catch will only be released when a woman is in love so that her Adrenal Medulla (part of the adrenal gland) secretes the hormone Catecholamine, which increases her heart rate.

The change is detected by the sensor, transmitted to the iPhone app and the bra unhooks, according to the company.
The sex expert in Ravijour’s video said: ‘Until now the bra was a piece of clothing to remove, but now it is an instrument to test true love.
‘I believe this bra will become a friend of women around the world.'
While the bra is designed to ward off creeps that try and unhook women’s underwear, according to the video, some people have questioned how the wearer might be released from the smart bra is she is not in love, or indeed if she does not feel she needs to be in love to get close to a man.
