महिलाले बनाए आफ्नै दूधबाट साबुन :: Women sell soap made from their own breast milk, becomes popular item for healthy skin

“I sold over 300 bars of my breast milk soap,” the woman said.
Doctors have explained that soaps are not likely to contain any beautification properties.
"The active ingredient contained in the milk is destroyed when making the soap, so there are few nutrients left," doctor Wen Wei Po of Hong Kong said.
“Furthermore, if the woman is not in good health, it is possible that diseases can be transmitted,” he added.

चीनमा केही महिलाहरुलेआफ्नो दूधबाट साबुन बनाउन थालेका छन् । शिशुलाई चुसाएपछि बाँकी रहेको दूधबाट उनीहरुले साबुन बनाउन थालेको ताइवानी समाचार संस्था वान्ट चाइना टाइम्सले जनाएको छ ।चिनियाँ अनलाइन मिडियामा महिलाको दूधबाट निर्मित साबुनको बिक्री प्रवर्द्धनको बारेमा विज्ञापनसमेत आइरहेको छ । साबुन निर्माताहरुले गरेको दावीअनुसार यस्ता साबुनबाट छाला गोरोपन तथालामो समय सुरक्षित राख्न सकिने हुन्छ ।महिलाको दूधमा प्रचूर मात्रामा पोषकतत्व रहेको हुन्छ । तर साबुन निर्माण गर्दा रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाभई यसको गुण नष्ट हुने चिकित्सकहरु बताउँछन् । त्यहीभएर चिकित्सकहरुले महिला दूधबाट निर्मित साबुनको बारेमाखासै उत्साह देखाएका छैनन् । केही चिकित्सकहरु भने रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाको क्रममा पोषण गुणका केही अंश कायम रहन सक्ने दावी गर्छन् ।महिलाले आफ्नो दूधको व्यापारीकरण गरेकोमा स्थानीय प्रशासनले भने आपत्तिजनाएको छ । “साबुनबनाउने वादूधको व्यापारीकरण गर्नु किमार्थ राम्रो मान्न सकिँदैन”चिनियाँ प्रशासनले भनेको छ “आइन्दा यस्तो घटना देख्न र सुन्ननपरोस् ।”
Women are now producing and selling soap made from their own breast milk.
However, doctors are discouraging people from buying these homemade breast milk soaps.
Beauty products of breast milk are becoming increasingly popular items.
These soaps are made by women in China, and are being sold online through retailers such as Taobao.
One woman said that she had learned to make breast milk soap through online tutorials.
She then began making her own breast milk soap, and she is selling it.
“I sold over 300 bars of my breast milk soap,” the woman said.
Doctors have explained that soaps are not likely to contain any beautification properties.
"The active ingredient contained in the milk is destroyed when making the soap, so there are few nutrients left," doctor Wen Wei Po of Hong Kong said.
“Furthermore, if the woman is not in good health, it is possible that diseases can be transmitted,” he added.
A woman in Chongqing reported using her breast milk to bathe her baby, claiming that the breast milk made ​​the baby’s skin very soft and white.