Anju Panta New Song [पोखरी बन्यो हेर, आसुँ बगेर मेरो] Pokhari Banyo Hera Ft. Sushma

Pokhari Banyo Hera Aanshu Bagera Mero.. By Anju Panta [HD] OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
Anju Panta New Song 2013, Modern Song
Uploader of this song says: This is my Gazal presented by Anju Pant and composed by Gaire Suresh.extracted from the album"Aanshu gazalko" We have tried to make it more viable.Your suggestions will be the most important guideline for us. CRBT-0160011399/400/401 PRBT-60510953/961/962 and RBT-7735861/862/863-----CP

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