पौडेलले झापड हानेपछि सुशिल स्तब्ध :: Deuba's fresh card, Sushil and Poudel may land in trouble

Senior Leader Sher Bahadur Deuba of Nepali Congress summoned a meeting of his coterie at his luxurious private residence in Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu, January 17, 2014.
The meeting outcome, expectedly, were not in favor of supporting party chairman Sushil Koirala’s elevation as the country’s next prime minister, reports have it.
Poor Sushil!
Present at the meeting were freshly elected CA members and party central committee members who belong to the Deuba camp.
Deuba asked the coterie participants to provide him wise counsel on his future steps.
The response was neither providing support to Koirala nor to the party vice chairman Ram Chandra Poudel. Majority of them urged Deuba to take steps towards grabbing the prime ministerial position for him, reports confirm.
The real NC fun begins. Thanks for entertaining the population.
Reports quoted an unnamed party CC member as saying, “We advised him to resort to consensus to choose the leader of the parliamentary delegation. However if election is to be held then we are confident of victory because we have more than 52% - 53% Central Committee members in our favor. ”

देउवालाई अनौपचारिक रुपमा भविष्यमा पार्टी सभापतिमा सहयोग गर्ने आश्वासन दिइसकेका कांग्रेस सभापति कोइरालाले रामचन्द्र पौडेलबाट भने दह्रो झापड भेटेका छन्।
नेता पौडेल शेरबहादुर देउवासंग मिल्ने खोजेपछि आत्तिएका कोइरालाले पौडेलेलाइ कार्यवाहक सभापति दिने खोजेका थिए । उनले लेखेरै पौडेललाई कार्यवहाक सभापति दिने प्रस्ताव गरे तर पौडेलले ठाडै इन्कार मात्रै गरेन् असक्षम भएको र असफल पार्ने समेत चेतावनी दिए।

पौडेलको बोली सुनेर खङरङग भएका थिए कोइराला, स्रोत बताउँछ ।
बिहिबार दुइ नेता शेरबहादुर देउवा र रामचन्द्र पौडेललाइ डाकेर कोइरालाले प्रधानमन्त्रीमा सहयोग गर्न आग्रह गरेका थिए।
तर त्यसअघी नै कोइरालाले पौडेललाई कार्यवहाक सभापतिको प्रस्ताव राखेको बताइन्छ।

यस्तो प्रस्तावमा पौडेलले आफूलाई १७ पटकसम्म प्रधानमन्त्री चुनावमा लडाएको प्रति पार्टीले न्याय गर्नु पर्ने बताउँदै कोइरालासंग कडा रुपमा प्रस्तुत भए। पौडेलले पटक पटक मन्त्रि भएर सरकार चलाएको र प्रधानमन्त्रीका लागि सक्षम रहेको भन्दै घुमाउरो पारामा कोइरालालाई अनुभव नभएको र चलाउने नसक्ने हिसावले कुरा गरिदिएको स्रोत बताउँछ।

यसरी कोइरालको हुर्मत लिइदिएपछी पनि पौडेल रोकिएन् उनले आफूले कार्यवहाक सभापति लिँदा देउवाले झनै समस्या दिने बताएका थिए।
पौडेलले आफ्नो सहमति बिना जबरजस्ती गरेर प्रधानमन्त्री बने पार्टीबाट सहयोग नहुने चेतावनी समेत दिएपछि कोइरलाको बोली फुटेन्।

उता देउवाले चपाएर कुरा गरिदिएपछि कोइरालाके सोच्न नसकेको बताइन्छ। बिहिबार भएको वार्तामा देउवा आफ्ना साथीहरुसंग कुरा गर्नु पर्ने भन्दै उम्किएका थिए ।
कोइरालाले पौडेल र देउवा पहिल्यै मिलिसकेको आशंका समेत गरेका छन्। निर्वाचननै भएको खण्डमा पनि संसदिय दलमा कोइरालाले नै बाजी मार्ने पक्कापक्की छ तर पार्टीबाट भने पौडेल र देउवाले असहयोग गर्दा असफल होइने डरले पनि कोइरालालाइ उत्तिकै सताएको छ।

हाल कोइरालाले पौडेल र देउवा दुबैतिर सभापति पदको कार्ड फ्याँकेका छन् तर जालमा भने कोही परेको छैन् ।

Senior Leader Sher Bahadur Deuba of Nepali Congress summoned a meeting of his coterie at his luxurious private residence in Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu, January 17, 2014.
The meeting outcome, expectedly, were not in favor of supporting party chairman Sushil Koirala’s elevation as the country’s next prime minister, reports have it.
Poor Sushil!
Present at the meeting were freshly elected CA members and party central committee members who belong to the Deuba camp.
Deuba asked the coterie participants to provide him wise counsel on his future steps.
The response was neither providing support to Koirala nor to the party vice chairman Ram Chandra Poudel. Majority of them urged Deuba to take steps towards grabbing the prime ministerial position for him, reports confirm.
The real NC fun begins. Thanks for entertaining the population.
Reports quoted an unnamed party CC member as saying, “We advised him to resort to consensus to choose the leader of the parliamentary delegation. However if election is to be held then we are confident of victory because we have more than 52% - 53% Central Committee members in our favor. ”
